
fainted by her daughter's "naked strangle", so that it can kill someone!

author:Xiaolan's growth tips house

On June 30, the man was strangled by his daughter's "naked strangle" and fainted to the ground, and the back of the father and daughter's heads fell heavily to the ground!

The little girl was stunned, and after a while she cried!

Judging from the footage of the video, the little girl stretched out her little hand from her father's back, gently wrapped around his neck, and her feet naturally hung in the air, as if she was coquettish, wanting to lie on her father's broad back.

However, no one expected that this seemingly innocent action would turn out to be a sudden disaster.


The little girl may inadvertently exert too much force, and her small body has become a burden on her father's shoulders. She inadvertently tightened, making the seemingly strong father feel dizzy, and finally couldn't support it anymore and fainted on the ground!

The bodies of the father and daughter fell heavily backwards together, and the sound of the back of their heads hitting the ground made people feel so distressed that they couldn't breathe.

fainted by her daughter's "naked strangle", so that it can kill someone!

Fortunately, the father woke up after a while and hurriedly helped the daughter next to him, and the daughter only relieved herself at this time, crying loudly!

The "naked strand" mentioned on the Internet is to apply pressure through the carotid artery of the human body to restrict blood flow to the brain, and when used to control the enemy, if the standard is used, it can cause the opponent to suffocate and lose consciousness!

fainted by her daughter's "naked strangle", so that it can kill someone!

But in my opinion, most people have played such games when they are young! Jumping on the adult's back, wrapping his hands around the adult's neck, making noise about the adult's back, and now the new term "naked stranding" has come out.

Adults occasionally really can't breathe, usually squatting down, putting the child down, how can they suddenly faint?

fainted by her daughter's "naked strangle", so that it can kill someone!

Some netizens also said: "Carotid sinus, blood pressure disorder immediately after the pressure is accurate, it is impossible to save yourself by hanging, it is compressed to this place"

In any case, such a deadly and dangerous action must really be avoided! Don't lose your life because of a moment of negligence! #头条创作挑战赛#