
An ill-fated life: Zhang Shunxing's choice and rebirth

author:Red evergreen

Ordinary him, extraordinary story

In the distant countryside, there is a man named Zhang Shunxing, whose life is like a drama of ups and downs, full of endless bitterness and tribulation.

Today, Sister Hong will talk about the extraordinary story behind this ordinary man with everyone.

lost his father at a young age, and shouldered a heavy responsibility

Zhang Shunxing, who lost his father when he was young, lived with his mother and sister. The mother worked hard and carried the burden of the family with her thin shoulders.

An ill-fated life: Zhang Shunxing's choice and rebirth

And Zhang Shunxing, who has known filial piety and responsibility since he was a child, is full of gratitude and respect for his mother.

When he became an adult, he resolutely decided to go out to work and support his family with his hard-working hands.

The hard work and grievances on the construction site

On the construction site, Zhang Shunxing is like a tireless old scalper, working hard during the day and doing odd jobs at night to earn extra income. Despite the hardships of life, he never complains and always maintains a positive and optimistic attitude.

An ill-fated life: Zhang Shunxing's choice and rebirth

However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on him. Because he is introverted by nature and is not good at arguing with others, he will inevitably encounter some unfair treatment on the construction site.

Once, he was even impulsive, and clashed with the small leader of the construction site, resulting in serious injuries to the other party, and finally paid a heavy price - was sentenced to eight years in prison.

Reflect on prison and rebuild your life

During his imprisonment, Zhang Shunxing learned from the pain and deeply reflected on his mistakes.

In prison, he conscientiously participated in labor and study, and worked hard to reform himself.

He firmly believes that as long as he works hard, he will one day be able to be a new person and make up for his past mistakes.

Eight years later, he finally ushered in the day when he was released from prison.

Returning to his long-lost home, he is determined to start anew and regain the confidence and courage to live life.


After some hard work, Zhang Shunxing found a job as a coal miner. However, fate does not seem to intend to spare him.

An ill-fated life: Zhang Shunxing's choice and rebirth

A co-worker who usually has a good relationship lied that his father was seriously ill and borrowed money from him. The kind-hearted Zhang Shunxing did not hesitate to lend him all his savings. Unexpectedly, this worker used the money for DU Bo and lost everything. When Zhang Shunxing went to collect debts, he was ridiculed and insulted by him. The betrayal and humiliation of the workers made Zhang Shunxing feel deep pain and helplessness.

I couldn't bear it anymore and exploded into anger

At the same time, Zhang Shunxing accidentally discovered that his sister had been subjected to domestic violence by her brother-in-law for a long time, and even her mother was beaten for no reason in order to protect her daughter.

This series of misfortunes ignited his anger completely. Overnight, he killed co-workers who cheated on him, his brother-in-law who abused his sister, and a neighbor who had abused his mother.

Afterwards, he did not choose to flee, but quietly waited for the arrival of the police.

Shocking wishes before execution

After a court trial, Zhang Shunxing was sentenced to execution.

However, before his execution, he left behind a shocking wish - to donate his organs.

An ill-fated life: Zhang Shunxing's choice and rebirth

This decision came as a surprise to everyone, and people were full of sympathy and emotion for him.

What kind of kindness and selflessness is a person who has been mired in the quagmire, at the last moment of his life, who chose to use his body to warm the world!

Hot comments from netizens:

  • @人生百态: Zhang Shunxing's life is full of hardships and ups and downs, but he has always maintained kindness and optimism. The decision to donate organs before his execution showed his spirit of great love. May he rest in another world.
  • @岁月如歌: Zhang Shunxing's story is deeply regrettable, but his final use of his body to warm the world is very moving. Hopefully, his family will be able to come out of the shadows and start life again as soon as possible.
  • @平凡中的不平凡: Everyone has the right to choose their own life path, although Zhang Shunxing took a detour, his final choice showed the kindness and greatness of his heart. May we all cherish life and warm the world with kindness and love.

Sister Hong thinks that this story tells us that Zhang Shunxing is indeed a good person, and if she can understand a little bit of legal awareness, I believe that Zhang Shunxing's ending will definitely be much better. In any case, Zhang also brought us many touching moments of warmth in society.

That's all for today's story, thank you for listening.

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