
The status quo of the "Big Four": There have been two of them for 2 years, and Enke live broadcast vomits blood and fat monkey boy to lose weight to save his life.

author:Lao Tian speaks of literature

In this era of information explosion, short video platforms have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and the special content form of "eating and broadcasting" has quickly become the new darling that attracts attention.

The so-called "mukbang" is that self-media bloggers shoot videos with the theme of eating various foods. In this field, large volumes and strange often mean more attention. The larger the amount you eat, the more bizarre the food, and the more likely you are to get more attention.

With the rise of the food and broadcasting industry, a group of "Internet celebrities" came into being. Some of them became popular with their amazing appetite, while others attracted a large number of fans with their unique eating appearance.

However, behind this seemingly glamorous appearance, there are huge health risks. When money and traffic come in waves, they can not only make a person, but they can also ruin a person.

The status quo of the "Big Four": There have been two of them for 2 years, and Enke live broadcast vomits blood and fat monkey boy to lose weight to save his life.

In this emerging "mukbang" industry, this sentence has become an indisputable fact. In order to make money, many people rush to this track, not realizing that when the desire to make money is too strong, they can pay with their lives.

As the original text says: "What can you all give in order to make money?" Some people have given their time, some people have put in their efforts, but there are also people who have paid with their lives for it.

This sentence expresses the cruel reality of the mukbang industry. In the pursuit of traffic and money, some bloggers neglect their most precious health and end up paying a terrible price.

In this environment, the story of the "Big Four" began to be staged. Their experience is not only a personal history of struggle, but also a microcosm of the development of the entire food and broadcast industry. Through their stories, we will see the rise of this industry, its prosperity, and the crisis that lies behind it.

The status quo of the "Big Four": There have been two of them for 2 years, and Enke live broadcast vomits blood and fat monkey boy to lose weight to save his life.

Among the many mukbang influencers, four stand out because of their unique style and amazing "achievements", and are affectionately known as the "mukbang four" by fans. They are Enke from Inner Mongolia, the amazing fat monkey boy, the former takeaway brother Bubble Dragon, and Wenwei, who has loved food since childhood.

Enke, a man from the prairie, used to be an athlete. As a native of Inner Mongolia, all kinds of beef and mutton have been indispensable on his table since he was a child. As an athlete, Enke needed to control his diet, but he ate surprisingly large amounts.

After changing jobs, he can finally let go of his belly and feast. With his love for Inner Mongolian cuisine, Enke began to share videos of himself enjoying various grassland foods online.

Belly meat, roasted whole lamb, mutton skewers, and boiled lamb, these "luxuries" in the eyes of ordinary people are commonplace in Enke's videos. He boasted that he could eat 100 sheep a year, a "feat" that allowed him to quickly accumulate a large number of fans.

The status quo of the "Big Four": There have been two of them for 2 years, and Enke live broadcast vomits blood and fat monkey boy to lose weight to save his life.

Fat Monkey Boy is famous for its amazing size. In order to attract attention, he stuffed it into his mouth every time he ate, and the amount of one meal was equivalent to three meals for ordinary people.

In his video, it's not uncommon to eat a whole roasted lamb in one sitting. Because of work, the fat monkey boy eats either fatty meat or fried food every day.

In this way, the weight of the fat monkey boy soared all the way, and finally reached an astonishing 500 pounds. This figure is almost two to three times the normal male weight range (130 to 200 pounds).

The story of the Bubble Bobble is like an inspirational legend. He was originally just an ordinary delivery man, and the amount of food he ate was larger than that of ordinary people. After witnessing other Internet celebrities making money by eating, Bubble Bobble was also moved.

The status quo of the "Big Four": There have been two of them for 2 years, and Enke live broadcast vomits blood and fat monkey boy to lose weight to save his life.

He started posting videos of himself eating online. A video of eating dumplings unexpectedly became popular, and his heroic eating won the love of the audience. Since then, Bubble Bobble has started his "eating and broadcasting career", and his weight has soared from the original 160 pounds to 320 pounds.

He also began to "visit the store", because it can bring heat to the hotel, many restaurateurs welcome him, only the cafeteria avoids him. Wenwei'er has been spoiled by her family since she was a child, and she has developed the habit of eating high-oil and high-calorie foods.

In his world, as long as he wants to eat, no matter the time, no matter how healthy, he has to eat. Even though he has already had various physical problems, he still goes his own way and eats haese every day.

This unhealthy lifestyle eventually led to him suffering from severe uremia. The rise of these four "giants" reflects the madness of the eating and broadcasting industry. With their amazing appetite and unique style, they have amassed a large number of fans in a short period of time and earned a considerable income.

The status quo of the "Big Four": There have been two of them for 2 years, and Enke live broadcast vomits blood and fat monkey boy to lose weight to save his life.

However, their story also portends a brutal truth: health is often overlooked until it's too late, lured by traffic and money. Their experience is not only a history of personal struggle, but also a microcosm of the development of the entire food and broadcast industry, showing the rise and prosperity of this industry, as well as the crisis hidden behind the prosperity.

With the booming career of eating and broadcasting, the body of the "Big Four" is quietly sounding the alarm. They eat like crazy in pursuit of traffic and money, regardless of their health, and end up paying a heavy price.

The fat monkey boy is overly obese and has become extremely difficult to move. used to be a sunny boy, but now he is out of breath even when he walks, and his facial features are almost squeezed by the flesh on his face.

Even more worryingly, he even needs to have a ventilator on hand at all times. The fat monkey boy himself admitted that his weight has reached an astonishing 500 pounds. This number not only far exceeds the weight range of a normal man, but also brings great trouble to his daily life.

The status quo of the "Big Four": There have been two of them for 2 years, and Enke live broadcast vomits blood and fat monkey boy to lose weight to save his life.

Not only did he have difficulty moving, but he also had difficulty breathing under the influence of his body of fat. The situation with Bubble Bobble is also not optimistic. The originally ruddy face became pale and ugly, and even dark spots appeared.

is less than 30 years old, but he is already like an old man who has experienced vicissitudes. His weight skyrocketed from 160 pounds to 320 pounds, and such a drastic weight change undoubtedly brought a huge burden to his body.

His fans saw it in their eyes and were anxious in their hearts, and they persuaded him to pay attention to his body in the comment area. Wenwei'er's health is even worsening. Although doctors repeatedly told him to pay attention to his diet and stop eating junk food, he ignored these warnings.

In his last few videos, he was about to start panting when he said a few words, his face was dark, his skin was pitted, and it was terrifying to watch. To make matters worse, Wenwei'er was diagnosed with a very severe uremia.

The status quo of the "Big Four": There have been two of them for 2 years, and Enke live broadcast vomits blood and fat monkey boy to lose weight to save his life.

Despite this, he still ignored the doctor's instructions and continued to throw himself into the arms of all kinds of junk food. Even Enke, who seemed to be the strongest, was doomed. As a prairie man, Enke consumes a large amount of high-oil and high-fat beef and mutton every day.

He once boasted that he could eat 100 sheep a year, and this extreme diet undoubtedly put a huge burden on his body. During a live broadcast, he suddenly vomited blood, and the picture was shocking, leaving all fans watching the live broadcast stunned.

At that moment, Enke finally realized that his body was on the verge of collapse. The health status of these four "eating and broadcasting giants" all warns us: while chasing traffic and money, health is the most valuable wealth.

In order to gain attention, they did not hesitate to overdraft their health, but in the end, their health deteriorated. These shocking images and facts are not only a wake-up call for them personally, but also a hammer to the entire food-and-broadcast industry.

The status quo of the "Big Four": There have been two of them for 2 years, and Enke live broadcast vomits blood and fat monkey boy to lose weight to save his life.

However, by the time they realized it, it was too late. Health is like sand in an hourglass, once lost, it is difficult to fill it up. The experience of these "eating and broadcasting giants" has undoubtedly taught us a profound life lesson: no matter what you do, health should always come first.

Among the "Big Four", the story of Bubble Bobble and Wenweier is the most tragic. They used their lives to interpret the cruelty of the "eating and broadcasting" industry, and paid the heaviest price for chasing traffic and money.

In 2021, Bubble Blub, who was not yet 30 years old, passed away due to multiple complications. This once energetic young man fell on the road of chasing traffic.

From an ordinary delivery boy to an internet celebrity eating blogger, Bubble Dragon's experience could have been an inspirational story. However, excessive eating eventually destroyed his health.

The status quo of the "Big Four": There have been two of them for 2 years, and Enke live broadcast vomits blood and fat monkey boy to lose weight to save his life.

In just a few years, his weight soared from 160 pounds to 320 pounds, and this drastic change put an unbearable burden on his body. The departure of the bubble dragon made countless fans sigh.

His account was taken over by his sister, but it was no longer as lively as it used to be. This once vibrant account is now only left with the mourning and regret of fans. The story of the bubble dragon makes people start to reflect: Is a person's life really worth exchanging for a short-term network dividend? The ending of Wenweier is also embarrassing.

After being diagnosed with severe uremia, he continued to go his own way and did not change his lifestyle. Although doctors repeatedly told him to pay attention to his diet and stop eating junk food, he ignored these warnings.

In addition, as a food blogger, the reversal of day and night and high-intensity work have become the last straw that crushes Wenwei. In the last few videos of Wenwei'er, we can clearly see the sharp deterioration of his health.

The status quo of the "Big Four": There have been two of them for 2 years, and Enke live broadcast vomits blood and fat monkey boy to lose weight to save his life.

After saying a few words, he began to gasp profusely, his face turned dark, his skin was pitted, and he was shocked to see it. Eventually, less than two years after her diagnosis, Wenwei'er also left this world.

The death of these two "giants" is not only a personal tragedy, but also a tragedy for the entire food and broadcast industry. It is a warning to all those who want to step into the industry: on the road to success, never forget to take care of your body.

Their story once again sounded the alarm bell: health is always more important than traffic. Faced with the tragic experience of the "Big Four", the surviving Fat Monkey Boy and Enke began their own road of "self-rescue", and their transformation pointed out a healthier development direction for the entire mukbang industry.

Under the persuasion of fans, Fat Monkey finally made up his mind to start losing weight. His fans expressed their concern in the comment area, persuading him to pay attention to his body and not regret it when something really went wrong.

The status quo of the "Big Four": There have been two of them for 2 years, and Enke live broadcast vomits blood and fat monkey boy to lose weight to save his life.

These kind reminders finally touched the heart of the fat monkey boy. Under the guidance of a professional nutritionist, through a scientific diet and reasonable exercise, his weight dropped from an astonishing 500 pounds to 170 pounds, even thinner than before he did eating and broadcasting.

This astonishing transformation not only allowed Fat Monkey to regain his health, but also set an example for other food bloggers. Enke's transformation began after a near-fatal livestream.

During that live broadcast, Enke suddenly vomited blood, and the picture was shocking. This scene not only frightened the audience, but also made Enke's wife realize the seriousness of the situation. Since then, Enke's wife has been on strict control of his diet.

Although the process is difficult, for the sake of health and family, Enke is also trying to change his lifestyle. As the original article said: "I hope that future mukbang bloggers can abandon this type of video that hurts the body, give full play to their creativity, and adopt a healthier and more innovative way of eating and broadcasting."

The status quo of the "Big Four": There have been two of them for 2 years, and Enke live broadcast vomits blood and fat monkey boy to lose weight to save his life.

"This perspective represents reflection and progress across the industry. Through the story of Fat Monkey and Enke, we see the possibility of the mukbang industry to develop in a healthier and more sustainable direction.

The story of the "Big Four" has taught us a profound life lesson. In this increasingly stressful society, it is important to make money, but it is also important to know how to take care of your body.

Health should always come first. As the original text emphasized: "Today, when the pressure of life is increasing, it is important to make money, but it is more important to take care of your body, no matter when, health is the first."

This sentence expresses the true meaning of life. I hope that future food bloggers will abandon the practice of harming their bodies, be more creative, and adopt healthier and more innovative methods.

The status quo of the "Big Four": There have been two of them for 2 years, and Enke live broadcast vomits blood and fat monkey boy to lose weight to save his life.

At the same time, I also hope that everyone can pay more attention to their physical health while pursuing career success. After all, only a healthy body can support us to pursue bigger dreams.

This lesson applies not only to the mukbang industry, but also to all those who neglect their health in the pursuit of success. Let's remember that health is our most valuable asset and nothing is more important.