
The poignant oath behind Kangding's love songs: a promise is a lifetime

author:Red evergreen

The wind of Kangding blows a legend of the old times

Did you know? Kangding, a small city on the Tibetan plateau, not only has beautiful scenery, but also hides a tearful love story. And this story was woven into the popular "Kangding Love Song".

The poignant oath behind Kangding's love songs: a promise is a lifetime

Today, Sister Hong will talk about the things behind this story.

The first acquaintance begins with a life-saving grace

More than 60 years ago, shortly after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Kangding ushered in the liberation of the red team. There was a young man named Li Sujie in the team, a recent college graduate, who came here with enthusiasm and wanted to contribute to the construction of the motherland.

One day, he accidentally rescued a rich Tibetan man and his family by the river. In order to thank the rich man for saving her life, the rich man's wife wanted to send something to the PLA soldiers, but the soldiers refused. However, the attentive Li Sujie noticed two slaves with shackled feet, and he proposed to free them. Although the rich man was a little puzzled, he agreed.

Dawa, a Tibetan girl from slave to emancipation

One of the girls, Dawa, was a slave since she was a child, living a life without food and clothing. The moment she was liberated, she screamed in fright, but soon burst into tears because she knew she was free. Dawa was homeless, so she followed the People's Liberation Army all the way, and she felt that Li Sujie was her savior.

The poignant oath behind Kangding's love songs: a promise is a lifetime

IN THE CAMP WHERE JUN WAS LIBERATED, DAWA LIVED A HAPPY LIFE LIKE NEVER BEFORE. She boils water and cooks for everyone every day, and works hard. And Li Sujie also takes special care of her, and often takes out the specialties brought by her hometown for her to eat. Eating those sweets that he had never tasted, Dawa's heart warmed.

Love is quietly born

The relationship between the two gradually warmed up, and they no longer politely called each other comrades, but directly called each other by name. Dawa told Li Sujie that her Tibetan name actually means "moon", and the name moon is so beautiful. And Li Sujie also found that he gradually fell in love with this simple and kind Tibetan girl.

One day, when Jiefang Jun returned from road construction, several Tibetan girls pulled Dawa to sing for them. With Li Sujie's encouragement, Dawa finally mustered up the courage to stand among the girls and presented a sweet "Kangding Love Song" for everyone. Her singing attracted warm applause from her comrades, and Li Sujie looked at her with a smile in the audience.

Promise, but it has become an eternal wait

Good days are always short-lived. One day, Li Sujie told Dawa that he wanted to take her back to Suzhou with her, so that she could get an education and stand on a bigger stage to sing. Dawa happily agreed. Li Sujie said: "The road is repaired, I will go back to Suzhou first, and then you wait for my letter, I will definitely come back to pick you up!" ”

However, the world is unpredictable. Soon after Li Sujie returned to Suzhou, he was beaten as a right PAI and lost his freedom. He wrote many letters to Dawa, but received no reply. Just when he was about to despair, he received a letter from Kangding, but the content of the letter made his heart feel like ashes - Dawa and Liu Er were about to get married!

The poignant oath behind Kangding's love songs: a promise is a lifetime

Sixty years, a lifetime of waiting

Sixty years have passed, and Li Sujie, who has long been gray-haired, can't help but set foot on this land that he misses again. He wished to see Dawa, but reality hit him cruelly - Dawa had died.

Through the children's explanations, Li Sujie knew the truth of the year. It turned out that Dawa was not married to Liu Er, she had been waiting for Li Sujie. And Liu Er accidentally fell off the cliff because of their conspiracy to break up them, and got the retribution he deserved.

Li Sujie trembled and took out a fountain pen from his pocket, which was given to Dawa back then. The pen sleeve on the pen is still intact, just like the love between them, consistently.

The poignant oath behind Kangding's love songs: a promise is a lifetime

He wept bitterly, it turned out that Dawa had never failed him, and she had waited for him all her life for a promise he had made back then!

The river flows eastward, and love is not extinguished

In the end, Li Sujie came to the river where he first met Dawa again.

He threw the letters of love into the water and let them flow with the river.

He told his granddaughter that when he died, he would also sprinkle his ashes into the Yangtze River, and he would follow in his lover's footsteps all the way.

The poignant oath behind Kangding's love songs: a promise is a lifetime

Hot comments from netizens:

  • @岁月静好: It's so touching! I didn't expect there to be such a poignant story behind "Kangding Love Song". May a lover eventually become a family, but unfortunately the world is always full of regrets.
  • @风吹麦浪: Sixty years, waiting for someone all my life, this dedication is really admirable. I hope everyone can cherish the people in front of them and don't let love leave regrets.
  • @梦回康定: Every time I hear "Kangding Love Song", I think of this story, and my heart is always warm. I hope everyone can find their own happiness.

In this fast-paced era, let's slow down and calm down to feel the pure and beautiful love!

Sister Hong remembered this song: You live at the head of the Yangtze River, I live at the end of the Yangtze River, I don't see you all day long, and drink the water of the Yangtze River together.

That's all for today's sharing, thanks for listening.

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