
Guo Jing died in Xiangyang, why did Yang Guo stand by? Jin Yong: Read the names of Guo Jing's family together


Everyone in the world knows that Guo Jing is a hero written by Jin Yong, who is honest and kind, and serves the country and the people. However, in "Heaven and Dragon Slayer", readers were shocked to learn the bad news that Guo Jing died in Xiangyang City. Guo Jing, Huang Rong and Guo Polu were martyred at the same time, which is embarrassing. What's even more puzzling is why Yang Guo, who is also one of the five uniques, disappeared in this war? Could it be that he really stood by and watched Guo Jing's family die? Mr. Jin Yong once said that if you read the names of Guo Jing's family together, you can get a glimpse of the mystery. What does this mean? What is the significance of Guo Jing's death and Yang Guo's absence? Let's uncover this long-sealed martial arts secret.

1. Guo Jing's heroic road

Guo Jing's life can be called a heroic legend. From Guo Jing, a young man on the Mongolian steppe, to Guo Daxia in Xiangyang City, his growth process was full of ups and downs and tribulations, but it also forged his chivalrous spirit and patriotic feelings.

Guo Jing's teenage years began in the Mongolian desert. His father Guo Xiaotian died because of his loyalty, and his mother Li Ping fled to Mongolia with him as an infant. There, the young Guo Jing became acquainted with Genghis Khan's son Yeluqi, and the two became the Jinlan brothers. This experience not only gave Guo Jing an in-depth understanding of Mongolian culture, but also provided him with a unique perspective on his future decisions against the Mongol army.

When he was ten years old, Guo Jing met five masters who changed his life: the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan. Under their careful teaching, although Guo Jing's qualifications were dull, he gradually mastered advanced martial arts with extraordinary perseverance and diligence. The Seven Monsters of Jiangnan not only taught Guo Jing martial arts, but more importantly, cultivated his upright and kind character, laying the foundation for him to become a chivalrous man in the future.

At the age of eighteen, Guo Jing went south to take the exam and met Huang Rong on the way. Huang Rong is smart and clever, which is in stark contrast to Guo Jing, but it also makes up for Guo Jing's shortcomings. The two have traveled the rivers and lakes hand in hand, experienced many hardships and dangers together, and their relationship has become deeper and deeper. Huang Rong is not only Guo Jing's wife, but also the most important partner and assistant in his life.

At the same time as becoming attached to Huang Rong, Guo Jing also worshiped under the head of Ma Yudao of the Quanzhen Sect and learned the martial arts of the Quanzhen Sect. This not only took his martial arts to the next level, but also gave him a deeper understanding of Taoist thought, which provided important guidance for his future life.

Guo Jing's patriotic feelings were not innate, but gradually formed in his upbringing. In many contacts with the Mongols, Guo Jing was deeply aware of the threat posed by the Mongol army to the Song Dynasty. Although he had a deep friendship in Mongolia, in the face of the country's survival, Guo Jing resolutely chose to protect the Song Dynasty. This choice not only reflects his patriotism, but also demonstrates his chivalrous spirit of killing his relatives in a righteous manner.

Xiangyang City was the most important battlefield in Guo Jing's life. Together with Huang Rong, he defended Xiangyang against the Mongol army. Here, Guo Jing is not only a martial arts master, but also an excellent military commander. He used his wisdom and courage to repel the attacks of the Mongol army many times and became a hero in the hearts of the people of Xiangyang.

During the years of defending the city, Guo Jing not only had to face the threat of foreign enemies, but also had to deal with various contradictions in the city. He dealt with all kinds of disputes with a fair and strict attitude, and won the love of the people. At the same time, he also had to face the suspicion and constraints of the imperial court, which tested his wisdom and decisiveness.

Guo Jing's years of defending the city in Xiangyang City were not only the peak of his personal martial arts and wisdom, but also the best embodiment of his chivalrous spirit and patriotic feelings. With his own strength, he shouldered the heavy responsibility of defending the country and became a real national hero.

Guo Jing died in Xiangyang, why did Yang Guo stand by? Jin Yong: Read the names of Guo Jing's family together

However, the wheel of history is merciless after all. Under the fierce attack of the Mongol army, the city of Xiangyang eventually fell. Guo Jing, Huang Rong and Guo Poyu died on the battlefield together, interpreting the supreme realm of "the great man of chivalry, for the country and the people" with his life. Their sacrifice is not only a personal tragedy, but also a microcosm of the entire era, embodying the patriotic spirit of people with lofty ideals who do not hesitate to sacrifice themselves when the country is in danger.

2. The historical background of the Battle of Xiangyang City

The Battle of Xiangyang City was an important battle in Jin Yong's martial arts world, and it was also a key battle in history when the Mongol Empire went south to conquer the Southern Song Dynasty. To understand the significance of this battle, we need to delve into the southward march of the Mongol army, the internal and external troubles of the Southern Song court, and the strategic position of Xiangyang City.

The southward march of the Mongol armies began during the reign of Genghis Khan. After Genghis Khan unified the Mongol tribes, he began a journey of foreign expansion. His successors continued this policy, with Kublai Khan setting his sights on the wealthy Southern Song Dynasty. The Mongol armies were militarily powerful and tactically flexible, conquering large swathes of Central Asia, West Asia, and Eastern Europe in a short period of time.

In the offensive against the Southern Song Dynasty, the Mongol army adopted a variety of tactics. Not only did they use the mobility of the cavalry for a quick assault, but they also learned the art of storming cities. The Mongol army introduced the most advanced siege equipment of the time, such as trebuchets and ladders, which greatly improved the siege capacity. In addition, the Mongols were also good at using internal responses to obtain enemy intelligence through bribery or threats, creating conditions for victory in the war.

At the same time, the Southern Song Dynasty was in the midst of internal and external troubles. Internally, the court is corrupt, and powerful ministers are in charge. During the period of Song Lizong and Song Duzong, Jia Rudao was autocratic and misguided the country, which led to the decline of the government. Jia Rudao not only embezzled and corrupted, but also cracked down on dissidents and excluded loyalty, which caused many contradictions within the imperial court. In order to cover up the defeat in the war, he often concealed military information, which led to the imperial court's misjudgment of the situation on the front.

Externally, the greatest threat to the Southern Song Dynasty was the Mongol army from the north. The Mongol army repeatedly moved south, putting great pressure on the Southern Song Dynasty. Although the Southern Song Dynasty relied on the Yangtze River and the fortress of Jiancheng to resist the Mongol attack in the early stage, the strength of the Mongol army continued to increase over time, while the national strength of the Southern Song Dynasty weakened day by day.

In this situation of internal and external troubles, the strategic position of Xiangyang City has become particularly important. Xiangyang is located at the confluence of the Han River and the Tangbai River, and is a transportation artery connecting the middle reaches of the Yangtze River with the north. From a military point of view, Xiangyang was the last barrier of the Southern Song Dynasty against the southward movement of the Mongols. As long as Xiangyang was not lost, the Mongol army could not directly threaten Lin'an (present-day Hangzhou), the political center of the Southern Song Dynasty.

The fortifications of Yangyang Castle were very strong. The city wall is tall and thick, surrounded by water cities, forming a "iron wall and copper wall". The city has plenty of reserves to support long-term defense. In addition, Xiangyang is also garrisoned by the elite army of Fan's army, which greatly strengthens the defense force.

However, Xiangyang's defense was not without its weaknesses. Due to its remote location, it was difficult for reinforcements to arrive in time once besieged. At the same time, the long-term war attrition also made the city gradually scarce of materials, and the soldiers and civilians were exhausted.

In Jin Yong's novel, Guo Jing and Huang Rong stepped forward against such a historical background and took on the heavy responsibility of guarding Xiangyang. Not only did they have to deal with the powerful Mongol army, but they also had to deal with open and secret battles within the imperial court. Guo Jing repelled the Mongol attacks many times with his superb martial arts and military talents, while Huang Rong used his wisdom to help Xiangyang tide over the difficulties.

However, individual heroism cannot change the general trend of history after all. As time went on, the pressure on the Mongol army increased, while the support of the Southern Song court became less and less. Eventually, under the personal leadership of Kublai Khan, the Mongol army launched a general assault on Xiangyang.

This protracted campaign eventually ended with the fall of Xiangyang. Although the heroic sacrifices of Guo Jing, Huang Rong and others could not change the course of history, their spirit remained in people's hearts forever. The fall of Xiangyang marked the end of the Southern Song Dynasty's last hope of resisting the Mongol invasion, and also heralded the end of the dynasty.

Guo Jing died in Xiangyang, why did Yang Guo stand by? Jin Yong: Read the names of Guo Jing's family together

3. The legend of Yang Guo's rivers and lakes

Yang Guo's life can be called one of the most legendary characters in Jin Yong's pen. After losing his parents since he was a child, trying to survive, and later becoming a top master in martial arts, Yang Guo's experience was full of twists and turns.

Yang Guo's path to growth began when he was sent to Quanzhen Teaching. However, due to the conflict between him and his master, Qiu Chuji, Yang Guo eventually left the Quanzhen Sect. Although this experience was short, it laid the groundwork for his future martial arts career. After leaving the Quanzhen Sect, Yang Guo came to the Tomb Sect and worshiped under the Xiaolongnu Sect.

In the ancient tomb, Yang Guo not only learned unique martial arts, but also developed a deep relationship with Xiaolongnu. The Jade Maiden Heart Sutra taught to Yang Guo by Xiaolongnu became an important foundation for his martial arts. However, this master-apprentice relationship has been questioned and thwarted because of the world's eyes. Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu were forced to separate and began their respective experiences in the rivers and lakes.

Yang Guo's martial arts attainments were not achieved overnight. In addition to the kung fu of the Tomb Sect, he also learned the internal strength of the Quanzhen Sect, as well as the sword technique of Dugu seeking defeat. These different genres of martial arts were perfectly integrated in Yang Guo, making his martial arts more varied and elusive. Especially after losing his right arm, Yang Guo creatively turned his own flaws into strengths, creating a unique one-arm sword technique.

The experience in the Mongolian camp was an important turning point in Yang Guo's martial arts career. He single-handedly broke into the Mongol camp, not only showing amazing courage, but also intimidating the Mongol generals with his superb martial arts. Yang Guo won consecutive battles in the camp, and even defeated Huodu, the first warrior of Mongolia. This feat not only improved Yang Guo's status in the martial arts, but also laid the groundwork for the future resistance to the Mongol invasion.

However, Yang Guo is most praised for the "Gloomy Ecstasy Palm" he founded. This martial art integrates Yang Guo's years of martial arts experience, and pushes the use of internal force to the extreme. "Gloomy Ecstasy Palm" is not only powerful, but also contains Yang Guo's perception of life and his longing for the little dragon girl. The establishment of this martial art marks that Yang Guo's martial arts attainments have reached a new peak.

The love story between Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu can be called one of the most moving chapters in Jin Yong's martial arts world. The encounter between the two began with the relationship between master and apprentice, but because of their sincere feelings, they broke the barriers of the world. However, their path to love was not all smooth sailing. Worldly prejudices, strife in the rivers and lakes, and the tricks of fate have separated them many times.

Sixteen years of life and death are the biggest test of the relationship between Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu. During this period, Yang Guo continued to travel the rivers and lakes to improve his martial arts, while never forgetting to find the traces of the little dragon girl. He struggled in the pain of the poisonous hair of the love flower, but he always maintained his sincerity towards the little dragon girl.

Finally, at the top of Huashan, Yang Guo reunited with Xiaolongnu. This reunion after a long absence not only consummated their love, but also marked an important turning point in Yang's career. Since then, Yang Guo is no longer the lonely knight, but has a partner who can spend his life together.

The legend of Yang Guo is not only reflected in his martial arts attainments, but also in his personality charm and way of life. Although he often acted unexpectedly, he was always able to stand up and uphold justice at critical moments. Whether it is turning the tide in Huashan Sword, or fighting against strong enemies outside Xiangyang City, Yang Guo has shown the demeanor of a true chivalrous man.

However, unlike Guo Jing and others, Yang Guo has always maintained a detached attitude. He is not bound by secular rules, nor does he want to be bound by the court or the forces of the rivers and lakes. This unique way of dealing with the world has always made Yang Guo always maintain a sense of mystery in the rivers and lakes, and it has also laid the groundwork for his future behavior.

The legend of Yang Guo is a process from loneliness and pain to final fulfillment. His experience not only shows the growth process of a martial arts master, but also reflects the unique charm of Jin Yong's chivalry. Yang Guo's story has become an indelible classic in the hearts of countless readers.

Guo Jing died in Xiangyang, why did Yang Guo stand by? Jin Yong: Read the names of Guo Jing's family together

Fourth, the process of Guo Xiang's founding of the Emei faction

Guo Xiang, as the youngest daughter of Guo Jing and Huang Rong, has shown extraordinary talent for martial arts since she was a child. Her upbringing and martial arts attainments laid a solid foundation for the establishment of the Emei faction in the future.

Guo Xiang's path to martial arts began with family martial arts. She inherited from her parents the essence of the Beggars' Eighteen Palms of Dragon Descent and the Nine Yin True Scriptures, which laid a solid foundation for her martial arts. In addition, she also learned Huang Yaoshi's weapon kung fu, which made her martial arts system more perfect.

However, what really made Guo Xiang's martial arts a qualitative leap was her encounter with Yang Guo. At the top of Huashan, Guo Xiang met Yang Guo, who was waiting for the little dragon girl. Yang Guo taught Guo Xiang the "Gloomy Ecstasy Palm" he created. This unique school, which integrates the strengths of many people, has become an important foundation for Guo Xiang to establish the Emei School in the future.

Guo Xiang's experience in the rivers and lakes was not all smooth sailing. She has encountered danger many times, but each time she has been able to save the day with her wisdom and martial arts. These experiences not only exercised her actual combat ability, but also gave her a deeper understanding of martial arts.

In the process of traveling the rivers and lakes, Guo Xiang gradually came up with the idea of creating a new school. She found that although the martial arts of each faction on the rivers and lakes have their own characteristics, they all have their limitations. She hopes to create a sect that integrates the strengths of each family and has its own characteristics.

The choice of Mount Emei as the place to create the school is the result of Guo Xiang's careful consideration. Mount Emei is not only dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack, but also has a strong Buddhist cultural heritage. This coincides with the concept of the sect that Guo Xiang wants to establish with compassion as the heart and the way of eliminating demons.

Guo Xiang began to devote himself to the study of martial arts in Mount Emei, sorting out and integrating the various martial arts he had learned. She combined the fierceness of the eighteen palms of the dragon with the femininity of the Nine Yin True Scripture to create the unique stunt of the Emei faction "Emei Jiuyang Gong". This kung fu has both a strong and domineering side, but also a soft and introverted characteristic, which can be described as a combination of rigidity and softness, yin and yang.

In addition to the internal strength of the heart, Guo Xiang also founded the sword technique of the Emei school. She combined Yang Guo's Dugu Nine Swords with Huang Yaoshi's Jade Flute Swordsmanship to create the "Emei Swordsmanship". This set of swordsmanship pays attention to overcoming rigidity with softness and fighting fast with slowness, which is perfectly in line with the martial arts concept of the Emei school.

At the same time as the creation of martial arts, Guo Xiang was also formulating rules and precepts. She positioned the Emei sect as a sect dominated by female disciples, a decision that was closely related to her personal experience and reflections on the current state of martial arts. Guo Xiang believes that in male-dominated martial arts, female warriors are often overlooked or underestimated. She hopes to provide a platform for the development of female warriors by creating a female-dominated sect.

Guo Xiang also set strict standards for accepting apprentices. She emphasized that disciples should not only have martial arts talents, but also have noble morals and righteousness. This standard ensures that the Emei faction always maintains a decent style in the development process, and lays the foundation for becoming a famous martial arts family in the future.

In the early days of the school, Guo Xiang faced many challenges. On the one hand, she needs to constantly improve the martial arts system of the Emei faction; On the other hand, she also has to deal with the challenges and doubts of other sects. However, Guo Xiang relied on his martial arts cultivation and wisdom to resolve these difficulties one by one.

With the passage of time, the fame of the Emei faction gradually spread in the rivers and lakes. More and more women are coming here, hoping to worship under the Emei Gate. Guo Xiang was strictly screened, and finally accepted several disciples with good qualifications. These disciples later became the backbone of the Emei sect and made important contributions to the development of the sect.

Guo Jing died in Xiangyang, why did Yang Guo stand by? Jin Yong: Read the names of Guo Jing's family together

The process of Guo Xiang's founding of the Emei faction is not only the formation process of a martial arts system, but also the rise of a new Jianghu force. She integrated the martial arts inherited from her family, the mastery taught by Yang Guo, and her own martial arts perception to create a unique Emei school of martial arts. At the same time, she also integrated her chivalrous spirit and way of life into the sect culture, so that the Emei faction established a decent image in the rivers and lakes.

Guo Xiang's pioneering move not only enriched the martial arts system of martial arts, but also won a place for female warriors in the rivers and lakes. The rise of the Emei faction marks an important change in the pattern of martial arts, and also lays the groundwork for the future development of martial arts.

Fifth, the martial arts inheritance of Yang Guo and Guo Xiang

The martial arts inheritance of Yang Guo and Guo Xiang is an extremely unique chapter in Jin Yong's martial arts world. This inheritance not only connected two generations of martial arts masters, but also laid the foundation for the development of martial arts in later generations.

The encounter between Yang Guo and Guo Xiang began at the top of Huashan. At that time, Guo Xiang was still a young girl, and Yang Guo was already a top master in martial arts. Although this encounter was short-lived, it had a profound impact on the martial arts path of the two.

In this encounter, Yang Guo taught Guo Xiang the "Gloomy Ecstasy Palm" he created. This martial art integrates Yang Guo's years of martial arts experience, and it is his highest perception of martial arts. Yang Guo chose to teach this mastery to Guo Xiang, on the one hand, because he took a fancy to Guo Xiang's martial arts talent, and on the other hand, it was also a reward for Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

Guo Xiang accepted Yang Guo's teaching and began to devote himself to the study of "Gloomy Ecstasy Palm". The characteristics of this martial art are to overcome rigidity with softness and fight fast with slowness, which is very consistent with Guo Xiang's own martial arts style. In the process of learning, Guo Xiang constantly integrated her own understanding into it, which made this martial art have a new development in her hands.

Yang Guo taught martial arts to Guo Xiang, not only limited to the teaching of moves, but more importantly, the essence of martial arts. He told Guo Xiang about his understanding and perception of martial arts over the years, and these experiences had a profound impact on Guo Xiang's future development of martial arts.

In the process of learning the "Gloomy Ecstasy Palm", Guo Xiang gradually formed his own concept of martial arts. She combined Yang Guo's martial arts ideas with her own family martial arts to create a unique martial arts system. This fusion of different schools laid the foundation for the establishment of the Emei school in the future.

The martial arts inheritance of Yang Guo and Guo Xiang is not only reflected in the martial arts moves, but also in the inheritance of martial arts thoughts. Yang Guo taught Guo Xiang that the highest level of martial arts lies not in the complexity of the moves, but in the understanding of the essence of martial arts. This kind of thinking deeply influenced Guo Xiang and became the guiding ideology for her later establishment of the Emei School.

Under the influence of Yang Guo, Guo Xiang's martial arts improved rapidly. Not only did she master the "Ecstasy Palm", but she also combined this martial art with other martial arts she had learned to create new martial arts moves. These newly created moves later became an important part of the martial arts of the Emei School.

The martial arts inheritance of Yang Guo and Guo Xiang is also reflected in the inheritance of martial arts. Yang Guo taught Guo Xiang that martial arts is not only a skill, but also a responsibility. He emphasized that martial arts should be used to perform chivalry and righteousness, rather than to fight fiercely. This concept of martial virtue deeply influenced Guo Xiang and became the core value of the Emei faction.

Under the guidance of Yang Guo, Guo Xiang has not only made great progress in martial arts, but also become more mature in dealing with people. She learned how to gain a foothold in the rivers and lakes and how to deal with all kinds of complex interpersonal relationships. These experiences played an important role in her later founding and development of the Emei School.

Guo Jing died in Xiangyang, why did Yang Guo stand by? Jin Yong: Read the names of Guo Jing's family together

The martial arts inheritance of Yang Guo and Guo Xiang is also reflected in the attitude towards martial arts innovation. Yang Guo encouraged Guo Xiang not to stick to the inherent martial arts system, but to be brave in innovation. This innovative spirit deeply influenced Guo Xiang and became the driving force for her to continuously improve the martial arts of the Emei School in the future.

Under the influence of Yang Guo, Guo Xiang began to try to create his own martial arts. She combined the essence of the "Gloomy Ecstasy Palm" with her family's martial arts to create new moves. These newly created moves, not only have the agility and elegance of the "Gloomy Ecstasy Palm", but also the fierceness and power of the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon, forming a unique style.

The inheritance of martial arts by Yang Guo and Guo Xiang is also reflected in their attitude towards the spread of martial arts. Yang Guo taught Guo Xiang that the true meaning of martial arts lies in inheritance and development, not monopoly and concealment. This open-minded attitude deeply influenced Guo Xiang and became an important reason for the Emei faction to recruit disciples and spread martial arts.

Under the guidance of Yang Guo, Guo Xiang gradually formed his own martial arts system. This system integrates the strengths of many people, including Yang Guo's original martial arts, the traditional martial arts of the Guo family, and Guo Xiang's own innovations. This unique martial arts system later became the core of the Emei school's martial arts.

The martial arts inheritance of Yang Guo and Guo Xiang not only influenced Guo Xiang personally, but also influenced the entire Emei faction through Guo Xiang. In the martial arts of the Emei faction, the shadow of Yang Guo's martial arts thought can be seen everywhere. This influence has continued to later generations and has become an important feature of the Emei school's martial arts.

The martial arts inheritance between Yang Guo and Guo Xiang is a cross-generational martial arts exchange. This exchange not only inherited the martial arts moves, but also inherited the martial arts ideas and the concept of martial virtues. It connects two generations of martial arts masters and injects new vitality into the development of martial arts. This inheritance has become a unique and important chapter in Jin Yong's martial arts world.