
Don't let your child live in school", let your child live in school too early, which is more harmful than you think

author:Strive for ABC

Don't let your child live in school: Putting your child in school too early can be more harmful than you think

"Home is the smallest country, and the country is tens of millions." This is the wisdom of the ancients, and it is also a famous saying that we should ponder today. Children, as the bond of the family, their growth and education tug at the heartstrings of every parent. Nowadays, with the changes in society and the development of educational concepts, many parents are faced with the question of whether they need to let their children live in school too early. The purpose of this article is to share the real feelings and thoughts of a parent, as well as the dangers of letting children live in school too early, hoping to arouse readers' attention and thinking.

Don't let your child live in school", let your child live in school too early, which is more harmful than you think

1. The close connection between family education and children's growth

Family is the cradle of children's growth, and parents are the first educators of children. The significance of family education is not only to impart knowledge, but also to cultivate children's good moral character, emotional quality and interpersonal skills. Therefore, we need to be deeply aware of the importance of family education and understand the close connection between family education and children's growth. As one educator said, "Education begins at home, and a child's success is inseparable from the influence of the family." ”

Don't let your child live in school", let your child live in school too early, which is more harmful than you think

2. The dangers of letting children live in school too early

However, in modern society, some parents choose to let their children live in school too early due to busy work or other reasons. This practice can have a number of adverse effects on your child. Here are just a few of them:

Don't let your child live in school", let your child live in school too early, which is more harmful than you think

1. Affective deficit: Children who leave their parents prematurely are prone to affective deficit and insecurity. This lack of emotion can affect a child's mental health and relationships. As one psychologist put it, "A sense of security is the cornerstone of a child's development." ”

Don't let your child live in school", let your child live in school too early, which is more harmful than you think

2. Lack of social skills: Children who live in school too early may be relatively weak in terms of social skills due to a lack of family education and parental guidance. They may have difficulty adjusting to group life and forming good relationships.

Don't let your child live in school", let your child live in school too early, which is more harmful than you think

3. Increased learning pressure: Children who live in school too early may face greater psychological pressure due to changes in their living environment and increased learning pressure. This stress can affect your child's academic outcomes and physical and mental health. As one educator said, "Happy learning, healthy growth." ”

Don't let your child live in school", let your child live in school too early, which is more harmful than you think

3. Combine the reality and look at the problem of living in schools rationally

Of course, we're not entirely against children living in school. In some special circumstances, such as parents who are unable to take care of their children, and where the school has abundant educational resources, it is also a good option to live on campus. The key is that parents should rationally look at the problem of living in schools according to their children's actual situation and personality characteristics. At the same time, parents should strengthen communication and cooperation with the school, pay attention to their children's growth process and psychological conditions, and solve problems in a timely manner.

Don't let your child live in school", let your child live in school too early, which is more harmful than you think

Fourth, practical cases and lessons learned

Let's listen to one parent's personal experience: "I once sent my child to live in school when he was in junior high school, hoping that he would grow up independently. However, after a while, I found that the child became lonely, silent, and his academic performance declined. This made me feel deeply guilty and reflective. Later, I took the child home, strengthened family education, spent more time with and communicated, and the child gradually regained his former vitality. "This case teaches us that there can be unintended harm when it comes to keeping children in school too early. Therefore, we need to be cautious about our children's boarding issues.

Don't let your child live in school", let your child live in school too early, which is more harmful than you think

Fifth, quote scriptures and classics to convince people

The ancients said: "Parents are here, not far away." "This is not entirely against children living independently, but rather emphasizes the importance of family. In the process of children's growth, the companionship and love of the family are indispensable. At the same time, the Analects also mentions: "Teach students according to their aptitude." "Every child is a unique individual, and we need to guide them to grow according to their actual situation and personality characteristics. Therefore, when considering whether or not to let our children live in school, we should fully respect the wishes and needs of children. In short, "don't let your child live in school too early", we should pay attention to the role of family education and the needs of children's growth, let us work together to create a warm and harmonious family environment, and provide strong support for the healthy growth of children!

Don't let your child live in school", let your child live in school too early, which is more harmful than you think