
If you have this little black hole on your skin, don't squeeze it as a pimple!

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Sometimes, a small bulge pops up on the skin, which inevitably makes people's hearts drum. What's worse is that there is a small hard black hole in the middle of the bulge, which looks like there is something hidden inside.

In this case, many people may think that this is an ordinary acne and subconsciously want to squeeze it. After squeezing out a lump of milky yellow stuff, although I feel comfortable for a while, in fact, doing so may cause more trouble.

The truth is that this little black hole bulge is most likely an epidermoid cyst and not an ordinary pimple.

Identification and characterization of epidermoid cysts

Epidermoid cysts are one of the most common benign tumors in dermatology. At first glance, the cyst appears to be a small round or oval bag a few centimeters in size, soft and elastic to the touch, and moves small amounts under the skin.

Most particularly, there is often a small black hole in the middle of this cyst, which looks like a small pebble embedded in it. In fact, there is a lot going on inside an epidermoid cyst.

If you have this little black hole on your skin, don't squeeze it as a pimple!

The cyst is made up of the wall of the cyst, which is made up of the normal stratified squamous epithelium of the epidermal layer of the skin, and the cyst cavity, which is filled with dead keratinocytes and secretions.

Why do these cysts suddenly grow? There could be many reasons for this. Common ones include genetic factors, hair follicle abnormalities, penetrating trauma, and even some unexplained causes.

If you have this little black hole on your skin, don't squeeze it as a pimple!

To put it simply, the epidermal tissue runs to the deep layers of the skin, and then these epidermal tissues that should not exist form a "bag", and the secretions in the bag cannot be discharged, and finally a cyst is "blown".

Misunderstandings and mismanagement of epidermoid cysts

Many people see a bulge on their skin, especially a small black hole in the middle, and they often mistake it for a pimple and habitually want to squeeze it. However, squeezing an epidermoid cyst will not only not solve the problem, but will make the situation worse.

After squeezing, although the secretion is squeezed out, the cyst wall and cavity are still present. As long as the cyst wall is not completely removed, the cyst can easily form again and tends to become larger, more swollen, and more painful.

If you have this little black hole on your skin, don't squeeze it as a pimple!

More seriously, the crush can also lead to infection. There are a lot of bacteria on the surface of the skin, and it is easy for these bacteria to enter the cyst during the squeezing process and cause infection.

Infection can not only make the cyst red, swollen, hot and painful, but may even form an abscess, leading to more serious health problems. Therefore, in the face of this small black hole bulge, don't itch your hands to squeeze it.

Adjustments to daily living habits

Maintaining good lifestyle habits is essential to prevent the development of epidermoid cysts. In terms of diet, eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, and reducing the intake of greasy and heavy foods can not only maintain the overall health of the body.

It also reduces the appearance of skin problems. Especially those who are prone to cysts should pay more attention to a light diet and avoid excessive intake of high-sugar and high-fat foods.

If you have this little black hole on your skin, don't squeeze it as a pimple!

Skincare routine is also important. Using the right skincare products, especially for those with sensitive skin, choosing products that are gentle and non-irritating can effectively protect the skin barrier and reduce the risk of skin irritation and inflammation. When washing your face, the water temperature should be moderate, and avoid irritating the skin with too hot or too cold water.

If you have this little black hole on your skin, don't squeeze it as a pimple!

Maintaining a good routine and exercising properly can also boost immunity and help the body fight off various diseases. A regular routine can regulate hormone levels in the body and reduce excessive sebum production, thereby reducing the probability of cysts.

Differences from other skin diseases

Epidermoid cysts share some similarities in symptoms with other skin diseases, but their nature and treatment are very different. For example, sebaceous cysts and acne are both relatively common skin problems, but their mechanisms and treatments are not the same.

Sebaceous cysts are usually caused by blocked sebaceous ducts and are filled with sebum inside, while epidermoid cysts are made up of keratinocytes and secretions from the epidermal layer of the skin.

If you have this little black hole on your skin, don't squeeze it as a pimple!

While they all look like pouches on the skin, they require a different approach when it comes to treatment. Sebaceous cysts can be relieved by incision and drainage, while epidermoid cysts require complete removal of the cyst wall to prevent recurrence.

In addition, some benign tumors on the skin, such as lipomas, can also be confused with epidermoid cysts. Lipomas are usually soft, active masses made mostly of adipose tissue, while epidermoid cysts are hard and have a small black hole in the center. These differences require an examination by a medical professional to make an accurate diagnosis.

If you have this little black hole on your skin, don't squeeze it as a pimple!

In order to accurately identify and manage these skin problems, clinical manifestations and histological examination are essential. The doctor will make an initial diagnosis through a detailed medical history and physical examination, and then may perform a tissue biopsy to further confirm the diagnosis and ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of the treatment.

In the face of this skin problem, timely medical attention is the best option. Doctors will use scientific methods to treat the cyst according to the specific situation to avoid recurrence and deterioration of the cyst.

If you have this little black hole on your skin, don't squeeze it as a pimple!

Developing good lifestyle habits and maintaining a healthy body is something that everyone should pay attention to. Through these efforts, we can better protect our skin from various diseases.