
Xiangyi cried in front of 100,000 people, and there were two major regrets in this life, and there was a misunderstanding of teaching and sending books to collect money

author:Su Yinuan

Xiangyi cried non-stop in front of 100,000 people in the live broadcast room last night, and no one could comfort him.

She said that although she has an older brother, she has not been protected by his brother since she was a child, but she has always thought about her brother.

There are two reasons for the current situation, one is related to the original family, and the other is related to the Internet.

Inadvertently brushed Xiangyi, attracted by her knowledge, beauty, and voice, the first feeling was that this girl had the demeanor of a CCTV host, and she had been paying attention to it for two or three years.

Xiangyi cried in front of 100,000 people, and there were two major regrets in this life, and there was a misunderstanding of teaching and sending books to collect money

Xiang Yi said that she had two major regrets in this life, she was absent from the undergraduate and doctoral graduation ceremonies.

The university graduation ceremony was given up because of the graduate school entrance examination, and during the doctoral ceremony, the school originally asked her to speak as a student representative.

After all, Xiang Yi started working part-time during college, has hosted many programs, has a good image, is quite talented, has writing skills, and is a favorite candidate of the school.

Xiangyi cried in front of 100,000 people, and there were two major regrets in this life, and there was a misunderstanding of teaching and sending books to collect money

When the ceremony was about to begin, the school told Xiangyi that you had been canceled and the host had been replaced.

The school also told her why this happened?

originated from Xiangyi's online identity, because she had a lot of negative news on the Internet, and the ceremony was broadcast live, so Xiangyi did not participate in the ceremony in the end.

This is particularly incomprehensible, she doesn't understand why she can't get involved online, schools are not inclusive.

Xiangyi cried in front of 100,000 people, and there were two major regrets in this life, and there was a misunderstanding of teaching and sending books to collect money

A girl can use her youth to study hard and create wealth for her family, thus losing her love, losing a lot of beauty, and being scolded on the Internet to the point that she is incomplete.

In Xiang Yi's own words, it is to be roasted on the fire.

Only children who have no money can appreciate the hardships, and they have to earn their own tuition fees, and they also have to earn money for their brother to buy a house and make up the bride price.

Xiangyi cried in front of 100,000 people, and there were two major regrets in this life, and there was a misunderstanding of teaching and sending books to collect money

Xiangyi was very persistent about the three-foot podium and couldn't teach and educate people on the university campus, so she thought of teaching in the mountains.

Thinking that everything would go well, she brought all her certificates, including her doctorate certificate, and although she was an elementary school student, she still took the matter seriously.

However, after arriving at the location, she was rejected by the school, still because of her online identity, and later changed to donate books.

She pleaded with the school, even as an aunt who cooks, or as a staff member, as long as she can get along with the children, she can see that she is very attentive, she especially likes the school, and she hopes to pass on knowledge with the power of love.

Xiangyi cried in front of 100,000 people, and there were two major regrets in this life, and there was a misunderstanding of teaching and sending books to collect money

Before leaving, his brother and cousin posted a video at the same time, announcing in a high-profile manner that they would go to teach, as well as drone shooting.

The result backfired, and everyone thought that it was advisable to use children with ulterior motives to increase followers and create topics.

In everyone's mind, teaching may be to go to the mountainous areas to teach in obscurity, like Mr. Zhang.

And it is appropriate to expose children and schools to the spotlight, which is obviously the opposite of each other, and has been reported by many bloggers.

Xiangyi cried in front of 100,000 people, and there were two major regrets in this life, and there was a misunderstanding of teaching and sending books to collect money

When Xiang Yi set off, she said that she would teach until the summer vacation, and she was only a week away from the summer vacation when she set off.

Xiangyi cried in front of 100,000 people, and there were two major regrets in this life, and there was a misunderstanding of teaching and sending books to collect money

In the past few days, Xiangyi announced the failure of teaching, and his brother did not release any more videos, which used to show that his brother was ambitious.

Although he worked in Shanghai, when Xiangyi went to Quanzhou and Hangzhou to bring goods, his brother said that he was not worried about his sister and mother, so he went there.

In fact, my brother also wanted to bring goods with his sister, and he grabbed the conversation in the live broadcast room, which was once criticized.

It's understandable that my brother can't protect my sister, but after my sister has a chance, my brother always wants to get some benefits, and what Xiang Yi thinks about is very miserable.

Xiangyi cried in front of 100,000 people, and there were two major regrets in this life, and there was a misunderstanding of teaching and sending books to collect money

Sending books is called using the child's enthusiasm to create for yourself and increase influence, and nowadays Xiangyi is wrong to do anything. I only hope that she can really precipitate herself and tell every history and every story well, she is really good.