
Zhang Linghe bent over in "The Year of China", and netizens hotly discussed: Is this a gentleman's demeanor or a sense of CP?

author:Funny this Egyptian three broken

Recently, the TV series "Hua Nian" starring Zhang Linghe has attracted the attention of a large number of audiences. His performance in the play not only won praise from the audience, but also sparked heated discussions about his gentlemanly demeanor, CP sense with Zhao Jinmai, acting skills and plot reversal.

Zhang Linghe bent over in "The Year of China", and netizens hotly discussed: Is this a gentleman's demeanor or a sense of CP?

Zhang Linghe played a complex and multi-faceted character in "Spending the Year of China", and his delicate performance and gentle details made the audience feel warm. In the play, in the photo with the rival actors, Zhang Linghe always inadvertently makes some small movements, such as gently holding the other party's shoulders, or standing next to him gentlemanly, these details show his gentle side. This small action not only increases the realism of the character, but also makes the audience feel Zhang Linghe's gentlemanly demeanor. Many netizens praised this and left messages on social media, saying that Zhang Linghe was "too gentle, and the details are controlled", and "such a gentleman is too rare".

Zhang Linghe bent over in "The Year of China", and netizens hotly discussed: Is this a gentleman's demeanor or a sense of CP?

In addition to gentlemanly demeanor, the interaction between Zhang Linghe and Zhao Jinmai in the play also made the audience talk about it. The two not only have many sweet interactions in the play, but also frequently take photos outside the play, which makes their sense of CP even stronger. The tacit cooperation between the two in the play makes the couple roles they play more real and natural. Many netizens said that they were often moved by the sweet interaction between the two when they watched the drama, and called "knocked". At the same time, some viewers think that the CP sense of the two is not as strong as they imagined, and think that they are more suitable to be friends.

Zhang Linghe bent over in "The Year of China", and netizens hotly discussed: Is this a gentleman's demeanor or a sense of CP?

Zhang Linghe's acting skills in "Spending the Year of China" have also been widely recognized. He not only successfully interpreted the multiple personalities of the character, but also showed his acting skills through some details. Especially when the plot is reversed, Zhang Linghe's expressions and movements are handled just right, which brings a lot of surprises to the audience. Some viewers commented after watching the play, "Zhang Linghe's acting skills are fantastic, and he is completely a fan of him", "Every expression of his is in place, which makes people fascinated". In addition, Zhang Linghe's comedic talent in the play also made many viewers shine, and many people called him "full of humor and very potential".

Zhang Linghe bent over in "The Year of China", and netizens hotly discussed: Is this a gentleman's demeanor or a sense of CP?

However, netizens also have different opinions about Zhang Linghe's acting skills and CP sense. Some netizens believe that Zhang Linghe's acting skills still have room for improvement, especially in the emotional outburst scenes, which sometimes seem a little stiff. But more netizens believe that his performance in "Du Hua Nian" is already very good, and he just needs to continue to hone in future works. In addition, there is also some controversy about his CP sense with Zhao Jinmai. Although many people are attracted by the sweet interaction between the two, some viewers think that their character settings are a little thin, and they hope to have a deeper interaction in the follow-up plot.

Zhang Linghe bent over in "The Year of China", and netizens hotly discussed: Is this a gentleman's demeanor or a sense of CP?

In general, Zhang Linghe's performance in "The Year of China" sparked heated discussions among the audience. From his gentlemanly demeanor, his sense of CP with Zhao Jinmai, to his acting skills and the handling of plot reversals, Zhang Linghe undoubtedly shows his multi-faceted talent as an actor. Although the audience has different opinions about his performance, it is undeniable that the charm and strength he showed in "Spending the Year of China" have won him the love and recognition of many fans. In the future, the audience is looking forward to seeing Zhang Linghe's wonderful performance in more works.

Zhang Linghe bent over in "The Year of China", and netizens hotly discussed: Is this a gentleman's demeanor or a sense of CP?

Zhang Linghe was born in an ordinary family, and his parents were hard-working salarymen. Since childhood, Zhang Linghe has been a lively and active child, but he also has a gentle and delicate heart. When he was a child, he often helped take care of the neighbors' children, patiently played with them, and taught them to draw and do crafts. This delicate character has been revealed since childhood, and it has also laid the foundation for his future acting career.

Zhang Linghe bent over in "The Year of China", and netizens hotly discussed: Is this a gentleman's demeanor or a sense of CP?

Zhang Linghe's parents were very supportive of his hobbies, especially when he showed a passion for acting, and spared no effort to support him to participate in various performances and training. In high school, he participated in the school's drama club and won the love of many classmates and teachers with his outstanding performances. After the college entrance examination, Zhang Linghe decided to apply for the Beijing Film Academy, a decision that was fully supported by his parents. During his college years, he not only learned professional acting skills, but also met a group of like-minded friends, who rehearsed together and discussed the art of acting together, which greatly improved Zhang Linghe's performance level.

Zhang Linghe bent over in "The Year of China", and netizens hotly discussed: Is this a gentleman's demeanor or a sense of CP?

After graduation, Zhang Linghe began to step into the entertainment industry. At first, he was just a few small characters, but he never complained, and he went all out for each role, seriously figuring out the inner world of the characters. Gradually, his efforts began to pay off, and more directors and producers noticed his talent. Finally, in a costume drama, he got an important role, which also became a turning point in his career. Since then, his acting career has been on the right track, and he has begun to receive more and more important roles.

Zhang Linghe bent over in "The Year of China", and netizens hotly discussed: Is this a gentleman's demeanor or a sense of CP?

"The Year of China" is a highlight of Zhang Linghe's career. In this drama, the characters he plays are complex and multifaceted, with both a gentle side and a resolute and decisive side. His delicate performance and deep understanding of the inner world of the characters made the audience feel warm. In the play, his interaction with Zhao Jinmai is natural and smooth, and the sweet interaction not only makes the audience feel the real emotions of the characters, but also makes their sense of CP stronger. Outside the play, they frequently took group photos, and this tacit understanding also continued to life, making the audience talk about it.

Zhang Linghe bent over in "The Year of China", and netizens hotly discussed: Is this a gentleman's demeanor or a sense of CP?

However, success has not been without its challenges. Zhang Linghe also experienced a low period in his career, especially when he was just becoming famous, and he once faced great pressure. Fortunately, with the support of his family and friends, he was able to regain his strength and continue to hone his acting skills and improve his acting skills. He understands that to gain a foothold in the highly competitive entertainment industry, it requires not only talent, but also continuous hard work and perseverance.

Zhang Linghe bent over in "The Year of China", and netizens hotly discussed: Is this a gentleman's demeanor or a sense of CP?

In the future, Zhang Linghe hopes to challenge more different types of roles and continue to break through himself. He is eager to showcase his talent on the big screen, but also to get behind the scenes and try his hand at directing and producing. He believes that only by continuous learning and progress can he maintain his competitiveness in this rapidly changing industry.

Zhang Linghe bent over in "The Year of China", and netizens hotly discussed: Is this a gentleman's demeanor or a sense of CP?

In terms of personal life, Zhang Linghe has always kept a low profile. He cherishes the time he spends with his family and friends and tries to have a good work-life balance. He believes that the family is his strong backing and the source of motivation for his continuous progress. He hopes to have a happy family in the future and share the moments of life with the people he loves.

Zhang Linghe bent over in "The Year of China", and netizens hotly discussed: Is this a gentleman's demeanor or a sense of CP?

In short, Zhang Linghe has won the love and recognition of the audience with his unique gentlemanly demeanor, delicate performance and deep understanding of the role. Although there have been twists and turns in his acting career, he has never given up and is full of hope and longing for the future. The audience is looking forward to continuing to see his wonderful performances and more breakthroughs in future works. Zhang Linghe's story has just begun.

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