
"Zhang Linghe's face challenge, the 'microscope' feast in the appearance world, do you dare to come?"

author:Xiao Wang, the captain of Ruru in the melon field

Zhang Linghe's "face-slapping" art is a dimensionality reduction blow in the beauty world?


On this day, a storm called "Zhang Linghe's Face Challenge" suddenly blew on social media, which is not a real confrontation, but a kind of crazy pursuit of Zhang Linghe's close-up photos by fans.

"Zhang Linghe's face challenge, the 'microscope' feast in the appearance world, do you dare to come?"

Imagine, when the lens is almost attached to his delicate facial features, not only does it not expose any flaws, but it makes his handsomeness index increase geometrically, which is simply a "microscope observation experiment" in the beauty world.

"Zhang Linghe's face challenge, the 'microscope' feast in the appearance world, do you dare to come?"

Netizens have turned into microscope girls/boys and began to make various "microscope analysis" in the comment area: "Look at the curvature of this nose bridge, it is simply a textbook of natural aesthetics!" "And that look, so deep that it can suck away people's souls, is it hidden in the sea of stars?"

"Zhang Linghe's face challenge, the 'microscope' feast in the appearance world, do you dare to come?"

What's more, he directly opened his brain: "Zhang Linghe's face photo is probably a sample of aliens studying the appearance of human beings on the earth!" ”

"Zhang Linghe's face challenge, the 'microscope' feast in the appearance world, do you dare to come?"

This "face-slapping" feast not only made Zhang Linghe's appearance the focus of heated discussions, but also stimulated netizens' endless desire to create. Someone spoofed his face, fusing his face with various famous paintings and sculptures, and laughingly said that "this is a cross-border cooperation in the art world";

"Zhang Linghe's face challenge, the 'microscope' feast in the appearance world, do you dare to come?"

Some people imitated his expressions and launched the "National Face Challenge", and for a while, social media was full of all kinds of "face-slapping" emojis, which was very joyful.

From "hard and handsome" to "scared face", Zhang Linghe's appearance evolution theory

If "tough and handsome" is Zhang Linghe's first impression to the outside world, then "slapping face" is a new realm of evolution of his appearance. In this era where appearance is justice, Zhang Linghe used his own way to interpret what it means to be handsome who "can stand the test". His "face" photo is not only a display of appearance, but also a manifestation of confidence and calmness.

"Zhang Linghe's face challenge, the 'microscope' feast in the appearance world, do you dare to come?"

Netizens launched a heated discussion about this: "Where is this face, it is obviously a 'magnifying glass' of appearance, the more you look at it, the more flavorful it is!" "Zhang Linghe, is this a beauty filter? No, he's a walking filter in his own right! What's more, he directly shouted to Zhang Linghe: "Please keep this frequency of slapping faces, our hearts can stand it!" ”

"Zhang Linghe's face challenge, the 'microscope' feast in the appearance world, do you dare to come?"

In this feast of appearance, there is no shortage of rational voices. Some netizens proposed: "Zhang Linghe's handsomeness is not only in his appearance, but also in his temperament and attitude." The reason why the face photo is attractive is that it allows us to see his truest self. ”

"Zhang Linghe's face challenge, the 'microscope' feast in the appearance world, do you dare to come?"

This point of view was quickly endorsed by many netizens, and everyone said: "Yes, the real handsome is exuded from the inside out." ”

When "slapping face" becomes a trend, what are we chasing?

As the topic of "Zhang Linghe's face" continues to ferment, a question worth pondering emerges: in this era of the supremacy of appearance, why are we so obsessed with "face" photos? Is it because it satisfies our quest for perfection, or because it touches our inner yearning for authenticity and confidence?

"Zhang Linghe's face challenge, the 'microscope' feast in the appearance world, do you dare to come?"

Netizens launched a heated debate about this. One party believes: "Face photos are the touchstone of appearance, and only those who can really stand the test can win our love." The other side retorted: "What we pursue is not only appearance, but also the courage to dare to face the camera and show our true selves." ”

"Zhang Linghe's face challenge, the 'microscope' feast in the appearance world, do you dare to come?"

In this debate, a lot of interesting jokes have emerged. Some netizens ridiculed: "In the past, we used to look at full-body photos of star-chasing, but now it's okay, let's just look at the pores with our faces, and the threshold for star-chasing is getting higher and higher!" Some netizens laughed at themselves: "After seeing Zhang Linghe's face photo, I decided to take good care of my skin from today and strive to face the camera bravely one day." ”

Controversial summary: In addition to appearance, what should we pursue more?

In this discussion triggered by "Zhang Linghe's face", it is not difficult for us to find that although appearance is a factor that cannot be ignored, it is by no means the whole story. While pursuing external beauty, we should pay more attention to inner quality and attitude. As Zhang Linghe's "face" photo shows, that confidence and calmness are what makes him really attractive.

"Zhang Linghe's face challenge, the 'microscope' feast in the appearance world, do you dare to come?"

However, this also raises another question worth pondering: in today's highly developed social media, do we pay too much attention to the external image and ignore the internal growth and improvement? Perhaps, we should learn to pay more attention to self-cultivation and the cultivation of inner beauty while appreciating appearance. After all, true beauty comes from the inside out.

"Zhang Linghe's face challenge, the 'microscope' feast in the appearance world, do you dare to come?"

Finally, you might as well end this article with a funny comment from a netizen: "In this era of overflowing appearance, Zhang Linghe used his 'face' photo to tell us: Appearance is valuable, and self-confidence is more expensive; Of course, this is just a joke, but the truth behind it is worth pondering.

"Zhang Linghe's face challenge, the 'microscope' feast in the appearance world, do you dare to come?"

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