
Ye Jianying serves as the deputy secretary of the Beiping Municipal Party Committee, who is the boss? He is also an official at the national level

author:Nanjing tells stories

In 1948, through the joint efforts of the CPC Central Committee and countless comrades and patriots, the ancient capital, which has a history of 1,000 years, was finally peacefully liberated.

Chairman Mao said that everyone was going to "go to Beijing to take the exam", Premier Zhou, Comrade Zhu De and others left Xibaipo together, and the leaders of the Party Central Committee should hand over a satisfactory answer.

Ye Jianying serves as the deputy secretary of the Beiping Municipal Party Committee, who is the boss? He is also an official at the national level

As a historical moment of epochal significance, Chairman Mao and the Party Central Committee appointed Comrade Ye Jianying as the first deputy secretary of Beiping City and the mayor of Beiping City. So who is the main secretary?

Comrade Ye Jianying, the founding marshal of New China, made great contributions to the motherland and the people during the Long March, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

He was appointed as the first deputy secretary of Beiping City, which can't help but make people wonder that Ye Jianying is already a marshal-level general, and who else can be his top boss.

Just when everyone was curious, Chairman Mao signed the letter of appointment, and it turned out that Chairman Mao and the Party Central Committee appointed Comrade Peng Zhen as the secretary of the First Municipal Party Committee of Beiping City.

When Chairman Mao signed the letter of appointment, he said to Premier Zhou: "Peng is really an excellent Communist Party member!" ”

Ye Jianying serves as the deputy secretary of the Beiping Municipal Party Committee, who is the boss? He is also an official at the national level

Premier Zhou also affirmed this: "Yes, chairman, for so many years, Comrade Peng Zhen's ability and organization are obvious to all, and I believe that he and Comrade Ye Jianying will be able to cooperate very well." ”

At the enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee in August 1945, Peng Zhen was praised by the organization and was co-opted as an alternate secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee.

In the following years, Peng Zhen has been in charge of a series of work such as ideological education and party affairs for party members in the Political Bureau of the Central Committee.

When accepting Chairman Mao's appointment, Peng Zhen said modestly: "Chairman, I have always been in charge of party affairs and the work of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee. ”

Chairman Mao patted Peng Zhen on the shoulder and said to him: "You have to do it!" The entry of the CPC Central Committee into Beiping is a very important event and of great political significance! We must deal with the next work with the best face and attitude! This is an important milestone of epoch-making significance for the party and the army! ”

Ye Jianying serves as the deputy secretary of the Beiping Municipal Party Committee, who is the boss? He is also an official at the national level

Even Comrade Ye Jianying, who was appointed deputy secretary, said to Peng Zhen: "Your speech at the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China on the work of cities in enemy-occupied areas was very good, and now that Beiping has been liberated, you must have good opinions on the work in the cities in the liberated areas, and the people of Beiping also believe in you!" ”

Immediately afterwards, Chairman Mao also said: "Secretary Peng Zhen, you have to plan well, the army will enter Beiping City, and there will be a military parade!" ”

In this way, Comrade Peng Zhen was appointed as the first secretary of Beiping City in December 1928, and Comrade Ye Jianying served as the first deputy secretary, and the two jointly governed the peaceful liberation of Beiping City. (In 1949, Peking was renamed Beijing.) )

And, under the arrangement of the leaders, on March 25, 1949, a military parade was successfully held in Beiping, and Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou and other leaders attended the parade.

Ye Jianying serves as the deputy secretary of the Beiping Municipal Party Committee, who is the boss? He is also an official at the national level

Watching the orderly army and armored vehicles entering the parade hall in an orderly manner, whether it was Chairman Mao, Liu Shaoqi, Premier Zhou, Zhu De, Ren Bishi, and more than 100 people from democratic parties, youth representatives, and workers, everyone was excited.

This epoch-making "rush to Beijing to catch up with the examination" is going smoothly, but as a leader who is making intense arrangements and arrangements behind the scenes, people do not know much.

In fact, although Comrade Peng Zhen is not like Comrade Ye Jianying, a well-known general known to women and children, his contribution to the party and the people is absolutely not to be underestimated.

In 1902, Comrade Peng Zhen, who was born in Shanxi, was very poor and had no food to eat, but his father still encouraged him to study and study more.

Ye Jianying serves as the deputy secretary of the Beiping Municipal Party Committee, who is the boss? He is also an official at the national level

Peng Zhen's father and mother did a lot of work, just to let Peng Zhen be able to study, with a grateful heart, Peng Zhen was also admitted to Shanxi No. 1 Middle School to receive new ideas and new education.

It was also in school that Peng Zhen joined the Youth Society and actively participated in the patriotic movement to save the country, and at the age of 20, he had already accepted the ideological influence of Marxism-Leninism and embarked on the road of Marxism.

During the Great Revolution, Peng Zhen did not hesitate to join the movement, serving as the secretary of the Taiyuan branch of the Communist Party of China, leading the local revolutionary movement, Comrade Peng Zhen was one of the founders of the Communist Party organization in Shanxi Province.

However, the Great Revolution failed, and Peng Zhen was also betrayed and captured by the Kuomintang, hoping that Peng Zhen could join the Kuomintang.

Ye Jianying serves as the deputy secretary of the Beiping Municipal Party Committee, who is the boss? He is also an official at the national level

However, Peng Zhen said to the Kuomintang leaders who arrested him in righteous words: "I am only willing to fight for the masses of the people and my motherland, and I will never join you people who are greedy for life and afraid of death." ”

These words angered the Kuomintang and subjected him to all kinds of torture in order to force Peng Zhen to sign the surrender document.

But no matter what kind of pain and torture he went through, Peng Zhen did not give in, did not betray the organization, and did not betray the organization.

After all kinds of torture, Peng Zhen also joined other comrades in prison to fight against the Kuomintang reactionaries, and the comrades who were once in prison were all impressed by Comrade Peng Zhen's indomitable spirit.

Comrade Peng Zhen not only did not give in, but even organized all his fellow inmates in prison to set up a small party organization and personally served as the secretary to carry out the underground party organization work.

Ye Jianying serves as the deputy secretary of the Beiping Municipal Party Committee, who is the boss? He is also an official at the national level

Peng Zhen became the backbone of all the arrested comrades in prison, and everyone was not afraid of the coercion and temptation of the Kuomintang, and together they instilled Marxism-Leninism in the Kuomintang where they were imprisoned, and even the detainees yearned for Marx's thought.

It was precisely because of the power of faith that Comrade Peng Zhen was released by the Kuomintang and freed after the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

But he did not stop there, but took active action, and at the most critical moment of the motherland, he shouldered the task of being the representative of the Northern Bureau of the Communist Party of China and led the Liberation Vanguard Corps.

For many years, Comrade Peng Zhen fought where the motherland needed it most, and in 1938, he fought with Comrade Nie Rongzhen, and at the same time, Comrade Peng Zhen became the secretary of the Jinchaji Branch of the Central Committee.

Ye Jianying serves as the deputy secretary of the Beiping Municipal Party Committee, who is the boss? He is also an official at the national level

Over the years, Comrade Peng Zhen's dedication and ability have been recognized by the organization, and in 1941, Peng Zhen went to Yan'an from Jinchaji to meet Chairman Mao to report on his work.

Chairman Mao held Peng Zhen's hand and praised him again and again: "You did a good job!" Organizations need people like you! ”

Later, Peng Zhen was also appointed vice president of the Central Party School, and at the same time, he was also the head of the Central Organization Department, becoming one of the core members of the Party Central Committee. All along, Peng Zhen has been recognized by everyone for his outstanding work achievements.

Therefore, after the peaceful liberation of Beiping, a person who can take on this important task is needed to take over the affairs of Beiping.

Ye Jianying serves as the deputy secretary of the Beiping Municipal Party Committee, who is the boss? He is also an official at the national level

Sure enough, Peng Zhen and Ye Jianying's cooperation was very tacit, and together with the leaders of the Party Central Committee, they completed the feat of "entering Beijing to catch the exam" mentioned by Chairman Mao.

In 1958, Comrade Peng Zhen took over the work of Beijing again and became the mayor of Beijing, and has been working hard in this post.



2015-05-31.Source: Peng Zhen (1902-1997).

Ye Jianying serves as the deputy secretary of the Beiping Municipal Party Committee, who is the boss? He is also an official at the national level

2019-11-18Source: Communist Party of China News Network Remembering Comrade Peng Zhen, the spirit will never slack off - commemorating the 110th anniversary of Peng Zhen's birth.

Ye Jianying serves as the deputy secretary of the Beiping Municipal Party Committee, who is the boss? He is also an official at the national level