
The man met his ex-wife on a blind date and tried to escape without success, and his ex-wife: said that he would stay single for the rest of his life!

author:Light Emotion

# Blind Date Adventure: How should I face my ex-wife's "single" vow?

## An unexpected reunion at the blind date table

Anyway, this world is really strange, I, Li Qiang, a 35-year-old ordinary office worker, met my ex-wife Zhang Li at the blind date bureau last Saturday! This thing is really laughable, why do you think I have such luck?

I, Li Qiang, was born in an ordinary family, my parents are retired workers, and I work as a project manager in an Internet company. After divorcing my ex-wife Zhang Li, I have been single, and my parents began to give me a blind date when they saw that I was getting older.

The man met his ex-wife on a blind date and tried to escape without success, and his ex-wife: said that he would stay single for the rest of his life!

As for Zhang Li, she is two years younger than me and is a classmate of ours in college. At that time, she was a beauty at the level of a class flower, and there were many suitors. Somehow, in the end, the two of us got together and got married. It's a pity that married life is not as sweet as when we are in love, and we finally chose to break up because of personality incompatibility, differences in living habits and other issues.

## Embarrassment and struggle at the blind date table

On that day, I came to the blind date restaurant at the agreed time and place. As soon as I entered the door, I saw Zhang Li sitting by the window. She was wearing a white dress, her hair was casually pulled back, and she still looked so elegant and moving. I chuckled in my heart, this can't be the person I'm going to go on a blind date, right?

Sure enough, as soon as he sat down, the other party began to introduce himself: "Hello, I'm Zhang Li." "When I heard the name, I almost fell out of my chair. I tried to calm down, pretended I didn't know her, and started chatting with her.

The man met his ex-wife on a blind date and tried to escape without success, and his ex-wife: said that he would stay single for the rest of his life!

However, the content of this chat really embarrassed me. We talked about the bits and pieces of our college days, and talked about the sweetness and quarrels of the past. Every now and then, I peeked at her and noticed that her eyes seemed to be full of mixed emotions.

I began to mutter: Why did this ex-wife suddenly appear on my blind date? Does she still miss me? Or does she want to take the opportunity to get back together? The more I thought about it, the more confused I became, and my heart began to panic.

At this moment, Zhang Li suddenly asked me, "Why don't you leave?" Do you really want to get back together with me? As soon as I heard this, I chuckled in my heart and quickly explained, "No, I ...... I just came on a blind date, I didn't expect to meet you. ”

Zhang Li sneered and said, "Do you think I don't know? I already knew about your parents arranging a blind date for you. I didn't want to come, but I wanted to see if you could forget me. ”

When I heard this, I had mixed feelings. I knew there was no going back between us, but I didn't want her to continue misunderstanding me. So I took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to say, "Zhang Li, we are divorced, and we all have a new life. I hope you will respect my choice and stop dwelling on it. ”

The man met his ex-wife on a blind date and tried to escape without success, and his ex-wife: said that he would stay single for the rest of his life!

## Ex-wife's "single" vows

Zhang Li listened to my words and was silent for a moment. Then she raised her head, looked me in the eye and said, "Li Qiang, do you know? I once said to you that we are going to stay single for the rest of our lives. But I couldn't do it, I got married and divorced. But you've been single until now, and it makes me feel guilty. ”

I listened to her words and felt a little moved. But I also understand that the past is gone, and we can't always live in memories. So I shook my head and said, "Zhang Li, that's all in the past." We all now have our own life trajectories and choices. I hope you can let go of your past obsessions and live your life well. ”

Zhang Li listened to my words, and tears began to roll in her eyes. She took a deep breath and said, "You're right, I should let go of my past obsessions." But I still want to tell you one thing: I have never forgotten the love and vows we once had. Even though we've been apart for so many years, you still hold an important place in my heart. ”

I listened to her words with some emotion in my heart. I know that the relationship between us is no longer going back, but I am also grateful for the love and warmth she once gave me. So I smiled and said, "Thank you Zhang Li." I also hope that you can find the happiness and joy that truly belongs to you. ”

And so we ended this awkward and wonderful reunion at the blind date table. Although the process was a bit tortuous and bumpy, we finally said goodbye to each other as friends.

## Perception and reflection

This blind date adventure made me deeply realize the impermanence of life and the wonder of fate. Sometimes we inadvertently meet those people or things that we once knew and make us sigh at the passage of time and the changes in life. But no matter what, we should cherish the people in front of us, live a good life in the present, and not let the shadow of the past affect our future. At the same time, I also hope that everyone can find their own happiness and joy and live the life they want.

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