
Yanshan has a new name for this school!

author:Hi Yan Mountain
Yanshan has a new name for this school!
Yanshan has a new name for this school!

Announcement of Yanshan County Kindergarten on the change of the name of the unit

Dear Parents and People from All Walks of Life,

According to the spirit of Yan Zhengfu [2024] No. 186 and Yan Bian Banfa [2024] No. 11, with the approval and consent of the Yanshan County People's Government and the Office of the Establishment Committee of the Yanshan County Committee of the Communist Party of China, from June 28, 2024, Yanshan County Kindergarten will be officially renamed Yanshan County No. 1 Kindergarten.

After the name of the garden is changed, we will continue to resolutely implement the party's education policy, implement the fundamental task of cultivating people with virtue, adhere to the "five educations" at the same time, adhering to the idea of "raising teachers and children with love", and the educational goal of "moral, intellectual, and physical balance, physical and mental health", and continue to carry forward the garden motto "Maintain innocence and lay the foundation for the future", and the garden style "Heart, love, innocence and worry-free" as the core of the spirit of inkstone, deepen the teaching and scientific research work, based on the innovation and reform of kindergarten management, curriculum construction and education protection, and constantly improve the overall structure of the curriculum system. Comprehensively promote the leapfrog development of kindergartens, improve the quality of kindergarten nursery education, and make new contributions to the development of preschool education in Yanshan County.

Thanks to parents, friends and people from all walks of life for their long-term support and love to our kindergarten, let us look forward to a better future for the first kindergarten in Yanshan County!

Please note that the announcement is hereby made.

June 29, 2024

Source: Yanshan County Kindergarten Education Group public account

New Media Editor: Wu Jixiang

First instance: Zhang Lina Second instance: Zhu Yunrun Third instance: Li Xingwei

Yanshan has a new name for this school!
Yanshan has a new name for this school!