
Wang Zhifei's "downfall" is really the "sadness" of the entertainment industry

author:Apple says entertainment

In 1965, Wang Zhifei was born in a special family in Beijing. His parents were both deaf and mute, which made the young Wang Zhifei take on responsibilities beyond his peers early.

Whenever parents need to communicate with the outside world, little Wang Zhifei always acts as a translator. When his parents were treated unfairly, his thin body always stood tall in front of his parents, defending them with a young but firm voice.

Such a growth environment made Wang Zhifei more precocious than his peers, and also made him determined to get ahead, so that his parents could raise their heads in front of others. Although the parents could not speak, their eyes were full of expectations and encouragement for their son, always telling him to study hard and support him to study no matter how much money he spent.

When Wang Zhifei was 10 years old, a chance accident changed the trajectory of his life. At school, his teacher wrote a play and got the support of other teachers to prepare for the stage.

Wang Zhifei's "downfall" is really the "sadness" of the entertainment industry

Wang Zhifei was selected to participate, which was his first contact with theatrical performance. In order to direct this performance, the school even invited the director of the China Experimental Theater. During the rehearsal process, Wang Zhifei gradually learned that filming was far more complicated than he imagined.

The script, actors, props, costumes, every aspect needs to be carefully prepared and arranged. Although the process was tedious, when he saw the final product, Wang Zhifei's heart swelled with an indescribable excitement and pride.

At that moment, the seeds of drama were quietly planted in his heart. Since then, whether in school or in life, Wang Zhifei has begun to carefully observe the people and things around him, and secretly imitate them at home.

His eyes flashed with yearning for the profession of actor, and he secretly aspired to become an excellent actor in his heart. When he told his parents about this idea, although they didn't quite understand what an actor was, they still gave unconditional support when they saw the enthusiasm in their son's eyes.

Wang Zhifei's "downfall" is really the "sadness" of the entertainment industry

After entering high school, when his classmates were worried about their future college and work, Wang Zhifei had already set a clear goal for himself - to embark on the road of art and become an actor.

This teenager from a deaf-mute family has a determined light in his eyes, as if he has seen the future of himself standing in the spotlight. 1984 was a turning point for 19-year-old Wang Zhifei.

The China Railway Art Troupe Repertory Troupe was recruiting students, and he saw an opportunity to chase his dreams, so he did not hesitate to sign up and was admitted with excellent grades. This is the first time Wang Zhifei has really come into contact with professional acting, and he is eager to learn and strive to make up for the gap between himself and his predecessors.

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. When he had the opportunity to study at the Central Academy of Drama, the leader did not hesitate to recommend Wang Zhifei. For Wang Zhifei, this is a dream opportunity.

Wang Zhifei's "downfall" is really the "sadness" of the entertainment industry

He stepped into the door of the Central Academy of Drama with excitement and became a classmate of Juanzi, Fu Biao, Lin Jinglai and others. At the Central Academy of Drama, Wang Zhifei worked harder.

He was determined that he would never be worse than anyone else. Every day, he was the first to arrive at the rehearsal hall and the last to leave. Even when others were resting, he was pondering the role and practicing his lines.

Wang Zhifei's diligence soon paid off, and his acting skills were appreciated by many classmates and teachers. In 1984, when Wang Zhifei first entered the Central Academy of Drama, he was just in time for Jiang Wen's batch of students to graduate.

He was fortunate to attend the graduation ceremony of Jiang Wen and others, and watched the drama "Family Events" starring Jiang Wen. This performance brought a huge shock to Wang Zhifei, he sincerely admired Jiang Wen's acting ability, and secretly determined to become an excellent actor like Jiang Wen.

Wang Zhifei's "downfall" is really the "sadness" of the entertainment industry

During his time at school, as long as there was an opportunity to perform on the stage of drama, Wang Zhifei was always the first to sign up. He knows that only by combining the knowledge learned in the classroom with practice can he truly improve his acting ability, make up for his shortcomings, and be fully prepared for entering the entertainment industry in the future.

In 1987, Wang Zhifei graduated from the Central Academy of Drama with excellent results. When parting, the teachers told him to act well, and Wang Zhifei remembered this sentence. Standing at the crossroads of life, his eyes flashed with anticipation and a little apprehension for the future.

Although the future is uncertain, Wang Zhifei knows that as long as he sticks to his dream, he will one day shine in the entertainment industry. In 1987, Wang Zhifei stepped into the unknown showbiz with a dream.

Despite being a newcomer, he is unusually strict with himself. He insisted on taking on only three or four plays a year, and had almost strict standards for the quality of the script. This insistence seemed stubborn at the time, and may even affect the speed of his development.

Wang Zhifei's "downfall" is really the "sadness" of the entertainment industry

But Wang Zhifei is convinced that only high-quality products can make the audience remember an actor. Just when Wang Zhifei was a little confused, the opportunity finally came. Director Yin Li is preparing for the children's drama "Good Dad Bad Dad" and invited Wang Zhifei to participate.

This work not only won the first prize of the Feitian Award for Children's Drama and the Outstanding Screenwriter Award, but also made Wang Zhifei stand out in the industry. Although the audience may not remember his name yet, many directors have already known this serious and dedicated young actor.

In the days that followed, Wang Zhifei was fortunate to cooperate with powerful actors such as Chen Baoguo, Chen Daoming, and Ge You. Although he is mostly a supporting role, he cherishes every opportunity to learn and strives to improve his performance.

These experiences laid a solid foundation for his future success. In 1999, Wang Zhifei ushered in an important turning point in his acting career. Director Shu Chongfu invited him to participate in the military-themed TV series "Outstanding Encirclement".

Wang Zhifei's "downfall" is really the "sadness" of the entertainment industry

This is Wang Zhifei's first contact with this kind of subject, and he is inevitably apprehensive. But he didn't back down, but threw himself into the role, carefully studied the script, and tried to enter the shooting team in the best condition.

On the set, Wang Zhifei's performance made the director very satisfied. He has a deep understanding of the role, his acting is delicate and in place, and he even outperforms the leading actor in some scenes. After this work was broadcast, it left a deep impression on the audience.

In the same year, the first Golden Eagle Festival was held. Wang Zhifei participated in the selection with "Outstanding Encirclement" and unexpectedly won the Golden Eagle Award for Audience's Favorite Supporting Actor. When he heard his name, Wang Zhifei could hardly believe it.

This award is not only an affirmation of his acting ability, but also marks that he has truly established himself in the entertainment industry. In 1992, when his career was booming, Wang Zhifei's love life also ushered in a turning point.

Wang Zhifei's "downfall" is really the "sadness" of the entertainment industry

He met Li Jian, and the two fell in love at first sight and quickly confirmed their relationship. Despite his busy schedule, Wang Zhifei still finds time to spend with Li Jian as much as possible. In the days when there was no filming, he almost never left Li Jian's side, and the relationship between the two heated up rapidly.

However, because Wang Zhifei's career has not yet been completely stable, they did not immediately enter the palace of marriage. It wasn't until Li Jian became pregnant and Wang Zhifei's career gradually got on the right track that the two decided to get married.

Soon after, their son, Wang, was born, bringing great joy to the family. It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and with the booming career, Wang Zhifei put more energy into his work.

Li Jian took care of the children at home alone, and Wang Zhifei couldn't rush back in time when he encountered problems. The contradictions between the two gradually accumulate, and life is full of quarrels. In the end, the marriage ended in divorce, leaving a lot of regrets.

Wang Zhifei's "downfall" is really the "sadness" of the entertainment industry

In 2005, Wang Zhifei ended his first marriage. thought he would fall into a trough, but soon he met someone who could heal his heart - Zhang Xinyi. The two fell in love because of the play, and at first Zhang Xinyi did not agree with Wang Zhifei's pursuit, but later slowly accepted.

They have not made their relationship public, but they have been photographed together and even living together many times. In this relationship, the two introduce each other to resources, support each other, and work together. However, as the career continues to climb, problems come with it.

In the end, this relationship did not escape the "seven-year itch". In 2012, Wang Zhifei announced his unilateral breakup with Zhang Xinyi. Although there are different reasons for the breakup, Zhang Xinyi quickly walked out of the haze of this relationship.

After the breakup, Wang Zhifei was full of confusion and confusion. He chose to go to a school for the deaf and dumb to do public welfare to heal himself. In the process, he met Zhang Dinghan, who was beautiful and kind-hearted.

Wang Zhifei's "downfall" is really the "sadness" of the entertainment industry

The two had frequent contact in public welfare activities, and Zhang Dinghan's intimate care made Wang Zhifei heartbroken again. After only three days of acquaintance, Wang Zhifei made an amazing move - he prepared a romantic marriage proposal surprise for Zhang Dinghan.

Although Zhang Dinghan was a little hesitant, after all, the time they had known each other was too short, but she could feel Wang Zhifei's sincerity, and finally agreed to this seemingly hasty proposal. In 2012, 48-year-old Wang Zhifei married 34-year-old Zhang Dinghan and gave her a beautiful wedding.

After marriage, Zhang Dinghan not only got along with Wang Zhifei's son Wang Ye, but also brought a lovely daughter to the family. After experiencing the ups and downs of two relationships, Wang Zhifei cherished it this time.

He spends less time with his wife and daughter more. This father, who once missed his son's upbringing, is determined not to repeat the mistakes of the past. Although the burden of life is still on his shoulders, Wang Zhifei seems to have finally found a balance between career and family, and is writing his own happy chapter in the spotlight.

Wang Zhifei's "downfall" is really the "sadness" of the entertainment industry

In 2017, the great changes in the entertainment industry brought unprecedented challenges to Wang Zhifei. , a once hot and powerful actor, suddenly found his position awkward.

The rise of traffic stars has continuously squeezed the living space of powerful actors like Wang Zhifei. Wang Zhifei found that those directors and producers who once favored him are now more inclined to choose young traffic actors.

There are fewer and fewer high-quality scripts, and he has to face a cruel reality: either accept less than ideal roles, or there is no drama to film. Despite this, Wang Zhifei still stuck to his principles and refused to participate in what he considered to be a work of poor quality.

But the price of this persistence is that his exposure in the circle is getting lower and lower, and he seems to be being forgotten by this fast-paced entertainment industry. On the set, Wang Zhifei watched the performances of those young actors, and couldn't help but feel some emotion in his heart.

Wang Zhifei's "downfall" is really the "sadness" of the entertainment industry

He knows that his acting skills are far superior to theirs, but in this era where traffic is king, strength no longer seems to be the most important measure. What makes Wang Zhifei feel even more disappointed is that he doesn't have many scenes in this play.

He couldn't help but start thinking about what kind of position he could find in this changing entertainment industry. As time went on, scripts like this came to us more and more.

Each one disappointed Wang Zhifei more than the previous one. He began to choose roles more carefully, preferring not to film rather than wronging his artistic pursuits. Gradually, people saw Wang Zhifei less and less on the screen.

, a once powerful actor, seems to be being overwhelmed by the tide of the times. However, Wang Zhifei's eyes still flashed with his love for acting, but he had more helplessness and thinking about the changes in the industry.

Wang Zhifei's "downfall" is really the "sadness" of the entertainment industry

In the face of the great changes in the entertainment industry, Wang Zhifei did not give up his artistic pursuit. He is still waiting for a high-quality script, refusing to compromise for the sake of exposure. In the days when there was no suitable role, he devoted more time to family life, trying to make up for the debt he once owed to his family.

Wang Zhifei's "downfall" reflects the current situation of the entire entertainment industry to a certain extent. It reflects the industry's neglect of artistic value while pursuing commercial interests.

As an actor who adheres to artistic ideals, Wang Zhifei's experience is not only a personal choice, but also a silent protest and deep reflection on the entire industry.

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