
A-share market: a premeditated scam!

author:Ghost Road Finance

The A-share market, once known as a paradise of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation", has now become the focus of attention and controversy. Some have praised it as a barometer of the economy, others have criticized it as a paradise for speculators. No matter what the evaluation, there is no denying the uniqueness of the A-share market.

A-share market: a premeditated scam!

The A-share market is a unique existence. It not only carries the desire of countless investors for wealth, but also gives birth to the dreams of countless enterprises. However, there are many confusing phenomena in this market. Some people bluntly say that the A-share market is the worst scam carried out by a group of people, and although this statement is extreme, it also reflects some problems in the market.

Why? Because no country or organization has ever dared to openly say that the stock market is contributed by the people. In the A-share market, most investors have experienced the joy of making money and the pain of losing money. It is a pity that only A-shares are the ones that make the majority of people contribute and do not reap. This is because, in this market, a small number of people take advantage of the loopholes in the artificial system to cheat money, and this behavior is still considered legal.

The history of the A-share market can be said to be a history full of controversy. From the early "stock market shady", to the later "rat barn", and then to the current "artificial bull market", these phenomena have harmed the interests of investors to a certain extent. And in this process, only A-shares make the vast majority of people lose money. This can't help but make people sigh, what is wrong with this market?

A-share market: a premeditated scam!

In fact, these problems in the A-share market are not cold overnight. For a long time, there have been a series of institutional problems in the stock market. For example, the low threshold for listing has led to the listing of some companies with poor quality; The stock market is not well regulated, so that some violations of laws and regulations do not go away with due punishment; As well as the phenomenon of "speculation concept" and "speculation" in the market, it is difficult for investors to obtain stable returns in the market.

Of course, we cannot deny that the A-share market has achieved some positive results in the past few years. For example, the implementation of the registration system has improved the quality of listed companies to a certain extent; The strengthening of market supervision has also made some violations of laws and regulations pay the price. These results still pale in comparison to the problems that exist in the market.

How will the A-share market develop in the future? This is not only an economic issue, but also a social one. In this market, most people come with the intention of making money, but few people are able to actually make money. This phenomenon is undoubtedly distressing. Therefore, we need to think about how to make the A-share market truly a fair, just and transparent market, so that investors can realize wealth appreciation here.

A-share market: a premeditated scam!

The problems of the A-share market cannot be solved overnight. It requires the joint efforts of each and every one of us, and the attention and reform of the relevant departments. We look forward to the A-share market getting rid of its current predicament and becoming a positive force for economic development in the coming days.