
Wang Xingyue's studio angered Yu Zheng, what is hidden behind the urgent apology?

author:Lively streams

Today's headlines are the first to be released, and the handling must be investigated

Treasures, have you ever thought that the end of a TV series can be even more exciting than the plot itself? That's right, I'm talking about the "Ink Rain and Clouds" that made countless people stay up all night chasing more. The end of this drama is like the aftermath of the fireworks feast, which lingers for three days. Especially the actor Wang Xingyue, with this drama, it can be said that he has attracted countless fans, and the fans love him deeply.

But the best is yet to come! As soon as the series was completed, Yu Zheng and the actor's studio staged a big drama that was even more gripping than the plot. The fuse turned out to be the farewell text after the finale. The heroine Wu Jinyan's farewell message made fans cry on the keyboard, but Wang Xingyue's dynamics made people scratch their heads, as if Wu Jinyan had nothing to do with him.

Wang Xingyue's studio angered Yu Zheng, what is hidden behind the urgent apology?

This one-man show naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of CP fans. But what is even more surprising is that Wang Xingyue's studio actually released an unaired abandoned tidbit, this edited video is simply a real hammer for the tragedy of the series. Yu Zheng rushed to work overnight to make up the extras, and instantly became extremely embarrassed, and Wu Jinyan seemed isolated.

Yu Zheng was really angry this time, he posted a chat record with Wang Xingyue's studio, and the words were full of anger and incomprehension. He admitted that he didn't understand the rules of the fan circle, but what he wanted to give the audience was a happy ending. As a result, Wang Xingyue's studio's behavior made his efforts chaotic.

Wang Xingyue's studio angered Yu Zheng, what is hidden behind the urgent apology?

Public opinion is intensifying, and Yu Zheng actually liked a dynamic that Wang Xingyue was condemned by the whole network, and directly expressed his attitude. He bluntly said that Wang Xingyue's studio was too bold and released the tidbits of his killing without consent. Yu Zheng said that the matter should be dealt with seriously, the editor who posted the video indiscriminately should be fired, and the relevant personnel should be held accountable.

But Yu Zheng did not turn his anger on Wang Xingyue, he said that Wang Xingyue was just a child, and he didn't understand this, it was the result of the studio's illegal operations. These words made netizens ridicule, children in their 20s? even jokingly called Wang Xingyue an "old boy", and criticized his acting skills by the way.

Wang Xingyue's studio angered Yu Zheng, what is hidden behind the urgent apology?

Wang Xingyue's studio finally couldn't stand it, deleted the relevant video, and apologized. But this apology does not seem to quell the anger of fans. The success of a TV series is inseparable from the hard work of the entire production team. Wang Xingyue's studio's personal interests are paramount, which broke the hearts of the crew and fans.

In this entertainment industry full of hype, what we want to see is that the actors act in a down-to-earth manner and prove themselves with their strength. I hope that the entertainment industry can have fewer routines and more intentions!

Wang Xingyue's studio angered Yu Zheng, what is hidden behind the urgent apology?

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Wang Xingyue's studio angered Yu Zheng, what is hidden behind the urgent apology?

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