
Zhang Yuxi was defeated? Chen Lijun was crowned with glory, and the list of Sister Lang's 5 groups was revealed!

author:Lively streams

Today's headlines are the first to be released, and the handling must be investigated

Friends, are you ready? The entertainment industry is frying again! As soon as the list of "Riding the Wind 2024" came out, the discussion on the Internet was more violent than a tsunami! Today, let's dig deeper, the hidden truth and those little secrets behind this!

Having said that, this year's "Sister Lang 5" is really eye-opening, the lineup of 12 sisters in a group breaks the convention, and the bold attempt of even number configuration makes people have to admire the innovative spirit of the program team. But do you really know the story behind this, Ladies and Gentlemen?

Zhang Yuxi was defeated? Chen Lijun was crowned with glory, and the list of Sister Lang's 5 groups was revealed!

, let's talk about Chen Haoyu, who has jumped from a nobody to a champion. Her story is simply a realistic version of "Cinderella", from "Wild Son" on the first stage to "Fanning the Fire" of Wugong, every performance is eye-catching. But treasures, have you ever wondered why she was able to pass all the way and finally stand in the C position? Is it due to strength, or is there something else hidden?

Next, let's turn our attention to Chen Lijun. This Yue Opera girl not only shines on the stage, but also wins the hearts of countless fans with a song "Mandate of Heaven". Her title of "Person of the Year" is well deserved. But do you know, treasures? Chen Lijun's success is not only because of her talent, but also because of her love and persistence in Yue Opera.

Zhang Yuxi was defeated? Chen Lijun was crowned with glory, and the list of Sister Lang's 5 groups was revealed!

And speaking of Zhang Yuxi, are the treasures just like me, surprised that she didn't make a group? This sister with both appearance and talent, although she is slightly deficient in singing and dancing, her hard work and perseverance have to be admired. However, treasures, do you think Zhang Yuxi is really suitable for forming a group? Perhaps, her stage should be in a broader world.

As for Miao Miao, the former "Feng Girl" once again proved her dancing strength on the stage of "Sister Lang 5". But treasures, have you ever wondered why she didn't make it to the end up? Is it a lack of strength, or is it a trick of fate?

Zhang Yuxi was defeated? Chen Lijun was crowned with glory, and the list of Sister Lang's 5 groups was revealed!

, let's talk about Han Xue. This sister, who has been controversial since the beginning of the show, finally succeeded in forming a group, which sparked heated discussions among countless netizens. Treasures, do you think Han Xue's success is a reflection of strength, or is there another reason?

Okay, treasures, that's all for today's gossip. Although the announcement of the list of groups has caused countless controversies and discussions, it is undeniable that each sister has her own shining points and efforts. Regardless of the outcome, they deserve our respect and appreciation. So, which sister are you most worried about? Come and let me know in the comment section, and let's cheer them on together!

Zhang Yuxi was defeated? Chen Lijun was crowned with glory, and the list of Sister Lang's 5 groups was revealed!

Remember, there is never a shortage of topics in the entertainment industry, but what is lacking is the love of gossip like you and me. Don't forget to like, comment, and retweet, so that more treasures can join our gossip army! See you next time!

Zhang Yuxi was defeated? Chen Lijun was crowned with glory, and the list of Sister Lang's 5 groups was revealed!

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