
The regular guests of the Spring Festival Gala are in prison for drug abuse, and no one cares about their comeback at the age of 55, where are the old friends?

author:Lively streams

Today's headlines are the first to be released, and the handling must be investigated

Boys, let's talk about an explosive topic today, are you ready? The one we want to talk about, but the legend who used to be red and purple, but now few people care. Back then, he was a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala, singing on the same stage with Andy Lau, and he was in the limelight for a while. But who would have thought that this "Prince of Love Songs" was arrested for drug abuse and fell from the altar overnight, and now at the age of 55, he can only find a sense of existence in the commercial performances in the county. This plot is more bloody than the TV series, treasures, can't you wait to know which big star this is?

Our protagonist, who was the protagonist of "Golden Boy and Jade Girl" back then, and the combination with Yang Yuying became popular all over the country, and they held a concert tour, and the venue was full. At that time, Mao Ning was simply the prince charming in the hearts of girls, with high appearance and sweet singing voice, and he was simply the embodiment of the perfect male god. But the good times didn't last long, and a sudden peachy news made his image plummet. Immediately afterwards, the news of being arrested for drug abuse made his career completely cold.

The regular guests of the Spring Festival Gala are in prison for drug abuse, and no one cares about their comeback at the age of 55, where are the old friends?

Having said that, Mao Ning's life is also quite dramatic. He was originally an athlete, but because of an accident injury, he switched to singing. Unexpectedly, this change of career turned out to be a new world. His debut album "Please Let My Emotions Stay With You" was an instant hit and catapulted him to the music industry. But just when his career was in full swing, the robbery incident and the ensuing rumors of his sexual orientation brought his career to a low point.

Treasures, do you think this is a trick of fate? Mao Ning's life is like a roller coaster, rushing to the sky for a while, and falling to the bottom for a while. However, this guy is also quite resilient, after the drug incident, although his status in the entertainment industry plummeted, he did not give up. In 2016, he also held a solo concert and won the title of "Harmonious China Person of the Year".

The regular guests of the Spring Festival Gala are in prison for drug abuse, and no one cares about their comeback at the age of 55, where are the old friends?

The current Mao Ning, although he is over half a hundred years old, still maintains a good figure and still looks so handsome. However, in order to maintain his image, he also worked his face. Treasures, you say, isn't this also quite hard? As for his old partner Yang Yuying, she is still unmarried and childless, living alone in a big mansion in Shenzhen, and she is still the sweet jade girl.

Okay, treasures, at this point in the story, do you think that life is like a play, and a play is like life? Mao Ning's ups and downs tell us a truth: no matter how high the starting point is, once it touches the bottom line of the law, everything will come to naught. Therefore, while we are pursuing our dreams, we must always remind ourselves to be a good law-abiding citizen.

The regular guests of the Spring Festival Gala are in prison for drug abuse, and no one cares about their comeback at the age of 55, where are the old friends?

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The regular guests of the Spring Festival Gala are in prison for drug abuse, and no one cares about their comeback at the age of 55, where are the old friends?

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