
In 1963, the deputy division commander went to Inner Mongolia to inspect and found that the homeless man was actually a comrade-in-arms who had sacrificed for 12 years, a first-class meritorious hero

author:Dream Sunshine NP9

In the spring of 1963, Qu Wenqing, deputy commander of the 118th Division, received news that shocked him: his comrade-in-arms Yu Shuilin, who had been missing for many years, might still be alive. Yu Shuilin was once a first-class hero in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, but after his right arm was blown off in a fierce battle, he has not been heard from. Everyone thought he had died and even held a memorial service for him.

With doubts and expectations, Qu Wenqing came to a remote village in Inner Mongolia. At first, the village chief denied that there was a person named Yu Shuilin in the village, but at Qu Wenqing's insistence, he finally took him to a dilapidated grass hut outside the village. When Qu Wenqing saw the unkempt and ragged man, his heart trembled suddenly. The man raised his head, looked at Qu Wenqing with a blank gaze, and suddenly called out "instructor".

Qu Wenqing couldn't control his emotions anymore, and jumped up and hugged this lost comrade-in-arms tightly. But why did the once heroic and fearless first-class heroes fall into such a situation? In the past 12 years, what has happened to Yu Shuilin? Why did he spend so long years alone in this remote village?

In 1963, the deputy division commander went to Inner Mongolia to inspect and found that the homeless man was actually a comrade-in-arms who had sacrificed for 12 years, a first-class meritorious hero

In October 1950, the Chinese People's Volunteers crossed the Yalu River and began the great journey to resist US aggression and aid Korea. As one of the main forces of the Volunteer Army, the 118th Division undertakes important combat missions. In this heroic team, Yu Shuilin quickly stood out with his extraordinary courage and excellent combat skills.

As an ordinary soldier, Yu Shuilin showed extraordinary wisdom and courage on the battlefield. In a battle in February 1951, the 118th Division was attacked by American forces. Faced with enemy tanks and armored vehicles, many fighters were momentarily overwhelmed. At this critical moment, Yu Shuilin stepped forward.

He keenly observed the weak points of enemy armored vehicles and, braving a hail of bullets, quietly approached enemy positions. Taking advantage of the terrain, Yu Shuilin successfully threw the grenade onto the tracks of the enemy armored vehicle. Explosions sounded, and the enemy armored vehicles instantly lost their ability to maneuver. This move not only disrupted the deployment of the enemy's troops, but also greatly boosted the morale of our troops.

Subsequently, Yu Shuilin led a small group of soldiers to brave the enemy's dense fire network and successfully broke through the enemy's position. In a fierce exchange of fire at close range, they destroyed several enemy armored vehicles and killed and captured dozens of enemy soldiers. This operation greatly weakened the combat effectiveness of the enemy army and created favorable conditions for a full-scale counterattack by our troops.

In another battle, Yu Shuilin's company was surrounded by enemy troops. At the critical juncture when the ammunition was about to run out, Yu Shuilin took the initiative to ask for help and led several comrades to take risks to break through. Not only did they succeed in breaking through the enemy blockade, but they also brought back much-needed ammunition and supplies, saving the entire company.

In 1963, the deputy division commander went to Inner Mongolia to inspect and found that the homeless man was actually a comrade-in-arms who had sacrificed for 12 years, a first-class meritorious hero

Yu Shuilin's heroic deeds soon spread throughout the 118th Division. Not only did he excel in battle, but he also often boosted morale and cared for the wounded between battles, showing the all-round qualities of a good fighter. His actions infected everyone around him and became an example for his comrades-in-arms to follow.

In the summer of 1952, in a crucial battle, Yu Shuilin once again showed his extraordinary courage. The enemy occupies a strategic high ground and threatens the overall situation of our army. The 118th Division was ordered to seize this height, but several successive attacks met with stubborn resistance.

At this critical moment, Yu Shuilin put forward a bold plan. He led a small group of elites, taking advantage of the cover of night, to quietly go around the rear of the enemy army. At dawn, when the main force launched a frontal attack, Yu Shuilin's squad suddenly launched a fierce attack from the rear. This unexpected action completely disrupted the enemy's defensive deployment and created an opportunity for our troops to break through.

In the fierce battle, Yu Shuilin took the lead and charged at the forefront. Regardless of his personal safety, he successively destroyed a number of enemy firepower points and opened a passage for his comrades. In the end, thanks to the heroic struggle of Shui Lin and his comrades, this key strategic high ground was successfully captured.

The victory in this battle not only changed the situation on the local battlefield, but also had a significant impact on the entire course of the war. Due to his outstanding performance in this operation, Yu Shuilin was awarded the honorary title of first-class merit and became a hero recognized by the whole division.

In 1963, the deputy division commander went to Inner Mongolia to inspect and found that the homeless man was actually a comrade-in-arms who had sacrificed for 12 years, a first-class meritorious hero

However, war is brutal. Just when people were still cheering for victory, fate played a cruel joke on Yu Shuilin. In one of the follow-up battles, he was unfortunately hit by an enemy shell and was seriously wounded in the right arm. Despite receiving timely treatment at the hospital, his right arm could not be saved.

In September 1952, on the Korean battlefield, the 118th Division was engaged in a difficult counterattack campaign. As a first-class meritorious hero, Yu Shuilin, although he has lost his right arm, still insists on staying on the front line to command. On this day, the enemy suddenly launched a heavy artillery bombardment, and Yu Shuilin's headquarters was directly hit.

The explosion was deafening and filled with smoke. When the comrades rushed into the ruins to look for survivors, they found Yu Shuilin buried under the rubble, and his fate was uncertain. After emergency rescue, Yu Shuilin was quickly sent to the rear field hospital.

In the field hospital, doctors worked day and night to rescue the wounded. Yu Shuilin's injuries were severe, and in addition to his previously lost right arm, the shelling also caused him multiple fractures and a severe concussion. The doctors did their best to treat him, and after several days of resuscitation, his vital signs were finally stabilized.

However, when Yu Shuilin woke up from his coma, the situation was beyond everyone's expectations. He seems to have lost part of his memory and is unable to recall his identity and past experiences. Even more worrying is that his personality has also changed dramatically, becoming taciturn and indifferent to everything around him.

In 1963, the deputy division commander went to Inner Mongolia to inspect and found that the homeless man was actually a comrade-in-arms who had sacrificed for 12 years, a first-class meritorious hero

Psychiatrists in the hospital believe that it may be due to temporary amnesia and personality changes caused by severe concussions and great psychological trauma. They recommend that the forests be given enough time and space to recover.

At this moment, the situation on the battlefield suddenly changed. The enemy launched a large-scale offensive, and the field hospital had to be urgently transferred. During the chaotic evacuation, Yu Shuilin, who had not fully recovered, somehow lost contact with the large army.

When the other wounded and medical staff were safely evacuated, people found that Yu Shuilin was missing. The 118th Division immediately organized a search team and conducted a carpet search in the surrounding area, but no trace of Yu Shuilin was found.

As time went on, the war situation became more tense, and the 118th Division had to continue to carry out combat missions. Although no one was willing to give up hope, it was impossible to continue the large-scale search under the circumstances.

In the following months, the 118th Division searched for Yu Shuilin's whereabouts through various channels. They contacted the local population of North Korea, consulted all possible hospitals and aid stations, and even asked people to inquire about the list of prisoners of war of the enemy, but to no avail.

In 1963, the deputy division commander went to Inner Mongolia to inspect and found that the homeless man was actually a comrade-in-arms who had sacrificed for 12 years, a first-class meritorious hero

With the signing of the armistice agreement, most of the Chinese volunteers began to withdraw to the country. The officers and men of the 118th Division left the Korean battlefield with a heavy heart. Many of them still hope to see the hero Yu Shuilin again, but the reality is cruel.

After returning to China, the 118th Division continued to search for Yu Shuilin's whereabouts through various means. They issued missing person notices across the country and contacted veterans' organizations in various places in the hope of getting any news about Yu Shuilin. However, all efforts have been lost.

At the end of 1953, after waiting for more than a year, the military had to make a difficult decision. Based on the information they had at the time, they officially announced that Yu Shuilin had died in the war. A grand memorial service was held in the 118th Division, and the comrades-in-arms bid farewell to this heroic combat hero with tears in their eyes.

However, fate is always full of drama. Just when everyone thought that Yu Shuilin had been sleeping on the Korean battlefield, he survived in a way that no one could have imagined.

According to Yu Shuilin's own recollection, during that emergency evacuation, he walked slowly because of his weak body and accidentally got separated. In a dazed and helpless situation, he stumbled upon a retreating contingent of Korean civilians. These kind-hearted North Koreans saw the wounded Chinese soldier, took him with them, and took care of his daily life.

In 1963, the deputy division commander went to Inner Mongolia to inspect and found that the homeless man was actually a comrade-in-arms who had sacrificed for 12 years, a first-class meritorious hero

In the following days, Yu Shuilin followed this group of North Korean people to migrate. Due to his confused memory and language barrier, he is unable to accurately express his identity. This group of North Korean people only regarded him as a homeless wounded man and continued to take care of him silently.

In this way, Yu Shuilin followed this group of Korean people through the final stage of the war. When peace came, he found that he could no longer return to his old life. Lost memories, a disabled body, and uncertainty about the future left him at a loss as to how to deal with his former comrades and family.

In this complex psychological state, Yu Shuilin made an incomprehensible decision: silently left North Korea and smuggled back to China alone, but instead of returning to his hometown, he chose a strange place to start a new life.

In the late autumn of 1953, a one-armed man set foot on the soil of Inner Mongolia. This man is Yu Shuilin, the former hero of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, but at this time he is no longer the high-spirited first-class hero, but a wanderer who has lost his memory and is scarred.

Yu Shuilin chose the vast land of Inner Mongolia, perhaps because it was far away from his hometown and from people who might recognize him. He came to a small village called Caoyuantun, which is remote and the villagers live a simple life of self-sufficiency.

In 1963, the deputy division commander went to Inner Mongolia to inspect and found that the homeless man was actually a comrade-in-arms who had sacrificed for 12 years, a first-class meritorious hero

When he first arrived in the village, Yu Shuilin was in very bad condition. His clothes were ragged, his face was haggard, and the wound on his right arm had not yet fully healed. The villagers were wary of the strange one-armed man at first, but when they saw his miserable appearance, they decided to help.

The village elder Wang took Yu Shuilin in and gave him a dilapidated grass hut to live in. Lao Wang asked his name, but Yu Shuilin couldn't say it, he only remembered his surname Yu. So the villagers called him "Yu Cripple", and this discriminatory nickname accompanied him for 12 years.

In the grassland, Yu Shuilin began a difficult life. Having lost his right arm, he was unable to do heavy physical work and had to do some simple chores to make ends meet. He helps the villagers herd sheep, feed the pigs, clean the cattle pens and sometimes help look after the children. Although the villagers are friendly to him, they always unconsciously treat him as an outsider.

In 1955, the national agricultural cooperative movement was launched. An agricultural production cooperative has also been established in Caoyuantun. Because of his physical disability, Yu Shuilin was unable to become a formal member of the cooperative, and could only work in the cooperative as an employee. This further deepened the estrangement between him and the rest of the villagers.

In 1958, the Great Leap Forward was in full swing. The villagers of Caoyuantun are full of enthusiasm to devote themselves to the upsurge of "large-scale steel making". However, Yu Shuilin was unable to participate in these physically demanding tasks. He could only silently watch the villagers busy, and the loneliness in his heart became more and more intense.

In 1963, the deputy division commander went to Inner Mongolia to inspect and found that the homeless man was actually a comrade-in-arms who had sacrificed for 12 years, a first-class meritorious hero

From 1959 to 1961, the country was plunged into a period of severe economic hardship. The grassland was not spared, and the villagers' lives became extremely difficult. In this case, Yu Shuilin's situation is even more embarrassing. The villagers were too busy to take care of themselves, and they could give him less and less help. On several occasions, he even had to go out into the field in search of weeds and bark to feed his hunger.

In the winter of 1962, the grassland was hit by a heavy snowstorm. The snow is more than a metre thick and the village is almost cut off from the outside world. At this critical moment, Yu Shuilin showed an indomitable spirit. Regardless of his own safety, he took the lead in organizing the villagers to clear the snow and deliver food and firewood to the elderly, the weak, the sick and the disabled. The experience gave the villagers a new understanding of the silent one-armed man.

However, the stress of life has not been lessened. At the beginning of 1963, Yu Shuilin's physical condition deteriorated sharply. Years of malnutrition and overwork left him with severe lung disease. He often coughed up incessantly, sometimes bleeding. The barefoot doctor in the village was helpless and could only give him some herbs to talk to for comfort.

At this moment, the god of fate seemed to finally smile at Shui Lin. In the spring of 1963, an officer who claimed to be the deputy commander of the 118th Division came to Caoyuantun and broke the peaceful and difficult life of Yu Shuilin.

This officer is none other than Qu Wenqing, a comrade-in-arms who once fought side by side with Yu Shuilin. Qu Wenqing heard the rumor of a one-armed homeless man in the grassland by chance, and thought of Yu Shuilin, who had been missing for many years, and decided to come to find out in person.

In 1963, the deputy division commander went to Inner Mongolia to inspect and found that the homeless man was actually a comrade-in-arms who had sacrificed for 12 years, a first-class meritorious hero

When Qu Wenqing saw the unkempt and ragged man, he could hardly recognize that this was Yu Shuilin, the once heroic and fearless combat hero. However, when Yu Shuilin raised his head and looked at Qu Wenqing with those eyes that had been through vicissitudes but were still bright, the memories of the past came flooding back.

Qu Wenqing shouted excitedly: "Shui Lin, is it you?" Hearing this name that had not been heard for a long time, Yu Shuilin's eyes suddenly burst into a strange brilliance. His lips trembled, and he struggled to spit out two words: "Instructor." "

At this moment, the twelve-year barrier was broken in an instant. Qu Wenqing hugged this lost comrade-in-arms tightly, and tears flowed uncontrollably. The villagers watched in amazement as the man they called "Yu Cripple" turned out to have been a heroic battle hero.

In this way, Yu Shuilin's 12-year incognito life came to an end. However, this is not the end of the story, but a new beginning. For Shuilin, how to face the past and reintegrate into society is still a huge challenge.

In the spring of 1963, accompanied by Qu Wenqing, Yu Shuilin bid farewell to the grassland where he had lived for 12 years and embarked on a journey back to his hometown. This reintegration is not only a long-awaited return for Shuilin, but also a new journey full of challenges.

In 1963, the deputy division commander went to Inner Mongolia to inspect and found that the homeless man was actually a comrade-in-arms who had sacrificed for 12 years, a first-class meritorious hero

When Yu Shuilin stepped into the land of his hometown, he was greeted by a scene that was both familiar and unfamiliar. Twelve years have changed a lot, and the once familiar streets and houses have a new look. What made him feel even more uncomfortable was people's gaze. Although everyone warmly welcomed this "lost and regained" hero, Yu Shuilin felt an indescribable estrangement.

Back home, Yu Shuilin found that his parents had died, and his wife took her son to remarry someone else. This blow is undoubtedly huge for Shuilin. He stood in front of his former home, speechless for a long time. Neighbors gathered around, some comforting him, some asking about his experience over the years, but Yu Shuilin was just silent.

In order to help Yu Shuilin readjust to social life, the local government arranged a job for him as a clerk in the county's veterans' resettlement office. This job seems simple, but it is a huge challenge for Yu Shuilin, who has no formal work experience for 12 years.

On the first day of work, Yu Shuilin encountered difficulties. His handwriting had become crooked due to a long lack of practice, and it was impossible to type. Although colleagues are polite on the surface, they have a lot of complaints about the ability of this "hero" in private. Yu Shuilin could feel the questioning eyes of the people around him, but he chose to endure silently and study hard.

In addition to the difficulties at work, Yu Shuilin also faces many challenges in life. Due to his long solitary life, he was no longer accustomed to interacting with people. In the group activities organized by the unit, he often seemed out of place. Sometimes, colleagues discuss the latest movies or pop songs, but Yu Shuilin doesn't understand them at all, so he can only stand awkwardly on the sidelines.

In 1963, the deputy division commander went to Inner Mongolia to inspect and found that the homeless man was actually a comrade-in-arms who had sacrificed for 12 years, a first-class meritorious hero

However, Yu Shuilin did not give up. He began to work hard to learn new knowledge and improve his work ability. Every day after work, he spends a few extra hours in the office practicing typing and writing. Gradually, his work efficiency improved, and his handwriting became neater.

At the same time, Yu Shuilin is also trying to integrate into collective life. He began to take the initiative to participate in various activities of the unit, and although he still felt uncomfortable at times, he insisted on trying. In a tree-planting activity, Yu Shuilin demonstrated his proficient tree-planting skills with the experience he had accumulated in the grassland, which won the appreciation of his colleagues.

In 1965, Yu Shuilin's deeds were reported by a local newspaper. This report attracted widespread attention, and many people were touched by Yu Shuilin's perseverance. Subsequently, more and more media began to focus on the story of Shuilin.

While these reports brought attention to Yu Shuilin, they also brought new pressure to him. Some began to question why he didn't return to China immediately, and some even wondered if he really had amnesia. In the face of these doubts, Yu Shuilin chose to remain silent. He didn't want to remember that painful experience, and he didn't want to justify himself.

At this moment, an unexpected opportunity changed the trajectory of Yu Shuilin's life. At the beginning of 1966, a young female teacher named Li Xiuying took the initiative to write to Yu Shuilin to express her condolences after seeing Yu Shuilin's report. At first, Yu Shuilin had no intention of replying, but with the encouragement of his colleagues, he still wrote a brief reply.

In 1963, the deputy division commander went to Inner Mongolia to inspect and found that the homeless man was actually a comrade-in-arms who had sacrificed for 12 years, a first-class meritorious hero

After this back and forth, the two actually began frequent correspondence. Li Xiuying's kind and gentle personality made Yu Shuilin gradually open his heart. In the letter, for the first time, he recounted in detail about his experiences over the years. Li Xiuying not only did not have prejudice against his past, but admired his strength even more.

In the spring of 1967, after many correspondences, Li Xiuying decided to visit him in person in the city of Yushuilin. When Yu Shuilin saw Li Xiuying at the train station, he felt that the loneliness and depression he had felt for many years seemed to disappear all at once.

Li Xiuying's arrival brought a turnaround to Yu Shuilin's life. With her encouragement, Yu Shuilin began to try his hand at writing and recording his experiences. This not only helped him organize his thoughts, but also allowed him to find a new way of expression.

At the end of 1968, with the support of Li Xiuying, Yu Shuilin completed his first memoir "Twelve Years". This book is a true record of his life in the grassland and the difficulties he faced after returning to society. The unpretentious words in the book touched many readers, and also made more people understand Yu Shuilin's choice.

In this way, with the dual support of career and relationship, Yu Shuilin gradually regained his self-confidence and reintegrated into society. Although the haze of the past has not completely dissipated, he has been able to face his life calmly and move on.

In 1963, the deputy division commander went to Inner Mongolia to inspect and found that the homeless man was actually a comrade-in-arms who had sacrificed for 12 years, a first-class meritorious hero

In the early 1970s, Yu Shuilin's life gradually got on track. After he married Li Xiuying, the two ran a small bookstore together, while Yu Shuilin continued to write. After the publication of his second book, Rebirth, it caused a wider social repercussion. This book not only tells his personal experience, but also depicts the living conditions of ordinary people in that special era, and has become one of the important documents to understand that period of history.

In 1978, with the implementation of the reform and opening up policy, Yu Shuilin's story once again attracted public attention. A young director approached Yu Shuilin to bring his experience to the screen. At first, Yu Shuilin was a little hesitant, worried that the film would overly embellish or distort the facts. But with Lee so-young's encouragement, he finally agreed.

The film "Twelve Years" was released in 1980 and became an instant sensation. The film truly shows Yu Shuilin's hard life in the grassland, as well as the difficulties he faced after returning to society. The audience was moved by Yu Shuilin's tenacity and at the same time gained a deeper understanding of that period of history.

The success of the film has made Yu Shuilin the focus of public attention again. Invitations poured in, some wanted him to give a speech at school, and some invited him to participate in a TV show. In the face of these invitations, Yu Shuilin selectively accepted some. He believes that if his experience can inspire young people, it will be the most meaningful thing.

In 1982, Yu Shuilin was invited to return to the Korean battlefield where he had fought. Standing on the land where the bloody battle was once fought, the past came flooding back. He saw the changes in Korea in the era of peace, and he also deeply felt the preciousness of peace. After returning to China, he wrote an article entitled "Revisiting the Battlefield", calling on people to cherish peace and oppose war.

In 1963, the deputy division commander went to Inner Mongolia to inspect and found that the homeless man was actually a comrade-in-arms who had sacrificed for 12 years, a first-class meritorious hero

In 1985, Yu Shuilin's third book, Witness, was published. This book differs from the autobiographical nature of the previous two books, but instead records the major historical events he experienced, as well as his observations and reflections on these events. The book provides in-depth analysis of major historical events such as the War against US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Great Leap Forward Movement, and the Cultural Revolution, which has become an important reference material for understanding that era.

In the 1990s, as he grew older, Yu Shuilin gradually reduced his public activities, but he did not stop writing. He began to pay attention to the lives of the lower strata of society, often going deep into the countryside and the periphery of the cities to record the living conditions of ordinary people. Although these findings have not been published in a book, they have had an important impact on academics and policymakers.

In 1995, Yu Shuilin was named "National Outstanding Veteran", an honor that came a little late, but it was of great significance to Shuilin. At the award ceremony, Yu Shuilin, who is in his 70s, delivered a short and affectionate speech, saying: "I have experienced too much in my life, there have been glories and lows. But what I am most fortunate about is that no matter at any time, I have not forgotten that I am a Chinese, a soldier who once fought for the country. "

In the 21st century, Yu Shuilin's health began to decline, but he still insisted on writing every day. In 2005, he completed his last book, Eighty Years of History, which is a summary of his life experience and a unique observation of China's modern history.

In 2010, 85-year-old Yu Shuilin was hospitalized due to illness. From his hospital bed, he was still concerned about the development of the country and the changes in society. He often discusses current hot issues with those who come to visit, and has unique insights into many social phenomena.

In 1963, the deputy division commander went to Inner Mongolia to inspect and found that the homeless man was actually a comrade-in-arms who had sacrificed for 12 years, a first-class meritorious hero

On March 15, 2012, Yu Shuilin passed away peacefully accompanied by his family. After the news broke, mourning events were held throughout the country. People are remembering not only a hero who resisted US aggression and aided Korea, but also an important figure who witnessed China's modern history.

Yu Shuilin's life spanned some of the most turbulent and glorious periods in Chinese history. From a hero to an incognito wanderer, to a writer and social observer after returning to society, his experience is a vivid history in itself. His works and his life story have become an important window into that era, influencing generations of Chinese.