
When the parents went to the martial arts school, they saw that the child was being pressed to the ground and beaten, and the child was beaten until he was sluggish and did not know his father

author:Soy milk fritters read the joke
When the parents went to the martial arts school, they saw that the child was being pressed to the ground and beaten, and the child was beaten until he was sluggish and did not know his father


Recently, a shocking incident occurred at the Songshan Shaolin Tagou Martial Arts School in Dengfeng City, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. During a visit to his son, a parent witnessed the scene of his son being pressed to the ground and beaten by the coach, and the child was beaten so sluggish that he could not even recognize his father.

When the parents went to the martial arts school, they saw that the child was being pressed to the ground and beaten, and the child was beaten until he was sluggish and did not know his father

The incident quickly attracted widespread attention from all walks of life, with people condemning the violence and calling for tighter supervision of martial arts schools.

The way it is

On June 21, Mr. Gao went to visit his son at Songshan Shaolin Tagou Martial Arts School, and happened to see the child being pressed to the ground by the coach. Mr. Gao found that his son had been beaten and didn't know him, and he was in a sluggish state.

When the parents went to the martial arts school, they saw that the child was being pressed to the ground and beaten, and the child was beaten until he was sluggish and did not know his father

The child has large bruises and redness on the entire buttocks and thighs. Mr. Gao immediately took his son to the hospital for examination, and the hospital diagnosis certificate showed that the child was diagnosed with "mental disorder". After the incident, Mr. Gao called the police, and the coach involved had been detained by the police.

When the parents went to the martial arts school, they saw that the child was being pressed to the ground and beaten, and the child was beaten until he was sluggish and did not know his father

Afterwards, the reporter contacted the child's 39th training group, Team Leader Zhang, who said that he did not find this situation at that time, and the school did not allow such a thing to happen, and is now actively cooperating with the police investigation.

Things follow-up

After this incident was posted on the Internet, it immediately caused an uproar. After seeing the video report, many people expressed great sympathy for the child's experience, and at the same time expressed serious dissatisfaction with the behavior of the coach involved.

When the parents went to the martial arts school, they saw that the child was being pressed to the ground and beaten, and the child was beaten until he was sluggish and did not know his father

Everyone has children, so how would it feel to see your son being abused like a doll? Every child is a treasure in the palm of their parents' hands. This coach has done such abuse to a child, he must not be let go, and he must be punished by the law.

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Netizen comments

When the parents went to the martial arts school, they saw that the child was being pressed to the ground and beaten, and the child was beaten until he was sluggish and did not know his father

Some netizens said: Tagou Martial Arts School, Coach Hu Haiwang, borrowed 2,000 yuan from me when my son was in school, and I haven't paid it back yet.

It can be seen that the teaching quality of teachers in the school should be rectified, and teachers can open their mouths to ask parents to borrow money, I'm afraid it's not as simple as borrowing money, right?

When the parents went to the martial arts school, they saw that the child was being pressed to the ground and beaten, and the child was beaten until he was sluggish and did not know his father

This netizen told his story: his son went for three years, and finally cried and didn't go. It took a few years before I dared to tell us that we were often beaten at school. According to the face, a slap and nosebleed came out. There is also the so-called ash rod that breaks one in a few strokes. I couldn't get out of bed for three days. My son was 7.8 years old.

There are also netizens who empathize: his son was also sent in the second grade, and half of his face was swollen with a fractured temporal bone in his ear, and he asked him if he was beaten by the coach, but he didn't dare to admit that it was played by the coach, and he didn't dare to admit that it was beaten by the coach after two months of taking it back, saying that he was holding his neck against the wall and lifting it, and then put it on the ground and slapped his face, and stayed in the People's Hospital for ten days.

When the parents went to the martial arts school, they saw that the child was being pressed to the ground and beaten, and the child was beaten until he was sluggish and did not know his father

Seeing this, I can't help but ask whether the school has a corresponding assessment for coaches when recruiting coaches, and whether there is corresponding training and teaching in the daily office. What is the reason why these coaches dare to beat the children so blatantly, is the school really unaware, or pretending not to know? Why don't these so-called coaches, who beat and abuse students at will, have any reverence for the law?


This incident once again reminds us that it is necessary to strengthen the supervision of martial arts schools to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of students are protected. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the growth environment of young people and create a safe, healthy and harmonious growth atmosphere for them. Only in this way can we cultivate more outstanding talents and make greater contributions to the future and development of the country.

When the parents went to the martial arts school, they saw that the child was being pressed to the ground and beaten, and the child was beaten until he was sluggish and did not know his father

After watching this video report, as a parent of a child, I am really distressed to death. What is this being sent for? Is this sending his own baby to be beaten? Parents and friends, children should try not to send them to these closed schools, otherwise it will be too late to regret what happens.

It turns out that every child and baby of ours can grow up healthy and stay away from danger. What do you think about this? Welcome to leave your valuable comments.

The material of the article is quoted from: Yueniu News

[Disclaimer] The time, process, and pictures of the article are all from the Internet, and the article aims to spread positive energy, and there is no vulgar and other bad guidance. The audience should look at this incident rationally, and do not leave malicious comments with subjective assumptions, the Internet is not a place outside the law. If there is a dispute about the authenticity of this article, copyright or image infringement, please contact the author in time, and we will delete it.