
The husband is suspicious, the wife is so frightened that she hides the knife in the house, and the husband: I won't do anything to her

author:Lu Mengmeng's emotions

Lao Cui, the helper, said that he was frightened by his son's behavior, he was young and had not experienced anything bad, but his son suddenly wanted to jump off the building and commit suicide.

Fortunately, he found it in time and stopped his son Xiaoxu.

Because he and his son don't have a good relationship, his son is reluctant to communicate with him, which makes him anxious and worried.

I don't know what my son thinks in his heart, and I can't start if I want to enlighten him.

He only knew that his son had been depressed and had a somewhat negative attitude in the past six months, but he didn't know the specific reason.

Originally, he thought that his son was just not in a good mood, and maybe it would be fine after a while, but he didn't expect his son to do extreme things.

In order to help Lao Cui, the mediation team followed Lao Cui to the house and met with his son Xiaoxu.

The husband is suspicious, the wife is so frightened that she hides the knife in the house, and the husband: I won't do anything to her

The mediator cautiously asked Xiao Xu, why did he suddenly do such an extreme thing, is there any knot in his heart?

Xiao Xu frowned, in fact, because of his parents, they often quarreled, and they were tired of this family environment, which caused them to think about it for a while, and they had the idea of committing suicide.

At that time, he felt that life was meaningless at all, and home was not a place of friendship.

From the time he was a child to the present, so much so that there is a lingering shadow in his heart.

Before, he was naïve to think that when he got older, maybe his parents would stop arguing.

However, it backfired, and the parents still had a lot of trouble.

Knowing Xiao Xu's thoughts, Lao Cui also admitted that he and his wife did quarrel often.

Probably, these bad things really brought a lot of psychological pressure to his son.

Sometimes, when it was very late, he saw the light in his son's room, presumably insomnia.

However, the conflict between their husband and wife will not be clear for a while.

During this time, the couple even fought, and the wife had long nails, scratching his arms and calves all over the place, and bleeding.

As he spoke, he asked the mediator to look at his arm.

In this regard, his wife, Sister Liu, was not happy, saying that she was the victim.

Her husband did it to her first, and he hit her hard, and her eye circles were blue by him, and she couldn't bear to fight back, and the rabbit was in a hurry and bit people, not to mention that she was alone.

However, she didn't have much strength, and fighting back was like an itch to him, and it didn't hurt at all, it just broke a little skin.

After comparison, the mediator also thought that Lao Cui's injury was a minor injury, and the skin on the surface was broken, and Sister Liu's injury was relatively serious.

Lao Cui didn't think so, anyway, she did it, of course he had to fight back.

Seeing that both of them thought they were the victims, the mediator asked Lao Cui again, can't everyone say something well?

Why do you have to do it?

Lao Cui explained that he was angry and couldn't bear it, so he did it.

The wife is a little self-respecting in the communication between men and women, the boundaries are not clear, there is no proportion, and the relationship with the men outside is not normal.

He told her many times not to get too close to men and to talk to men less.

She just listened to the wind and didn't listen to a word.

In his opinion, getting too close to the opposite sex is to be unfaithful to him, or to be on the road of infidelity.

Her son is so old, why doesn't she have any points in her heart!

The husband is suspicious, the wife is so frightened that she hides the knife in the house, and the husband: I won't do anything to her

The mediator felt that Lao Cui was too nervous, and it was not a big deal to have one or two friends of the opposite sex.

He opened his mouth and said that his wife was not self-respecting, but what evidence was there?

If not, you can't say this nonsense, it will hurt the feelings of the husband and wife.

When it comes to the past, Lao Cui is very angry, of course he has evidence.

Let's talk about his concerns first, in today's society, everyone has it, and it is easy to have problems getting along with the opposite sex, so he asks his wife not to be too close to the opposite sex.

By doing so, you can avoid a lot of trouble.

If it is really a last resort, the wife has something to say, and don't talk endlessly with the opposite sex.

The wife is a very bad person, and she doesn't have contact with women, so she likes to chat and talk with men.

The wife's job is to sweep the floor and clean the unit, and the cook in the kitchen of the unit is a man, and the wife often comes to the kitchen to help.

You know, this kitchen work has nothing to do with her, she just needs to do her job of sweeping and cleaning.

Obviously, the wife ran to the kitchen to help out so that she could talk to the male chef.

After learning about this, he was very angry and persuaded her to stop doing such a thing and go and help the man do something!

Even if they don't have anything to do, they are different in the eyes of others, there is a difference between men and women, people will gossip, and their own reputation will be damaged.

Sister Liu told the mediator that when she works in a unit, she just wants to get along with her colleagues more friendly, so she will help within her ability.

After building a good relationship, work or something, it is easier to do, and she will not be excluded or someone deliberately embarrass her.

It's always good to be gregarious.

The husband is suspicious, the wife is so frightened that she hides the knife in the house, and the husband: I won't do anything to her

Besides, she didn't go over alone to help others, and the other two female colleagues who swept the floor also went over.

The three of them all think so, they can help a little if they can, and it's not a heavy job anyway.

And they can eat there by the way.

At first, she didn't really want to go, she refused twice, and then two other female colleagues would still call her, and she couldn't refuse again, so she went with her.

She and the chef are just colleagues, and there is no clarity.

Lao Cui still disagrees, everyone has different positions, there shouldn't be too much intersection, and the three of them have problems with their practices.

Occasionally helping, he may be able to turn a blind eye, the key is that his wife frequently goes to help, what is it called!

has no relatives and no reason, and helps others do things in vain, and he has to doubt his wife's intentions.

Also, he inquired that his wife had gone to help alone a few times, how could this be explained?

His wife hid these things from him, and he had to rely on himself to investigate.

Sister Liu admitted that she did go alone to help for three days.

However, this is just a small thing, a normal help, how else do you need her to explain!

He can think whatever he likes, and he doubts everything he says anyway.

Since you don't believe it, what else do you ask!

The reason why she didn't tell her husband was because after telling him, he quarreled with her and controlled and interfered with her affairs in various ways.

Speaking of which, Sister Liu didn't say anything and pulled the mediator into the kitchen.

The husband is suspicious, the wife is so frightened that she hides the knife in the house, and the husband: I won't do anything to her

At this time, Sister Liu's face was solemn, saying that her husband was wrong and emotionally unstable, and she scolded her wildly at every turn and scared her.

Her husband was suspicious, and she was so frightened that she hid the knife in the house, for fear that one day he would go crazy again and cut people with a knife.

The mediator glanced around and saw that there were really no knives left in the kitchen.

Sister Liu continued to say that the two plastic stools at home had been smashed by him, just to vent his so-called anger in his heart.

always suspected that she had an outside heart, she didn't know where his suspicion came from, obviously she had been living with him steadily, and she didn't have the slightest bit of trouble with him.

Even if this marriage is a chicken feather, he has endured it for the sake of his son, and he has resentment in his heart, but he has no thoughts of betrayal.

She is a person of traditional thinking.

When the words fell, Sister Liu couldn't help sobbing.

Hearing his wife's cry, Lao Cui did not have the slightest pity, but came over and sneered, saying that his wife was pretending to be pitiful and sympathetic.

The mediator couldn't listen to it, so he stopped Lao Cui and asked Lao Cui to stay aside and keep quiet.

At this time, the mediator found that Sister Liu's hands kept shaking.

The mediator hastened to reassure.

Sister Liu said in a trembling voice, she was afraid, and when she thought of the past, she was afraid.

At this time, her husband was still taunting her, and she was even more frightened.

Fear from the heart.

It took a few minutes for Sister Liu's mood to stabilize.

She told the mediator that she would explain to her husband at the beginning of many things related to colleagues of the opposite sex to avoid misunderstandings.

However, the more her husband learned, the more suspicious he became, which turned into an argument and then a move on her.

So, she didn't dare to talk to him anymore.

Her husband even forced her to write a written pledge, which made her feel very uncomfortable, as if he was insulting her.

She was obviously not wrong, she shouldn't have been forced to write this kind of guarantee, and she still wrote it in front of her son.

Sister Liu took out the guarantee letter from the cabinet and handed it to the mediator.

The mediator also felt incredible when he read it, and the guarantee said that he could not contact the opposite sex, did not speak, and did not help.

If the agreement is violated, the woman will leave the house.

The husband is suspicious, the wife is so frightened that she hides the knife in the house, and the husband: I won't do anything to her

Lao Cui said that he didn't force his wife to write like this, but just let her watch it herself and admit her mistake.

Sister Liu once again emphasized that none of this was voluntary for her.

The mediator also felt that no one would voluntarily write such an agreement, and persuaded Lao Cui to tell the truth, otherwise the conflict at home would not be resolved.

This kind of agreement, in fact, is outrageous, not allowing her to have contact with the opposite sex, unless she doesn't even have to go to work.

In modern society, if people want to work and earn money, they will meet colleagues, and there are male and female colleagues.

Lao Cui did not respond positively to the mediator, only said that his wife had touched his bottom line, he had no trust in her, and he had no sense of security in his heart, and she had to write this agreement.

The man in the kitchen hasn't made it clear yet, and his wife and another male colleague are unclear.

Under his investigation, he found that something was wrong with his wife and a so-called squad leader over there.

Some people say that the squad leader took good care of his wife and treated her very well.

He thought it was strange, for no reason, why should he be good to his wife?

Unless, the two of them have some ulterior secrets.

Due to work matters, my wife was suddenly sent to other places to support, and nine other people went with my wife.

At about nine o'clock in the evening, the squad leader called his wife alone, and the call lasted forty-five seconds, and his wife didn't tell him what he said.

Obviously, there must be something wrong with it.

The husband is suspicious, the wife is so frightened that she hides the knife in the house, and the husband: I won't do anything to her

If his wife had told him that the squad leader had informed her that she would go somewhere else to support tomorrow, he would not have doubted it.

Hiding it from him, hiding it for a long time, if he hadn't investigated this matter, he might still be in the dark now!

Moreover, if the squad leader treats everyone equally, why doesn't he call everyone else?

Sister Liu said that she was afraid that her husband would be cranky again, so she didn't dare to tell him about it.

At that time, she didn't know that the squad leader had called her alone, and the content of the call was normal, so she was informed that she needed to go to support tomorrow and what tools she needed to bring.

The call time is short, what can she say to the squad leader?

Usually, the squad leader would not specifically explain what he was going to do, but that was the first time he explained to her.

Later, she went to ask other colleagues, and the colleague said that she didn't receive the call from the squad leader, but she saw the message in the group and replied to the squad leader, but she didn't respond alone.

Then there is an answer, the squad leader was afraid that she didn't know about the support, and he didn't read the group news, so he called her.

Still, her husband didn't believe her explanation.

In this regard, Ms. Wang, a leader of the unit, can testify to her.

The mediator contacted Ms. Wang by phone, and Ms. Wang said that the squad leader and Sister Liu were just colleagues, and there was no such thing as getting close.

Sister Liu was misunderstood by her husband Lao Cui, and they all felt very strange, normal interpersonal relationships, there was no need to quarrel.

The husband is suspicious, the wife is so frightened that she hides the knife in the house, and the husband: I won't do anything to her

She once helped Sister Liu explain, but Lao Cui still didn't believe it.

Lao Cui said that of course he would not believe it, but his wife came back with support and sat in the same car with the squad leader.

Sister Liu explained, no, the squad leader was not with her, she and another colleague took a ride.

Old Cui Ling was stubborn, and seemed to only be willing to believe what he wanted to believe, but he did not proceed from reality, and the mediator felt very helpless.

There was no way, so they had to go to Sister Liu's colleague and listen to what other colleagues had to say.

In order to help Sister Liu prove her innocence, several colleagues came over.

The squad leader felt that it was outrageous, there was nothing between him and Sister Liu, so he was inexplicably suspected by her husband, he was very wronged!

On the way back from support, he didn't take a car with Sister Liu.

At that time, they had a total of three cars, he took the first car, and Sister Liu took the third car.

Another fatter eldest sister said that she had a ride with the squad leader and the supervisor, and Sister Liu was not among them.

At that time, the eldest sister who was in the same car as Sister Liu also stood up, and the third car she and Sister Liu were in together, and the squad leader was in the first car.

The mediator asked the fat sister again, did Sister Liu have any ambiguities with the chef or the squad leader at work?

The fat eldest sister shook her head, no, they are innocent, and everyone gets along very well, so they are willing to help each other.

The husband is suspicious, the wife is so frightened that she hides the knife in the house, and the husband: I won't do anything to her

The squad leader is kind and helpful, and he takes care of them more, and he doesn't take special care of Sister Liu.

Besides, Sister Liu is an honest person, and she does her duty.

Other female colleagues also said that Sister Liu is not the kind of frivolous person and will never do anything against morality.

They know her as a person, honest and diligent, with a good heart, and a very down-to-earth person.

If she does a good job, the supervisor and the squad leader like to praise her.

Colleagues have a very high opinion of Sister Liu, and everyone says that she has a good character.

The mediator and Lao Cui said that everyone's eyes were bright.

One or two people said that Sister Liu was innocent and good, maybe it wasn't enough to make Lao Cui believe it.

Now, Sister Liu's colleagues have testified to her, and everyone says that Sister Liu is good, which means that she is really good.

Lao Cui didn't say anything more.

The matter was finally clear, and Sister Liu was given justice, Sister Liu was so happy that she cried, she had been wronged by her husband for so long, she couldn't say it clearly.

Now, I can finally prove my innocence.

The husband is suspicious, the wife is so frightened that she hides the knife in the house, and the husband: I won't do anything to her

The mediator criticized Lao Cui, he couldn't solve the problem with emotion, he doubted at every turn, and he still did it, which was hurting his wife.

Lao Cui knew that he was wrong, saying that he was hurt by a woman when he was young, so it was not easy to trust people.

His wife and his husband and wife for more than 20 years, he still can't remove the shadow brought by the previous person, this is his problem.

In the future, he will not do anything to his wife again, and he will not suspect his wife anymore.

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