
Parasites in marine fish such as salmon and cod can attack the human urethra!

author:Neighborhoods to healthy communities

If someone eats sashimi made from freshwater fish in the video, the comments at the bottom will definitely say "Parasite warning" and "Beware of parasites";

If the sashimi that this person eats is made of sea fish, then the comments at the bottom will definitely be much more harmonious, and even the word "parasite" will not be visible......

is also swimming in the water, why is the treatment of swimming in the sea and swimming in the river so different? Aren't there parasites in marine fish?

Parasites in marine fish such as salmon and cod can attack the human urethra!

It is believed that most of the marine fish live in the deep sea, and the sea water is very salty, and the salt content in it is much higher than that of fresh water, so some parasites will be "salted to death" and cannot survive. There is also an argument that the deep sea temperature is low and the osmotic pressure is high, and the deep-sea fish and the parasites in the deep sea are accustomed to this environment, and it is difficult to adapt to the low-pressure environment after landing, so both the fish and the parasites are prone to death.

That's why fishermen bleed tuna and other deep-sea fish as soon as they catch them, rinse them and freeze them, and then transport them to restaurants to be turned into sashimi. In this process, the parasites in the marine fish may freeze to death, and they may not be able to adapt to the human body, after all, the human body temperature is higher than that of deep-sea fish, and even the osmotic pressure is different.

Parasites in marine fish such as salmon and cod can attack the human urethra!

However, there is such a parasite in deep-sea fish, it is like "Xiaoqiang who can't be killed", even if the environment changes and freezes, it may survive in the fish meat, it is Anisakis elegans.

Anisakis is generally white, curved, not much thicker than silk thread, and often parasitizes in salmon, cod, hairtail and other marine fish, and people who like to eat sashimi or half-cooked marine fish are most susceptible to Anisakis infection.

Parasites in marine fish such as salmon and cod can attack the human urethra!

If you are infected with Anisakis worm, it usually becomes ill after a few hours, with severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and bloating. These bugs may also penetrate our gastrointestinal mucosa and "swim" to other tissues and organs, such as the urinary system, abdominal cavity, etc., causing other pathological symptoms.

According to statistics, there were more than 16,000 cases of anisakiasis in Japan, a "big country of sashimi", before the 90s, and to this day, hundreds of Japanese people are still infected with anisakiasis every year. In addition to Japan, the United States, France and other countries have also reported anisakiasis.

Parasites in marine fish such as salmon and cod can attack the human urethra!

In fact, Anisakis is very easy to kill, they are afraid of high temperatures, as long as the marine fish is fully cooked, they will not be infected with Anisakis worm. Another method is to freeze, but at a very low temperature and for a long enough time:

Freeze the fish below -20°C for more than 7 days, or below -35°C for 15 hours, you can also freeze the fish below -35°C until solidified, and then freeze them below -20°C for more than 24 hours.

Parasites in marine fish such as salmon and cod can attack the human urethra!

However, the salmon we buy in the supermarket is generally thawed and then packed, which is easy to be contaminated and breed other parasites and germs.

Therefore, Kelinjun recommends that everyone try not to eat sashimi, sea fish, and freshwater fish~

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