
"玨" does not read yù, wǎng, how to pronounce, what does it mean to be the friend of 玨墨之交, 玨pillow 玉衾?

author:A shallow pavilion of literature

Jade is a Chinese treasure and a frequent visitor to culture. Since ancient times, literati and scholars have the habit of admiring jade, appreciating jade, and writing jade. described the man as gentle and elegant, saying that "a gentleman is as good as jade"; Describe the woman as beautiful and beautiful, and say the words "jade man, jade girl, jade arm". Today, we will also talk about the jade "Jue", which is often worn by talented and beautiful women. But Yujue's "玨" is composed of two "wang" characters, but it is not pronounced yù, nor wǎng, how should it be read, and what does the friendship of 玨墨之交 and 玨pillow 玉衾 mean? Let's take a closer look today.

"玨" does not read yù, wǎng, how to pronounce, what does it mean to be the friend of 玨墨之交, 玨pillow 玉衾?

1. The evolution of the glyph of "玨".

The oracle bone glyph of "Jue" resembles two strings of jade lined up side by side, and in the golden inscription, some "Jue" is written as "瑴". In the small seal font, it is divided into two characters, one of which is juxtaposed by two kings, becoming "玨", and the other is "瑴". Later, "玨" became an orthography, and "瑴" was discarded. The "Wang" on the left evolved into "next to the word Wang", and the italic version of "玨" appeared. Later, "Jue" appeared, but "Jue" and "Jue" are common, and they are actually the same word.

"玨" does not read yù, wǎng, how to pronounce, what does it mean to be the friend of 玨墨之交, 玨pillow 玉衾?

2. How to explain the word "玨"?

"Jue", composed of two pieces of jade, make up a pair, the shape is ring, there is a notch, mainly used as earrings and ornaments, generally called "Yujue", similar to today's earrings. Therefore, jade jue is often unearthed on both sides of the ears of female deceased. Of course, "Jue" and "Jue" are different, referring only to a ring-shaped notched jade, that is, a piece of jade, which is usually worn by men and sometimes used as a token.

"玨" does not read yù, wǎng, how to pronounce, what does it mean to be the friend of 玨墨之交, 玨pillow 玉衾?

3. What does it mean to be a friend of the ink and a pillow and a jade pillow?

(1) The friendship between the ink and ink: The original meaning refers to the fusion of ink and jade, which was later used to describe the deep relationship between the two.

(2) Pillow Yujue: The original meaning refers to the close connection between Yujue and pillows and bedding, which is mainly used to describe the love of husband and wife.

(3) Jue mountain and easy water: the original meaning refers to the fact that Yu Jue is firmly supported between the mountain and the water, and is mainly used to describe that people are always strong and unyielding in difficult situations.

(4) Jue jade on the side: the original meaning refers to the same as jade, snuggling together with each other, and later used to describe people supporting each other and having a close relationship.

"玨" does not read yù, wǎng, how to pronounce, what does it mean to be the friend of 玨墨之交, 玨pillow 玉衾?

Fourth, the use of the word "玨" in ancient documents

One of the eight poems of "Helin Shimei".

[Song] Liu Xueji

A tree is not broken, endure the wind and snow and endure some cold.

There is no need for vulgar people to talk about it, and politicians can watch it freely.

In the white jade hall, the spring letter is early, and the gold Jue is wrapped in wine marks.

After withering and strengthening the covenant, the pine and bamboo are green and green.

The gist of the poem: "A tree has just bloomed into a flower, and it has to endure the test of wind, snow and cold." Plum blossoms don't need to cling to each other like worldly people, drifting with the crowd, and allowing political dignitaries and hermits to watch in the shadows. In the white jade hall, the joy of spring has been revealed early, and the wine marks in the wine jug made of gold and jade have long since dried up. Who can compare to this unwavering alliance oath that has withered later? The pine and bamboo are still verdant and green, and they will last forever with the years. ”

"玨" does not read yù, wǎng, how to pronounce, what does it mean to be the friend of 玨墨之交, 玨pillow 玉衾?

The author of this poem, Liu Xueji, is a native of Chong'an (now Wuyishan City, Fujian) in the Southern Song Dynasty and the grandson of Liu Zihui. The first couplet of this poem writes that the plum blossoms of a tree endure the severe cold, and the plum blossoms are written in the jaw couplet, which are proud and proud, not drifting with the tide, and allowing the dignitaries to watch. The neck couplet writes that the spring of Baiyutang is beginning to appear, and the wine in the wine glass has long been dry. The tail couplet is lyrical, and the oath of writing plum blossoms has gone, only Songzhu is young. Through fresh and elegant brushstrokes, the poet writes about the cold opening, growth and withering of plum blossoms, highlighting the helplessness of the passage of time and the ups and downs of life, and finally using pines and cypresses as a metaphor to express the comfortable and leisurely attitude towards life and the inner quality of perseverance.

5. How to pronounce "玨"?

Correct pronunciation: jué

Homophone: absolutely

Radical: Wang

Structure: Left and right structure

VI. Conclusion

Chinese character culture, infinite charm. The jade becomes a jade, and the jade is lovesick. The spring breeze contains infinite thoughts, and the rain is not open. The spring breeze and spring rain are coming, and the gentleman and jade are coming, how beautiful. "Jade" has been synonymous with whiteness, warmth and perseverance since ancient times. Shuangyu became "Jue", knew each other all his life, and kept his oath. Although it is easy to be brittle, it is stronger. I hope that you and I are all like jade, both of them are like jade, Jue jade is on the side, Jue pillow jade, love for a lifetime.