
Where to go to file after the official seal is lost


After the official seal is lost, in order to avoid unnecessary risks and losses, it is necessary to file as soon as possible, and the following details the relevant process of where to go for the record:

Report the case to the local public security organ

Where to go to file after the official seal is lost

After the loss of the official seal, you should first report to the local public security organ and receive a report certificate, because the public security organ needs to record the loss of the official seal for subsequent investigation and handling, and in the process of reporting, the following materials need to be provided:

Where to go to file after the official seal is lost

1. A copy of the company's business license or organization code certificate;

2. The original and photocopy of the legal person's ID card;

Where to go to file after the official seal is lost

3. The original and photocopy of the informant's ID card;

4. The detailed process and description of the loss of the company's official seal.

Publish a statement of loss in a newspaper at or above the municipal level

After obtaining the certificate of report from the public security organ, it is necessary to publish a statement of loss in a newspaper at or above the municipal level, and the following is the specific process of publishing the newspaper:

1. Choose a newspaper: Choose a newspaper at or above the municipal level that has local influence to ensure that the statement can be widely disseminated.

2. Prepare materials: Prepare the following materials for the newspaper to review:

- A copy of the company's business license or organization code certificate;

- Original and photocopy of legal person's ID card;

- Proof of loss of official seal;

- Loss Statement.

3. Write a loss declaration manuscript: The declaration manuscript should include the following contents:

- Company name;

- Details of the loss of the official seal;

- declare the validity period;

- Contact details;

- Other matters that need to be explained.

4. Submission of materials: Submit the prepared materials to the editorial department of the newspaper for review.

5. Publication statement: After the review is passed, the newspaper will publish the loss statement according to the agreed time and layout.

Apply to the administrative department for industry and commerce for the record

After publishing the loss statement in the newspaper, you also need to apply to the administrative department for industry and commerce for filing, and the following is the specific process of filing:

1. Prepare materials: Prepare the following materials for review by the administrative department for industry and commerce:

- A copy of the company's business license or organization code certificate;

- Original and photocopy of legal person's ID card;

- Proof of loss of official seal;

- Original and photocopy of the declaration of loss published in the newspaper;

- A statement of the loss of the official seal issued by the company.

2. Submission of materials: Submit the prepared materials to the administrative department for industry and commerce for review.

3. Obtain the record certificate: After the review is passed, the administrative department for industry and commerce will issue a record certificate of loss of the official seal.

Re-engraved official seal

After completing the above steps, you can re-engrave the official seal, and pay attention to the following matters during the engraving process:

1. Choose a regular company;

2. Provide the record certificate of loss of the official seal issued by the administrative department for industry and commerce;

3. Check whether the newly engraved official seal is consistent with the original official seal;

4. Record the new official seal and report it to the relevant departments.

After the loss of the official seal, you should report to the public security organs in a timely manner, publish a statement of loss in the newspaper, apply to the administrative department for industry and commerce for the record, and re-engrave the official seal, through the above steps, you can effectively reduce the risk of the loss of the official seal, to ensure the normal operation of the company, in the process of processing, must be vigilant, to prevent the official seal from being fraudulently used by criminals.