
If the ID card is lost, report the loss


ID card is a very important identity document in our daily life, once accidentally lost, may bring us a lot of inconvenience and security risks, in order to protect their legitimate rights and interests, to avoid the identity card is fraudulently used by criminals, it is particularly important to report the loss of the loss in a timely manner, the following is a detailed step on how to report the loss of the ID card for your reference.

Prepare the materials

If the ID card is lost, report the loss

1. A copy of ID card (if any);

If the ID card is lost, report the loss

2. Newspaper subscription invoices or receipts (if any);

3. Valid personal documents (such as household registration booklet, passport, etc.);

If the ID card is lost, report the loss

4. Written loss report statement.

Select the newspaper

1. Choose local influential newspapers, such as party newspapers and evening newspapers at or above the municipal level;

2. Confirm the scope of the newspaper and ensure that the loss report can cover the areas where the lost ID card may be used;

3. Understand the distribution cycle of the newspaper and choose the appropriate publication time.

Write a loss report

1. Format: generally in the form of a letter, including salutation, text, payment and other parts;

2. Content: Clearly state the fact that the ID card is lost, indicating the name, ID card number, time of loss, location of loss and other information;

3. Language: concise and clear, avoid using vague words;

4. Attachment: If there is a copy of the ID card, it can be attached to the statement.

Go through the registration procedures

1. Submit the loss report statement and related materials to the editorial department of the newspaper;

2. Confirm the publication date, layout and fee;

3. Pay the registration fee;

4. Keep the published invoices and receipts for subsequent use.


1. When reporting loss, be sure to bring valid personal documents to prove your identity;

2. During the reporting of loss, pay attention to keeping the phone unblocked in order to receive relevant notices;

3. After reporting the loss, report to the local public security organ in time and apply for a new ID card;

4. Do not disclose too much personal information in the loss report statement, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble;

5. If you encounter any problems when reporting the loss of the newspaper, you can consult the newspaper editorial department or the public security organ.


1. After the loss report is published, pay close attention to whether there is an unknown person using your ID card;

2. If someone is found to have fraudulently used your ID card, report the case to the public security organ in time;

3. After the loss report is published, apply for a new ID card in accordance with the regulations of the local public security organ;

4. When applying for a new ID card, bring the invoices, receipts and other relevant materials to prove that the loss has been reported.

After the loss of the ID card, it is very necessary to report the loss of the ID card in a timely manner, through the above steps, you can successfully complete the loss of the ID card, to ensure that your legitimate rights and interests are not infringed, but also to be vigilant, to prevent the potential risks after the loss of the ID card, I wish you a smooth handling!