
Statement of Loss of Student ID Card


I XXX, gender: male/female, ID number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, a student of XXXX University/College/Department, student number XXXXXXXXXX, due to the accidental loss of student ID, hereby publish a statement.

Statement of Loss of Student ID Card

The details of the loss of a student ID card are as follows:

Statement of Loss of Student ID Card

1. The student ID card contains the basic information, photo and official seal of the school, and the student number is XXXXXXXXXX.

2. Time of loss: about XX month XX day of XXXX year, the specific time is unknown.

Statement of Loss of Student ID Card

3. Place of loss: public places, means of transportation, etc., which may be within the scope of XXXX city/district/county.

4. When it was lost, I was wearing XXXX clothes and carrying a blue schoolbag.

In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of myself and others, and to prevent criminals from fraudulently using my identity to carry out illegal activities, we hereby declare as follows:

1. From the date of issuance of this statement, I will no longer bear all legal and economic responsibilities caused by the loss of my student ID.

2. After seeing this statement, if any unit or individual finds that someone has fraudulently used his identity, please immediately report to the local public security organ or contact him/herself.

3. This statement is limited to the loss of my student ID card, and shall not be used for any other purpose.

4. If you have any questions, please contact me by phone: XXXXXXXXXXXX, QQ/WeChat XXXXXXXXXX.

Here, I solemnly remind the majority of friends, be vigilant, pay attention to keep their documents, so as not to give criminals a chance, thank you for your concern and support for me, I hope you can help spread this statement, so that more people know about this matter.

I will go through the procedures for reapplying for a student ID card as soon as possible, resume normal study and life, thank you again for your attention and help, and hope that everyone will work together to crack down on illegal acts and maintain social order.

The following is the relevant information about my lost student ID, please pay attention:

1. The student ID card contains the basic information, photo and official seal of the school, and the student number is XXXXXXXXXX.

2. Time of loss: about XX month XX day of XXXX year, the specific time is unknown.

3. Place of loss: public places, means of transportation, etc., which may be within the scope of XXXX city/district/county.

4. When it was lost, I was wearing XXXX clothes and carrying a blue schoolbag.

Thank you again for your attention and support, I will pay close attention to this matter, and update the relevant information in a timely manner, and hope that everyone will work together to contribute to maintaining social fairness and justice and combating illegal acts.