
Jena and his wife: The sweetness is off the charts, and you have to hold hands after work!



Jena's sweet routine: concert and hand-in-hand after work

On a brilliant night, Zhang Jie conquered the hearts of countless audiences with his heavenly voice at the concert site in Chongqing. On the stage, he was radiant, like a bright star. After the concert, Zhang Jie walked out of the venue, but ushered in a special "fan" - his wife Xie Na. Xie Na held hands to pick up Zhang Jie from work, and this scene became the warmest picture of the night.

Jena and his wife: The sweetness is off the charts, and you have to hold hands after work!

Imagine, when Zhang Jie walked off the stage, unloaded his tiredness, and saw Xie Na waiting for him at the door, his heart must have been full of warmth and happiness. Xie Na came to the concert early and waited for her husband in the crowd silently. When Zhang Jie appeared, she immediately stepped forward and held his hand tightly. The two walked hand in hand in the night, as if the whole world had made way for them.

Jena and his wife: The sweetness is off the charts, and you have to hold hands after work!

The scene was captured by fans and passers-by present and quickly went viral on social media. Netizens said: "Jena and his wife are so sweet! Every time I see them holding hands, I can't help but want to fall in love! Some netizens ridiculed: "After Zhang Jie's concert, he has to be picked up by his wife from work, what kind of fairy life is this!" ”

Jena and his wife: The sweetness is off the charts, and you have to hold hands after work!

Xie Na's daily recording program: Zhang Jie's warm companionship

In the days when Xie Na recorded the show, Zhang Jie often appeared by her side. Whenever Xie Na finished recording the last episode of the show, she always felt a little sad. Because it means a temporary farewell to the program team and the audience, and it also means that she has to leave this familiar environment for a while. However, at this time, Zhang Jie was always able to show up at her side on time, bringing her endless comfort and strength.

Jena and his wife: The sweetness is off the charts, and you have to hold hands after work!

Zhang Jie knows Xie Na's sensitivity and vulnerability, so he will always be there when she needs it. He would take Xie Na to a delicious meal or take her for a walk to relax. In the company of Zhang Jie, Xie Na's sadness can always be well alleviated. She will also pass on this touch and happiness to the audience and fans, so that more people can feel their sweetness and happiness.

Jena and his wife: The sweetness is off the charts, and you have to hold hands after work!

Once, Xie Na was a little depressed after recording an episode of the show. She sat in the dressing room, silently weeping. At this time, Zhang Jie suddenly appeared at the door, still holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He walked up to Xie Na, gently handed her the flowers, and gently comforted her: "Nana, don't be sad. You've done a great job and we're all so proud of you. This bouquet of flowers is for you, in the hope that it will give you some strength and courage. The moment Xie Na saw Zhang Jie, all the grievances and sadness disappeared. She hugged Zhang Jie tightly and was moved to tears.

Jena and his wife: The sweetness is off the charts, and you have to hold hands after work!

The sweet daily life of Jena and his wife: funny comments from netizens

The sweet daily life of Jena and his wife is not only enviable in real life, but also sparked heated discussions and discussions among netizens on social media. Netizens left comments one after another, expressing their love and blessings to them. There are some hilarious and humorous comments that make people laugh.

Jena and his wife: The sweetness is off the charts, and you have to hold hands after work!

Some netizens ridiculed: "Zhang Jie will be picked up by his wife after the concert? Isn't this telling us that behind successful men there is a strong woman? Some netizens imitated Zhang Jie's tone and said: "Nana, you are my sweet burden, but I am willing to carry you on my back all the time." These hilarious comments not only make people laugh, but also show the deep love and attention of netizens for Jena and his wife.

Jena and his wife: The sweetness is off the charts, and you have to hold hands after work!

Controversial ending: Is the sweet daily routine of the Jena couple hype or true love?

However, as the sweet daily life of Jena and his wife continues to ferment on social media, it has also caused some controversy and questions. Some netizens think that they are hyping their feelings in order to attract more attention and traffic; And some netizens firmly believe that they are true love, and think that their sweet daily life is real and touching.

Jena and his wife: The sweetness is off the charts, and you have to hold hands after work!

We may not be able to give a definite answer to these controversies and doubts. However, in any case, we should respect everyone's feelings and lifestyle. Jena and his wife chose to share their sweet daily life with the public, perhaps just to convey more positive energy and happiness. And we should also learn to appreciate and cherish these beautiful moments, so that they can become a bright spot in our lives.

Jena and his wife: The sweetness is off the charts, and you have to hold hands after work!

Finally, let's look forward to more sweet daily life for Jena and his wife in the future! Whether they are on stage or in life, they want to be able to go on happily ever after!

Jena and his wife: The sweetness is off the charts, and you have to hold hands after work!