
Outside of "Man Jianghong": Yue Fei is of course a national hero, but Jin Wushu is also a Chinese hero

author:There are fish in the North Underworld

The popular movie "Man Jianghong" during the Spring Festival once again pushed the famous Southern Song Dynasty general Yue Fei to the forefront of public opinion. The exploits and image of this national hero, who has been passed down through the ages, seem to have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. However, over the course of history, the definition of a hero has often changed subtly with the times. When we talk about Yue Fei, should we limit our attention to his great achievements in resisting gold? In the historical picture of the Chinese nation, are there other heroes that we have overlooked? Should the Jin vultures, the famous Jin dynasty general often described as an "aggressor" in Chinese history textbooks, also be re-evaluated?

Before discussing whether Yue Fei and Jin Wushu can both be called Chinese national heroes, we first need to sort out the origin and evolution of the concept of "national hero".

Outside of "Man Jianghong": Yue Fei is of course a national hero, but Jin Wushu is also a Chinese hero

The word "nation" has not been used in China for a long time. In ancient China, people used words such as "clan", "tribe", or "state" more often to refer to different groups. It was not until the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with the introduction of Western thought, that the concept of "nation" gradually became popular among Chinese intellectuals.

In 1902, Liang Qichao first put forward the concept of the "Chinese nation" in his book On the General Trend of Changes in Chinese Academic Thought. This concept was put forward in response to the internal and external troubles that China was facing at that time. Liang Qichao hopes that by building a more inclusive national concept, the people of all ethnic groups across the country can unite the strength of the people of all ethnic groups to jointly resist foreign aggression.

However, the process of forming the concept of "national hero" did not happen overnight. In traditional Chinese culture, a "hero" is often defined as a person with outstanding talents and noble morals. This definition is different from the Western concept of heroism. Heroes in the West are often superhuman, while heroes in traditional Chinese culture are more of moral role models.

As times change, so do the standards of heroes. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, "heroes" mostly referred to those monarchs or generals who were brave and resourceful and could achieve hegemony. By the Han Dynasty, with the rise of Confucianism, the definition of "hero" began to emphasize virtue and loyalty. During the Tang and Song dynasties, the rise of the literati class further expanded the scope of "heroes" to include writers and artists.

In modern times, with the rise of nationalism, the concept of "national hero" has gradually taken shape. Around 1900, with the invasion of Western powers and the corruption of the Qing government, Chinese intellectuals began to think about how to save the country. Against this backdrop, historical figures who contributed to national independence and national rejuvenation were re-evaluated and became "national heroes".

Yue Fei was a typical representative of being portrayed as a national hero during this period. As a famous anti-gold general, Yue Fei's patriotic spirit and military talent made him a perfect hero in the minds of modern Chinese. However, this evaluation criterion also poses some problems. For example, it tends to ignore the complexity of history and simply divide historical figures into "heroes" and "villains".

Outside of "Man Jianghong": Yue Fei is of course a national hero, but Jin Wushu is also a Chinese hero

In the 20th century, with the deepening of academic research and the change of historical outlook, people's understanding of "national heroes" has also deepened. Especially after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the theory of "pluralism and unity of the Chinese nation" has provided us with a new perspective for re-examining historical figures.

According to this theory, the Chinese nation is a unified whole composed of 56 ethnic groups. Every ethnic group has its own historical and cultural traditions, and all have contributed to the development of Chinese civilization. From this point of view, we cannot evaluate historical figures only from the perspective of the Han Chinese. Those ethnic minority figures who are regarded as "enemies" in history should also be fairly evaluated if they have made positive contributions to the development of Chinese civilization.

It is in this context that it is possible for a historical figure like the Golden Vulture to be re-examined. As an important general of the Jin Dynasty, the Jin Wushu has historically been regarded as an enemy of the Southern Song Dynasty. However, if we jump out of the simple opposing thinking, from a more macro perspective, the Jin Dynasty, as an important dynasty in Chinese history, made a non-negligible contribution to the development of Chinese civilization. As one of the representatives of the Jin Dynasty, should Jin Wushu's talent and contribution also be recognized?

As a famous general of the Southern Song Dynasty, Yue Fei's heroic image has been deeply imprinted in the collective memory of the Chinese nation. However, the reason why Yue Fei was able to become a national hero beyond the times was not only because of his military talent, but more importantly, because of his patriotic feelings and spiritual character.

Yue Fei was born in 1103, at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty. He grew up with the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty and the establishment of the Southern Song Dynasty, a turbulent history that laid the foundation for his later patriotic feelings. Yue Fei joined the army at the age of 17 and quickly rose to prominence with his outstanding martial arts and military talents. In the Anti-Jin War, Yue Fei led the Yuejia army to make many military exploits and became the most famous anti-Jin general in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Outside of "Man Jianghong": Yue Fei is of course a national hero, but Jin Wushu is also a Chinese hero

Yue Fei's military talent is mainly reflected in the following aspects: First, he is good at using the tactic of "winning more with less". When the army was at a disadvantage, Yue Fei was often able to take advantage of the terrain and timing to defeat an enemy army several times his size with a small number of elite troops. For example, in the Battle of Yuncheng, Yue Fei led only 800 cavalry to defeat the main force of the Jin army.

Second, Yue Fei paid attention to the training and discipline of the army. He formulated strict military regulations requiring soldiers not to disturb the people, which not only won the support of the people, but also ensured the combat effectiveness of the army. The reason why the Yuejia army was able to win many battles was inseparable from this strict training and discipline.

Again, Yue Fei is good at employing people. He selects talents in an eclectic manner, and the generals under his command, such as Zhang Xian and Niu Gao, are all good at recruiting and fighting. This way of employing people makes the Yuejia army an elite division.

However, Yue Fei's greatness lies not only in his military talents, but also in his patriotic feelings. "Serving the country with loyalty" is a portrayal of Yue Fei's life. It is rumored that Yue Fei's mother tattooed the four characters "Jing Loyal to the Country" on his back, although this story may have beautified elements of posterity, but it vividly reflects Yue Fei's patriotic spirit.

Yue Fei wrote to the war many times, hoping to recover the lost territory and unify the Central Plains. In his opinion, the people in the occupied areas in the north were suffering from war, and as a general of the Southern Song Dynasty, it was his responsibility to rescue them. This feeling of serving the country and the people has made Yue Fei a model of a national hero.

Outside of "Man Jianghong": Yue Fei is of course a national hero, but Jin Wushu is also a Chinese hero

Yue Fei's tragic ending deepened his influence among the people. When Yue Fei led the army to the Northern Expedition and made great achievements, he was suddenly recalled by the imperial court, and then executed on trumped-up charges. This encounter sparked sympathy and reverence from later generations, and Yue Fei's image was further glorified and deified in folklore.

Among the people, the legend of Yue Fei is widely spread. For example, the story of "Yue Fei Shooting Geese" depicts the young Yue Fei's superb archery skills, shooting down nine geese with one arrow. The legend of "Yue Fei retreats from the Jin soldiers" tells how Yue Fei used his wits to repel the attack of the Jin soldiers. Although these stories may be exaggerated, they reflect the people's reverence for Yue Fei.

Yue Fei's poetic works, such as "Man Jianghong", are also widely praised among the people. These works not only show Yue Fei's literary talent, but also express his patriotism and ambition to serve the country. Verses such as "Wait from the beginning, clean up the old mountains and rivers, and face the sky" have inspired generations of Chinese.

In modern society, the spirit of Yue Fei still has important practical significance. Yue Fei's patriotism, responsibility, and perseverance are all worthy of our learning and inheritance. When the country's development is facing challenges, the spirit of Yue Fei is often mentioned to inspire people to contribute to the country's development.

For example, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Yue Fei's deeds were widely publicized to inspire the enthusiasm of the military and civilians for the War of Resistance. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Yue Fei was portrayed as a typical figure in patriotic education. In recent years, with the deepening of historical research, people's understanding of Yue Fei has become more comprehensive and objective, but his status as a national hero has never changed.

Outside of "Man Jianghong": Yue Fei is of course a national hero, but Jin Wushu is also a Chinese hero

Yue Fei's story tells us that a true national hero not only needs outstanding talents, but also noble character and firm beliefs. It is these qualities that enable Yue Fei to transcend the times and become a common spiritual symbol of the Chinese nation.

In Chinese history textbooks, the Golden Vulture is often described as an "aggressor" or "enemy." However, with the deepening of historical research and the introduction of multicultural perspectives, the image of this famous Jin Dynasty general is being re-examined. Jin Wushu's life, exploits, and position in the history of the Jin Dynasty are worthy of a more comprehensive and objective evaluation.

Jin Wushu, Jurchen name Wanyan Zongbi, was born in 1102 in the Wanyan family of the Jin royal family. As the grandnephew of Kim Taejo Wanyan Aguta, Kim Wushu received strict military training and cultural education from an early age. He was not only proficient in cavalry and archery, but also familiar with Chinese classics, and was a general with all-round civil and military talents.

The military prowess of the Golden Vulture was fully demonstrated in many battles. In 1125, at the age of 23, Jin Wushu went south with the army and participated in the war to destroy the Northern Song Dynasty. In this war, he performed well and made great achievements. In 1127, Jin Wushu led his army to capture Bianjing (now Kaifeng) and captured thousands of people such as Song Huizong and Song Qinzong, which is known as the "Jingkang Change" in history. This battle established the Jin dynasty's dominance in the Central Plains.

However, the merits of the Golden Vulture were not limited to military aspects. During his rule in the Central Plains, he took a series of measures to promote the integration of the Jin dynasty with Han culture. For example, he encouraged the Jin Dynasty nobles to learn Chinese, promoted the etiquette system of the Han people, and even personally translated some Chinese classics into Jurchen. These initiatives laid the foundation for the later cultural development of the Jin dynasty.

Outside of "Man Jianghong": Yue Fei is of course a national hero, but Jin Wushu is also a Chinese hero

The Golden Vulture also contributed to the economy. He put forward the policy of "governing according to customs", and retained some effective systems of the Song Dynasty, such as the two tax laws and the city and the city. These policies have effectively maintained social order and promoted economic development. Under his rule, production soon resumed in the Central Plains, and commercial activities gradually flourished.

In terms of culture, the Golden Vulture has shown an open and tolerant attitude. He not only protected the cultural heritage of the Song Dynasty, but also actively absorbed the essence of Han culture. For example, he ordered the protection of the imperial tombs of the Song Dynasty and forbade the army from destroying cultural relics and monuments. Under his initiative, the Jin dynasty began to build schools and promote education. These initiatives laid the foundation for the later cultural flourishing of the Jin dynasty.

The Golden Vulture occupies an important place in the history of the Manchus. As the founding hero of the Jin Dynasty, he was regarded as a national hero by later generations of Manchus. During the Qing Dynasty, Jin Wushu was posthumously awarded the title of "Loyal and Brave Prince", and his deeds were included in the "Manchurian Record" and other historical books. This reflects the high opinion of the Manchus on the Golden Vultures.

However, in the Han history books, the image of the golden vulture is often negative. This was mainly because he participated in the war to destroy the Northern Song Dynasty and was regarded as an "aggressor". However, if we jump out of the simple thinking of ethnic antagonism, from a more macro historical perspective, the Jin Dynasty, as an important dynasty in Chinese history, has made a non-negligible contribution to the development of Chinese civilization.

For example, during the reign of the Jin Dynasty, agricultural production in northern China developed. The Jin government encouraged the reclamation of wasteland and promoted advanced agricultural techniques, which turned much of the previously barren land into fertile land. In terms of handicrafts, the Jin Dynasty inherited and developed the techniques of the Song Dynasty, especially in the fields of metallurgy and ceramics, and made significant progress.

Outside of "Man Jianghong": Yue Fei is of course a national hero, but Jin Wushu is also a Chinese hero

In terms of culture, the Jin Dynasty also contributed to the inheritance and development of Chinese culture. The rulers of the Jin Dynasty vigorously promoted Confucianism, established Taixue and local schools, and trained a large number of intellectuals. During the Jin Dynasty, the art of opera developed by leaps and bounds, laying the foundation for the prosperity of Yuan and Ming opera. In addition, the Jin dynasty also promoted the simplification of Chinese characters and created the Jurchen script, enriching the diversity of Chinese characters.

From a cross-cultural perspective, the evaluation of the Golden Vulture should also take into account his contribution to the promotion of national integration. Jin Wushu advocated "governing the Han with Han", and when ruling the Central Plains, he appointed a large number of Han officials and respected the cultural customs of the Han people. This policy not only reduced the contradictions between ethnic groups, but also created conditions for later national integration.

The life of the Golden Vulture is full of legends. According to the "Golden History", he has repeatedly taken the lead on the battlefield and personally participated in fierce battles. On one occasion, he was narrowly captured in a battle with the Song army, and was able to escape with courage and resourcefulness. These deeds not only show his personal bravery, but also reflect his sense of responsibility as a general.

In his later years, the Golden Vulture gradually faded out of the political arena. It is said that after his retirement, he still cared about national affairs, and often made suggestions to the imperial court and put forward suggestions for governing the country. Although some of his suggestions were not adopted, it reflected his loyalty and sense of responsibility to the Jin dynasty.

As an important war in Chinese history, the Battle of Song and Jin not only changed the political pattern at that time, but also had a profound impact on the historical development of later generations of China. This war, which lasted nearly two centuries and covered the entire period from the end of the Northern Song Dynasty to the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty, is a key node in understanding China's transition from the Middle Ages to modern times.

Outside of "Man Jianghong": Yue Fei is of course a national hero, but Jin Wushu is also a Chinese hero

The Song-Jin War began with the establishment of the Jin Dynasty in 1115 and ended with the destruction of the Jin by the Mongols in 1234. The war can be broadly divided into three phases: the first was the rise of the Jin dynasty and the destruction of the Northern Song Dynasty (1115-1127); the second stage was the confrontation between the Jin dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1234); The third stage was the rise of the Mongols and the fall of the Jin dynasty (1211-1234).

The key battle of the first phase was the "Jingkang Change". In 1126, Jin soldiers marched south to attack the Song capital of Bianjing (now Kaifeng). The following year, the Jin army broke through Bianjing and captured thousands of people including Song Huizong and Song Qinzong, and the Northern Song Dynasty perished. This event not only ended the Northern Song Dynasty, but also completely changed the political landscape of China.

At this stage, there is a little-known but rather dramatic vignette. According to the History of the Song Dynasty, when the Jin soldiers broke through Bianjing, Song Huizong tried to escape. He disguised himself and blended in with the refugees to sneak out of the palace. However, due to his long-term pampering, he could not ride a horse, and was eventually recognized and captured. This detail vividly reflects the weakness and incompetence of the rulers in the last years of the Northern Song Dynasty.

The second stage was the long-term confrontation between the Jin Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty. After the establishment of the Southern Song Dynasty, the two sides fought many large-scale wars. The most famous of these is Yue Fei's Battle of "Recovering the Central Plains". In 1140, Yue Fei led the army to the north, won successive battles, and once recovered Bianjing. However, due to the imperial court's "peace negotiation" policy, Yue Fei was forced to withdraw his troops and eventually died unjustly.

At this stage, an interesting diplomatic event also took place. In 1123, the Jin Dynasty sent an envoy to the Southern Song Dynasty to negotiate peace. Wanyan Lou performed well in the negotiations, not only successfully reaching a peace agreement, but also winning the respect of the Southern Song court. It is said that when Wanyan Lou was leaving, Zhao Gou of Song Gaozong personally visited him, which was very rare in the diplomatic history at that time.

Outside of "Man Jianghong": Yue Fei is of course a national hero, but Jin Wushu is also a Chinese hero

The third stage was the period of the rise of the Mongols and the fall of the Jin Dynasty. In 1211, Genghis Khan began to use troops against the Jin Dynasty. In 1234, the Mongol army broke through the capital of the Jin Dynasty, and the Jin Dynasty fell. It is worth noting that in the process, the Southern Song Dynasty formed an alliance with the Mongols against the Jin Dynasty, but this alliance eventually led to the demise of the Southern Song Dynasty itself.

The Battle of Song and Jin had a profound impact on Chinese history. First, it led to a southward shift of China's political center. After the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Southern Song Dynasty established the capital of Lin'an (present-day Hangzhou), which marked the beginning of the shift of China's political, economic, and cultural center to the south, and had a significant impact on the regional development pattern of China in later generations.

Second, the Song-Jin War promoted ethnic integration. During the reign of the Jin Dynasty, intermarriage and cultural exchanges between the Jurchens and Han Chinese became more frequent. This integration laid the foundation for the later formation of the Manchus, and also provided a reference for the ethnic policy of the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties.

Again, this war gave impetus to the development of military technology. In order to counter the cavalry superiority of the Jin soldiers, the Song Dynasty vigorously developed firearms, such as "earth-shaking thunder" and "rockets". These weapons not only played an important role in the wars of the time, but also laid the foundation for the development of firearms in later generations.

In terms of culture, the Song-Jin War also had a profound impact. After the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, a large number of literati moved south, which promoted the prosperity of southern culture. For example, the famous lyricist Xin Qiji migrated south in this context. His works are full of longing for his homeland and his ambition to recover the Central Plains, and he has become a typical representative of that era.

Outside of "Man Jianghong": Yue Fei is of course a national hero, but Jin Wushu is also a Chinese hero

The Battle of Song-Jin also affected China's foreign relations. During the Southern Song Dynasty, in order to fight against the Jin Dynasty, it actively developed relations with neighboring countries. For example, the Southern Song Dynasty had an increasingly frequent trade with Japan, which not only promoted economic development, but also cultural exchanges. It is recorded that many Japanese monks came to China to study at that time, the most famous of which was Zenshi Eisi, who introduced tea culture to Japan and had a profound impact on Japanese culture.

On the economic front, the Song-Jin War also brought about significant changes. The war had caused the economy of the North to suffer a heavy blow, while the economy of the South had developed rapidly. During the Southern Song Dynasty, the Jiangnan region became an economic center, and handicrafts and commerce were highly developed. For example, Jingdezhen porcelain began to rise during this period and gradually developed into a representative of Chinese porcelain.

As the founding hero and important general of the Jin Dynasty, Jin Wushu left a deep mark on Chinese history. However, there has been controversy about the evaluation of this historical figure. Different historical perspectives and positions have led to very different evaluations of the Golden Vultures.

In the Jin Dynasty's official history book, the Jin History, the Jin Wushu is portrayed as a heroic figure of outstanding talent and meritorious service. The "History of Jin" recorded the deeds of Jin Wushu who led the army many times, and praised him for "having both wisdom and bravery, and all-round talent in civil and military affairs". For example, when describing the Jin Wushu's campaign against Bianjing, the Jin History records in detail how he strategized and commanded, and finally won the victory. These records reflect the high opinion of the Jin rulers of the Jin Dynasty.

However, in the history books of the Song Dynasty, the image of the golden vulture is very different. The History of the Song Dynasty describes the Jin Wushu as a "ferocious and tyrannical" invader. In particular, when recording the "Jingkang Change", the "History of the Song Dynasty" focuses on describing the behavior of the Jin Wushu capturing Song Huizong and Song Qinzong, calling it "the gift of no monarch and minister". This description reflects the negative evaluation of the Golden Vulture by Song Dynasty historians.

Outside of "Man Jianghong": Yue Fei is of course a national hero, but Jin Wushu is also a Chinese hero

In folklore, the image of the golden vulture is more complex. For example, in "Water Margin", Jin Wushu is portrayed as a cunning and resourceful villain. The novel describes how he designed to frame Song Jiang and others, which eventually led to the extermination of the heroes of Liangshan by the imperial court. Although this description does not conform to historical facts, it reflects the general view of the people about the golden vultures.

However, in modern times, with the advancement of historical research methods and the introduction of multicultural perspectives, new changes have begun to appear in the academic evaluation of the Golden Vultures. Some scholars have begun to pay attention to the contribution of the Golden Vulture in promoting ethnic integration and promoting cultural exchanges.

For example, some scholars have pointed out that when the Jin Wushu ruled the Central Plains, they adopted a policy of "ruling according to customs" and retained many Han systems and customs. This not only reduced the resistance to domination, but also laid the foundation for later national integration. A typical example is that Jin Wushu once ordered the translation of Confucian classics such as the Book of Filial Piety into Jurchen texts, which not only reflected his respect for Han culture, but also promoted the absorption of Han culture by the Jurchens.

On the other hand, some scholars have also begun to re-examine the military prowess of the Golden Vultures. They pointed out that the fact that the Jin Wushu was able to conquer Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, was not only by force, but also reflected superb strategic vision and command ability. For example, during the attack on Bianjing, Jin Wushu adopted the strategy of "striking east and attacking west", first sending troops to feint to attack Tokyo (present-day Kaifeng), then abruptly turning to attack Xijing (present-day Luoyang), and finally succeeded in conquering Bianjing. This kind of strategic application was regarded as a classic case by later generations of military strategists.

In terms of cultural inheritance, the contribution of the Golden Vulture has also been affirmed by some scholars. They pointed out that when the Golden Vulture ruled the Central Plains, they adopted a policy of protecting cultural relics and monuments. For example, after the conquest of Bianjing, Jin Wushu ordered the protection of the Song Dynasty imperial tombs and forbade the army from destroying cultural relics. This practice preserves a large number of precious cultural heritages and leaves valuable historical materials for future generations.

Outside of "Man Jianghong": Yue Fei is of course a national hero, but Jin Wushu is also a Chinese hero

In terms of economic policy, some of the practices of the Golden Vulture have also been positively evaluated. When he ruled the Central Plains, he retained some of the effective systems of the Song Dynasty, such as the two tax laws and the city and the city. These policies have effectively maintained social order and promoted economic development. Some scholars have pointed out that it was because of these policies of the Jin vultures that production was quickly restored in the Central Plains in the early years of the Jin dynasty's rule, and commercial activities gradually prospered.

However, the evaluation of the Golden Vulture is still controversial. Some scholars believe that the essence of the Golden Vulture as an aggressor should not be overlooked. They pointed out that the Jin Dynasty's southward movement led to the death of a large number of civilians and the loss of property, causing a huge humanitarian disaster. For example, after the capture of Bianjing, the Jin soldiers plundered and caused serious damage. These actions undoubtedly cast a shadow over the historical evaluation of the Golden Vultures.

In addition, some of the practices of the Golden Vulture in politics have also been criticized. For example, when he ruled the Central Plains, although he appointed some Han officials, he still practiced a strict policy of ethnic discrimination. Han Chinese officials had difficulty securing important positions, a practice that deepened ethnic tensions and laid the groundwork for the instability of the later Jin dynasty.

Outside of "Man Jianghong": Yue Fei is of course a national hero, but Jin Wushu is also a Chinese hero

Militarily, despite a series of victories, some of his decisions were also questioned. For example, in the early days of the Southern Song Dynasty, the Jin Wushu advocated continuing southward in an attempt to eliminate the Southern Song Dynasty in one fell swoop. However, this overly aggressive strategy eventually led to the Jin army moving deep into the south, with long supply lines and ultimately failure. This defeat not only caused the Jin dynasty to miss the opportunity to unify all of China, but also bought valuable time for the survival and development of the Southern Song Dynasty.

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