
Why did "Table Tennis Champion" Wang Hao have a black face? Just look at what his wife has done

author:Let's have a chat

In 1983, Wang Hao was born in an ordinary family in Changchun City. His father, Wang Zhongquan, worked in an ice cream factory, while his mother, Liu Zhiying, worked in a car factory. Since childhood, Wang Hao has shown a lively and active personality, which often gives his parents a headache.

Wang Zhongquan was an excellent athlete, and although he failed to make the national team, he had high hopes for his son. Because his son was naughty, Wang Zhongquan adopted strict house discipline and forbade him to go out to play, so he could only stay at home.

Why did "Table Tennis Champion" Wang Hao have a black face? Just look at what his wife has done

At the age of 7, Wang Hao began to show his talent in table tennis. Wang Zhongquan was keenly aware of this and immediately signed up for the junior table tennis class for him. Since then, Wang Zhongquan has worked hard to find 17 sparring partners to guide his son's skills in an all-round way.

Under the rigorous training, Wang Hao's ball skills have become increasingly sophisticated, and he has even repeatedly defeated older opponents in matches.

In 1996, Wang Hao, who was only 13 years old, was successfully recruited by the Beijing Bayi Table Tennis Team with his outstanding performance, which was undoubtedly an important turning point in his career. Under the great attention and careful training of the national team, Wang Hao's talent has been brought into full play.

In 1999, 16-year-old Wang Hao was successfully selected for the national table tennis team with his outstanding strength, showing amazing potential. In 2002, he was among the top 10 in the world and was hailed by the industry as one of the most explosive new stars of our time.

Why did "Table Tennis Champion" Wang Hao have a black face? Just look at what his wife has done

In 2006, Wang Hao's efforts finally paid off. That year, he managed to win 18 world championships, reached the men's singles final at the Olympics three times, and reached the pinnacle of table tennis.

This ordinary boy from Changchun, through his own hard work and talent, successfully realized his and his father's dreams and became a high-profile table tennis prince.

However, behind Wang Hao's success is the sweat of countless hard work. Devoted to his table tennis career, this kind of dedication and perseverance has also brought some challenges in his married life.

Why did "Table Tennis Champion" Wang Hao have a black face? Just look at what his wife has done

At the peak of his career, he met his true daughter, but at the same time, he also faced difficulties in balancing career and family.

In 2002, when Wang Hao's career was at its peak, he met the talented dancer Yan Boya at a feast in Beijing, and since then, his life has changed dramatically

Yan Boya is not an ordinary dancer, she was born in a family of dancers and has shown her talent for dancing since she was a child. At the age of 12, she was selected to study at the Dance Academy. Since then, Yan Boya has become more active on the stage of major theatrical performances, becoming the focus of attention, and is also well-known in the dance world.

Why did "Table Tennis Champion" Wang Hao have a black face? Just look at what his wife has done

At the party that night, Yan Boya's proper and confident demeanor deeply attracted Wang Hao, and Wang Hao's world champion aura also made the dance artist's eyes stop on him.

The two fell in love at first sight and were attracted by each other's talent and charm.

After the meeting ended, Wang Hao and Yan Boya exchanged contact information. Since then, their feelings have sprouted in their hearts like seeds, and the increasingly frequent exchanges have made their feelings continue to heat up. Not long after, Wang Hao had always been like this, and frankly expressed his heart to Yan Boya.

Why did "Table Tennis Champion" Wang Hao have a black face? Just look at what his wife has done

The relationship lasted about ten years. In 2011, after many contacts, their marriage was affirmed and blessed by both parents. Two years later, in 2013, they held a grand wedding and officially entered the palace of marriage.

In October of the same year, the arrival of a new life brought even greater joy to the family. Yan Boya gave birth to a baby boy, which brought their love life to a successful end.

Their lives have been made happier and more fulfilled by the arrival of a new life.

Why did "Table Tennis Champion" Wang Hao have a black face? Just look at what his wife has done

However, life after marriage is not as good as a fairy tale. In order to fully support her husband's sports career, Yan Boya decided to temporarily put aside her stage dream and devote herself to the family.

This general decision laid a hidden danger for the development of the relationship between the two in the future, and no one thought about what kind of test the couple in love would face.

After marriage, in order to fully support her husband's sports career, Yan Boya shifted her focus to family life. Her days are filled with housework, taking care of the housework, taking care of the children's eating, drinking, and sleeping, as if she is stuck in an endless cycle.

Why did "Table Tennis Champion" Wang Hao have a black face? Just look at what his wife has done

This life is in stark contrast to the days when she used to shine on stage.

In contrast, as a professional athlete, Wang Hao devotes almost all of his time and energy to hard training. He spends so little time at home with his wife and children that chores are more of a dispensable and unfamiliar concept to him.

This situation made Yan Boya gradually feel the heaviness of family pressure, and whenever she happened to see others showing themselves on stage, her inner longing and envy would involuntarily emerge.

Why did "Table Tennis Champion" Wang Hao have a black face? Just look at what his wife has done

With the passage of time, Wang Hao's career gradually hit a wall, and his achievements stagnated. Although they encounter various difficulties at work, some negative emotions are often brought back to the home to vent their dissatisfaction with their families.

Gradually, the contradictions between the husband and wife are increasing day by day, although they live under the same roof, they seem to live in two worlds, unable to understand and communicate with each other.

In 2014, at the important moment when Wang Hao decided to retire and leave the professional arena, Yan Boya chose to regain his stage dream and join the reality show "I'm Not a Big Star".

Why did "Table Tennis Champion" Wang Hao have a black face? Just look at what his wife has done

This shows the great differences and contradictions in their concepts.

At the recording site of the show, Yan Boya was dressed in a blazing red dance dress, and her carefully dressed face looked particularly delicate and moving against the backdrop of the lights. She danced, and her agile posture made the audience applaud.

However, what was unexpected was that this time she danced with a male dancer whom she had never met.

Why did "Table Tennis Champion" Wang Hao have a black face? Just look at what his wife has done

The two people on the stage worked closely with each other in the loud drum beat, full of tacit understanding. At this moment, an ambiguous aura permeated the air, making people intoxicated. However, watching the audience cheering and admiring them, Wang Hao's face gradually became gloomy, and his body trembled slightly.

Seeing his wife's intimate interaction with that strange man, Wang Hao's eyes were full of jealousy and anger, and he seemed unable to accept that his wife had such intimate physical contact with others in public.

At this critical moment, Wang Hao suddenly got up, strode onto the stage, snatched the microphone from the host's hand, and shouted emotionally: "Ladies, you should return to your position, return to your family, take on the responsibility of husband and children, and keep the family in the Lord, and you don't need to show your face outside!" "

Why did "Table Tennis Champion" Wang Hao have a black face? Just look at what his wife has done

This scene quickly spread to the public through live television, causing an uproar and heated discussion in society. Wang Hao and Yan Boya's marriage seems to have fallen into a crossroads.

Wang Hao's public gaffe quickly spread to the public eye through live television, causing an uproar and heated discussion in society. In response to Wang Hao's words and deeds, the public's comments and opinions are different, with mixed reviews.

Some people expressed their understanding and support for Wang Hao's position, and they felt that Wang Hao had done a good job as a husband, maintaining the dignity of the family and demonstrating the responsibility and responsibility of men. These proponents argue that in traditional values, wives should indeed put the family first.

Why did "Table Tennis Champion" Wang Hao have a black face? Just look at what his wife has done

Some people also expressed humane sympathy for Wang Hao, pointing out that it may be difficult for anyone to stay calm when they see their beloved wife in close contact with others.

In public, however, Mr. Wang's misconduct has attracted more criticism and accusations. These critics argue that in this day and age, the inferiority of men and women is no longer applicable, and that women should have the right to freely pursue their career aspirations, and that husbands should be given unconditional understanding and support.

They pointed out that Wang's behavior reflected his disrespect for his wife and his disregard for women's rights.

Why did "Table Tennis Champion" Wang Hao have a black face? Just look at what his wife has done

At the same time, some viewers criticized from the perspective of a public figure. They believe that Wang Hao, as a well-known athlete, should not behave in front of his wife even if he has opinions about his wife.

This behavior not only damaged his own public image, but also caused unnecessary distress to the family.

This incident has provoked a lot of reflection and discussion, and it touches on the difficult situation of modern women when choosing between family and career. By acknowledging this contradictory case, many people have re-examined the principle that men and women should be considerate and tolerant of each other in their married life.

Why did "Table Tennis Champion" Wang Hao have a black face? Just look at what his wife has done

All sectors of society have begun to reflect: how to balance personal career and family responsibilities in modern society? How should couples support and understand each other?

After the turmoil, Wang Hao and Yan Boya fell into a year-long Cold War period. Both parties are unwilling to bow their heads and apologize first, which makes the conflict between husband and wife worse. Their marriage seems to be on the verge of danger, worrying many who care about them.

This turmoil has brought great challenges to the marriage of Wang Hao and Yan Boya, and has also made people reflect on modern marriage relationships. People are beginning to recognize the need to find a balance between pursuing one's dreams and maintaining family relationships.

Why did "Table Tennis Champion" Wang Hao have a black face? Just look at what his wife has done

After a full year of cold war and in-depth reflection, Wang Hao has a greater understanding and acceptance of his wife's behavior of showing her head outside. In the new season of the reality show, the audience can see a new Wang Hao, although he can't fully agree with his wife's frequent outing, but he chooses to face it with an understanding and tolerant attitude.

Surprisingly, Wang Hao appeared on the show with his children to cheer for Yan Boya, which was the greatest support for Yan Boya and the practical support for her stage dream.

Wang Hao's change not only moved Yan Boya, but also won the praise of the audience.

Why did "Table Tennis Champion" Wang Hao have a black face? Just look at what his wife has done

What's even more touching is that at the most critical moment, Wang Hao prepared a bouquet of bright red roses and affectionately showed his sincere love to his wife. Under the gaze of the audience, he knelt on his knees and proposed to Yan Boya again.

This scene of warmth and affection seems to inject new vitality into their marriage, and also allows the audience to see the power of love.

Since then, Wang's lifestyle shift has clearly attracted attention. He began to be actively involved in the family, fully displaying the image of a good father and a loving husband. Whether he developed a deeper sense of emotion or was inspired by his wife's tolerance and thoughtfulness, we cannot be sure.

Why did "Table Tennis Champion" Wang Hao have a black face? Just look at what his wife has done

But in general, Wang Hao finally unlocked the precious value of feelings.

In 2017, a new life came to them, allowing the couple to start a new chapter in their lives. In order to devote herself to her family, Yan Boya temporarily put down her dance dream. She said affectionately: "I will not give up my dream easily, but the most important thing at this stage is to play the role of a good mother."

When my children grow up, I will pick up my dream of dancing again."

Why did "Table Tennis Champion" Wang Hao have a black face? Just look at what his wife has done

After hearing these words, Wang Hao realized that dreams and families are not incompatible, and the contradictions between them are supported by misunderstandings. Since then, Wang Hao has gone all out to support his wife, and he has devoted himself to family life with due diligence.

In mutual understanding and understanding, Wang Hao and Yan Boya finally found the best way to get along. Yan Boya often mentioned in the show that Wang Hao is now a good father to his two children, and their family lives a happy and harmonious life.

This experience has given both Wang Hao and Yan new growth, as they understand the importance of communication and learn to balance family and personal pursuits. This family, which was once in crisis, has regained the light of love through joint efforts.

Why did "Table Tennis Champion" Wang Hao have a black face? Just look at what his wife has done

After Wang Hao and Yan Boya's marriage went through ups and downs, they finally found the best way to get along. Yan Boya frequently mentioned in the show that Wang Hao has now become a good father to his two children, and their family lives a happy life.

This harmonious family atmosphere is the result of their joint efforts.

It is worth mentioning that just last year, Yan Boya returned to the stage with the support of Wang Hao and wrote a new chapter for his dream. This action not only enabled Yan Boya to realize his personal pursuit, but also reflected Wang Hao's understanding and support for his wife's career.

Why did "Table Tennis Champion" Wang Hao have a black face? Just look at what his wife has done

Looking back on the marriage story of Wang Hao and Yan Boya, we can feel their deep thinking about the dilemma of "career and family" for modern women. Everyone should have the freedom to pursue their ideals and dreams, whether married or not.

However, in married life, both partners need to always understand and support each other, rather than simply asking the other to be completely obedient to their wishes.

When Yan Boya worked hard for his career, he once left behind the responsibilities of his family, which made Wang Hao dissatisfied with him. But from another point of view, isn't she running around for her husband's affairs also a great support for Wang Hao's career? Therefore, as long as men and women can support each other in the face of difficulties and resolve differences and misunderstandings with love, they will definitely be able to find the best balance between career and family.

Why did "Table Tennis Champion" Wang Hao have a black face? Just look at what his wife has done

The story of Wang Hao and Yan Boya reveals that the true meaning of marriage is not to bind each other, but to pursue the freedom of spiritual communication. Only by treating each other as equal individuals can marriage develop in a lasting and stable manner.

In an environment of tolerance and understanding, the seeds of love can take root and sprout, and the experience of this couple provides valuable inspiration for modern marriage.

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