
Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

author:Hero's Notes
Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life


He was once the most handsome host of CCTV, and he was also a public figure full of sunshine and positive energy, and he was loved both at work and in life. However, just when his career was thriving, he chose to freeze his life forever at the age of 32, a painful road, leaving endless sadness and regret for his family and fans.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

So, what kind of life trajectory did a sunny boy who once had a successful career go through to make such a sad choice?

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

1. Bian Ce's life experience

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

1. From a young genius to a CCTV host

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

Bian Ce, formerly known as Bian Zhenyu, was born in an ordinary family in Changchun, Jilin Province, and has shown extraordinary hosting talent and excellent quality since he was a child.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

With his hard work and talent, he quickly stood out in various hosting competitions and was recognized and loved by many audiences and industry insiders.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

2. Choosing to leave when your career is at its peak

It is with his own efforts and talent that Bian Ce's career is getting smoother and smoother, and he once became a member of CCTV and served as an important program host.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

However, at the height of his career, at the age of 32, after the last 40-minute phone call to his mother, he chose to jump from the 8th floor and end his young life.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

2. The death of Bian Ce

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

1. Choosing to leave when your career is thriving

After going to Beijing for development, Biance's career continued to flourish and made many enviable achievements and achievements. Especially in his work at CCTV, he has won the love and recognition of countless audiences with his excellent hosting ability and sunny image, and has become the focus of public attention.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

However, just when his career was at its peak, the 32-year-old Bian Ce made a painful choice and chose a path of no return, which made his mother heartbroken.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

2. The cause of death has led to speculation and investigation

In the face of Bian Ce's death, the outside world has speculated and discussed the reasons for his death, and also conducted in-depth investigations into his work and living conditions before his death. Some people believe that it was because of work pressure and psychological distress that Bian Ce had negative emotions and thoughts, and finally chose suicide as an escape path.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

Some people also think that it is because of emotional problems or other life troubles that Bian Ce's heart is full of pain and distress that he can't let go, so he will make such an extreme choice. No matter which kind of speculation it is, it makes people feel very heartbroken and regretful, and it also makes all walks of life pay more attention to the mental health problems of public figures, as well as the importance of care and companionship of those around them.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

3. The mother suffered a huge blow

Benze's death also caused great damage and pain to his family, especially his mother. has experienced the huge blow of losing her father first and then her husband, and now she has to face the endless grief and regret of losing her son, which is a heavy blow that a mother cannot bear.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

3. Conjecture and reflection

1. Pay attention to the mental health of public figures

The death of Bian Ce has sounded the alarm for all walks of life, and also made people have a deeper understanding and conjecture about the mental health problems of public figures. Whether during or after the rise of their careers, public figures tend to experience tremendous work stress and life distress that are likely to have a huge impact on their mental health.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

All sectors of society need to pay more attention to the mental health problems of public figures, give them more care and understanding, and let them have the courage and confidence to seek help in the face of difficulties and setbacks, get out of psychological difficulties, and rekindle hope and love for life.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

2. The importance and influence of making friends

The death of Bence has also given people a deeper understanding of the importance and influence of making friends. In his tragic experience, inadvertent friendship became part of the reason, and some bad friends and negative emotions may have a negative impact on his mental health, and even push him to make extreme choices.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life


In recent years, news of celebrity suicides has frequently been reported in the entertainment industry, and every time it will cause heated discussions and deep thought from all walks of life. Among these harrowing deaths are some high-profile public figures, who have chosen a pessimistic outcome either because of work pressure, emotional distress, or for various other reasons.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

Among these deaths, there is a CCTV host named Bian Ce, who used to be a public figure full of sunshine and positive energy, and was loved both at work and in life. However, just when his career was thriving, he chose a painful path, leaving endless sadness and regret for his family and fans.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

Bian Ce's death has become a hot topic in the entertainment industry and all walks of life, and people have speculated and discussed his life experience and the reasons for his death, and also expressed deep sympathy and condolences to his family. So, what kind of life trajectory did a sunny boy who once had a successful career go through to make such a sad choice?

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

1. Bian Ce's life experience

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life
Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

1. From a young genius to a CCTV host

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

Bian Ce, formerly known as Bian Zhenyu, was born in an ordinary family in Changchun, Jilin Province, and has shown extraordinary hosting talent and excellent quality since he was a child. With his hard work and talent, he quickly stood out in various hosting competitions and was recognized and loved by many audiences and industry insiders.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

With the continuous improvement of his personal charm and hosting skills, Bian Ce's career has gradually ushered in a rising period and has become a high-profile first-line host. His lively and sunny image and professional hosting style are deeply loved by the audience, and have also won him an excellent reputation and popularity in the entertainment industry and public opinion.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

2. Choosing to leave when your career is at its peak

It is with his own efforts and talent that Bian Ce's career is getting smoother and smoother, and he once became a member of CCTV and served as an important program host. However, at the peak of his career, he suffered family changes and blows one after another.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

When Bence's career was thriving, his mother concealed his father's illness in order to protect him, which led to his unfortunate death. Faced with the changes in his family, Bian Ce was deeply shocked, but he did not choose to escape and give up, but resolutely chose to quit his job and return to his hometown to take care of his sick mother.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

Bian Ce knows his mother's concern and expectations for him, and he also loves this family that pays silently, so in his opinion, no matter how brilliant his career is, the health and happiness of his family is the most important. He chose to leave his job temporarily to protect this fragile family with his companionship and love, and also gave more warmth and meaning to his life.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

3. Mothers become strong supporters in life

In Bian Ce's growth and career, his mother has always been his strongest backing and supporter, and it is also the warmest haven for his soul. Whether it was when he encountered setbacks and difficulties, or after his achievements and successes, his mother silently supported and encouraged him, giving him endless strength and courage.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

It is with his mother's companionship and encouragement that Bian Ce is able to bravely face all kinds of challenges in life and continue to move forward and grow. After he chose to go to Beijing for development, his mother always prayed and blessed him, hoping that he could continue to chase his dreams and live a happy and beautiful life in a foreign land.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

2. The death of Bian Ce

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

1. Choosing to leave when your career is thriving

After going to Beijing for development, Biance's career continued to flourish and made many enviable achievements and achievements. Especially in his work at CCTV, he has won the love and recognition of countless audiences with his excellent hosting ability and sunny image, and has become the focus of public attention.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

However, just when his career was at its peak, the 32-year-old Bian Ce made a painful choice and chose a path of no return. It is reported that Bian Ce chose to commit suicide by jumping off a building when his family was away, which brought great sadness and blow to his family and friends around him, and also made countless fans and viewers sigh and regret it.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

2. The cause of death has led to speculation and investigation

In the face of Bian Ce's death, the outside world has speculated and discussed the reasons for his death, and also conducted in-depth investigations into his work and living conditions before his death. Some people believe that it was because of work pressure and psychological distress that Bian Ce had negative emotions and thoughts, and finally chose suicide as an escape path.

Some people also think that it is because of emotional problems or other life troubles that Bian Ce's heart is full of pain and distress that he can't let go, so he will make such an extreme choice. No matter which kind of speculation it is, it makes people feel very heartbroken and regretful, and it also makes all walks of life pay more attention to the mental health problems of public figures, as well as the importance of care and companionship of those around them.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

3. The mother suffered a huge blow

Benze's death also caused great damage and pain to his family, especially his mother. has experienced the huge blow of losing her father first and then her husband, and now she has to face the endless grief and regret of losing her son, which is a heavy blow that a mother cannot bear.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

In the face of such a huge blow, whether it is the condolences and companionship of family members, or the care and help of society, it is particularly important and necessary. I hope that Bian Ce's mother can face everything in front of her with strength and courage, and can also find a trace of hope and warmth in the endless sadness, and rekindle her confidence and courage in life.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

3. Conjecture and reflection

1. Pay attention to the mental health of public figures

The death of Bian Ce has sounded the alarm for all walks of life, and also made people have a deeper understanding and conjecture about the mental health problems of public figures. Whether during or after the rise of their careers, public figures tend to experience tremendous work stress and life distress that are likely to have a huge impact on their mental health.

All sectors of society need to pay more attention to the mental health problems of public figures, give them more care and understanding, and let them have the courage and confidence to seek help in the face of difficulties and setbacks, get out of psychological difficulties, and rekindle hope and love for life.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

2. The importance and influence of making friends

The death of Bence has also given people a deeper understanding of the importance and influence of making friends. In his tragic experience, inadvertent friendship became part of the reason, and some bad friends and negative emotions may have a negative impact on his mental health, and even push him to make extreme choices.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

Whether it is a public figure or an ordinary person, you need to carefully choose your friends and social circles to avoid negative influences, and you must also learn to confide and communicate, so that your friends can understand and support you, and face all kinds of difficulties and challenges in life together.

3. Family support and companionship are crucial

Throughout Benze's life, family has always played a vital role, and it has also become the strongest backing and warm haven in his life. Whether it is in the choice of career, or when he encounters setbacks and difficulties, the support and companionship of his family have given him endless strength and courage, and also made his life full of warmth and meaning.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

Whether it is parents or their own families, they need to cherish the happiness and warmth in front of them, and they must also learn to understand and tolerate each other together, face the joys, sorrows and sorrows of life together, and make the family the most beautiful scenery in each other's lives.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

4. Learn to regulate and deal with it appropriately

In today's society, success and stress often go hand in hand, and both young and middle-aged people need to learn to regulate and deal with them appropriately in order to have a healthy and happy life. Whether at work or in life, you will encounter all kinds of challenges and difficulties, but it is important to learn to face them with an optimistic attitude, to bear them with a brave attitude, and to learn to release and adjust your emotions in time under pressure, and find a lifestyle and solutions that suit you.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life


The death of Bian Ce has made people feel the fragility and preciousness of life, and has also given all walks of life a deeper understanding and conjecture about mental health issues. In this pluralistic society, everyone needs to give more understanding and care to others, and also need to learn to face the choices and decisions of others with a tolerant and tolerant attitude.

Bian Ce: At the age of 26, he became the host of CCTV, and at the age of 32, he jumped from the 8th floor, becoming the pain of his mother for the rest of her life

Whether it is at work or in life, we need to be brave enough to face our inner world, and we must also learn to face all kinds of difficulties and challenges with a positive attitude.