
iQIYI's dramas have not performed well this year, and the popularity of "Yan Xinji" is sluggish and has not exceeded 10,000.

author:Xiaoshan chatted about gossip

iQIYI, as a leading online video platform in China, has been attracting audiences with its rich content and high-quality services. However, this year's iQIYI seems to have suffered an unprecedented setback in the broadcast of the series. Since the beginning of the year, many of its dramas have failed to reach the expected popularity, and even some works that were originally expected to perform mediocre. Among them, the much-talked-about "Yan Xinji" has encountered an embarrassing situation where the popularity has not exceeded 10,000.

iQIYI's dramas have not performed well this year, and the popularity of "Yan Xinji" is sluggish and has not exceeded 10,000.

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"Yan Xinji", as a costume drama series launched by iQiyi this year, brings together popular Xiaosheng Xiaohua, which is well-made and has a lot of publicity. However, since its broadcast, the popularity of the show has never exceeded the 10,000-level mark, which has surprised and disappointed many industry insiders and fans.

iQIYI's dramas have not performed well this year, and the popularity of "Yan Xinji" is sluggish and has not exceeded 10,000.

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The reason for this is that fierce market competition is a factor that cannot be ignored. This year, video platforms such as Youku and Tencent have also launched a number of high-quality costume dramas, attracting the attention of a large number of audiences. In contrast, although "Yan Xinji" also has highlights in the plot and actors' performances, it has not been able to form an overwhelming advantage.

iQIYI's dramas have not performed well this year, and the popularity of "Yan Xinji" is sluggish and has not exceeded 10,000.

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"Yan Xinji" may also have certain problems in its publicity strategy. Although iQIYI has carried out a lot of publicity work before the series airs, these publicity are mainly focused on the platform and social media, and may not have formed enough appeal for a wider audience.

iQIYI's dramas have not performed well this year, and the popularity of "Yan Xinji" is sluggish and has not exceeded 10,000.

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The diversification of the audience's tastes is also one of the reasons why the popularity of "Yan Xinji" is not high. Nowadays, the audience's demand for dramas is becoming more and more diversified, and a single costume drama genre is no longer able to meet everyone's taste. Therefore, even if "Yan Xinji" performs well in the field of costume dramas, it is difficult to attract the attention of all audiences.

iQIYI's dramas have not performed well this year, and the popularity of "Yan Xinji" is sluggish and has not exceeded 10,000.

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Of course, we can't deny that "Yan Xinji" itself also has some problems and shortcomings. For example, some viewers think that the plot is too protracted and the rhythm is not tight enough; There were also viewers who questioned the actors' performances. These factors may affect the popularity and reputation of the series.

iQIYI's dramas have not performed well this year, and the popularity of "Yan Xinji" is sluggish and has not exceeded 10,000.

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In addition to "Yan Xinji", other dramas broadcast by iQiyi this year also generally performed poorly. This can't help but make people think: Is there a problem with iQIYI's vision for drama selection, or does its production and publicity strategy need to be improved?

iQIYI's dramas have not performed well this year, and the popularity of "Yan Xinji" is sluggish and has not exceeded 10,000.

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In the face of such a predicament, iQIYI may need to reflect and adjust from many aspects. First of all, in terms of drama selection, iQIYI needs to pay more attention to the quality and creativity of the script, as well as the matching of the cast and the level of acting skills. Secondly, in terms of production, iQIYI should improve the production level and special effects quality to create more sophisticated works. Finally, in terms of publicity, iQIYI can try diversified publicity methods, expand the scope of publicity, and improve the popularity and exposure of the series.

iQIYI's dramas have not performed well this year, and the popularity of "Yan Xinji" is sluggish and has not exceeded 10,000.

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In short, iQIYI's failure in the broadcast of dramas this year is not an accidental phenomenon, but the result of a combination of factors. In order to recover the decline and regain the love of the audience, iQIYI needs to make comprehensive improvements and promotions from many aspects such as drama selection, production and publicity. Only in this way can we launch more high-quality works in the future and regain market share and the hearts of audiences.

iQIYI's dramas have not performed well this year, and the popularity of "Yan Xinji" is sluggish and has not exceeded 10,000.

Originated from the Internet

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