
"Spending the Year of China" won my heart, and I couldn't put it down after watching one episode; How "Yan Xinji" treats you to judge

author:Xiaoshan chatted about gossip

Recently, two high-profile TV series "Du Hua Nian" and "Yan Xinji" have been launched one after another, attracting the attention of a large number of audiences. In the process of chasing the show, I watched the first two episodes of the two dramas separately and became very interested in one of them, while the other one was left for the audience to evaluate for themselves.

"Spending the Year of China" won my heart, and I couldn't put it down after watching one episode; How "Yan Xinji" treats you to judge

Originated from the Internet

"Spending the Year of China" won my heart, and I couldn't put it down after watching one episode; How "Yan Xinji" treats you to judge

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"Du Hua Nian", from the first episode, this drama has shown its unique charm. The plot is tight, the pace is fast, and the characters are distinct, making people immersed in it at a glance. The protagonist's upbringing, emotional entanglements, and choices in the face of difficulties are all empathetic. The actors' performances are also very good, portraying the inner world of the characters vividly, so that the audience can deeply understand the joys, sorrows and sorrows of the characters.

"Spending the Year of China" won my heart, and I couldn't put it down after watching one episode; How "Yan Xinji" treats you to judge

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In the advancement of the plot, "Du Hua Nian" cleverly integrates various elements in real life, making the plot closer to the audience's life experience. Whether it is family trivialities, workplace competition, or the interweaving of friendship and love, the audience finds resonance in the process of watching the drama. This resonance is not only the identification of the plot, but also the empathy for everything that the characters in the play go through. Therefore, in the process of watching "Spending the Year of China", I deeply feel that this drama is not only an entertainment work, but also a masterpiece that can arouse people's deep thought.

"Spending the Year of China" won my heart, and I couldn't put it down after watching one episode; How "Yan Xinji" treats you to judge

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And another drama "Yan Xinji" left a different impression on me. Judging from the first two episodes, this drama pays more attention to the delicate portrayal of emotions and the in-depth excavation of the characters' psychology. The encounters, acquaintances, and emotional changes between the protagonists in the play are depicted in great detail. However, perhaps because the plot has not yet fully unfolded, the revelation of the main line and core conflict of the story in the first two episodes is not very obvious.

"Spending the Year of China" won my heart, and I couldn't put it down after watching one episode; How "Yan Xinji" treats you to judge

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Despite this, "Yan Xin Ji" does quite well in terms of visuals and soundtrack. The exquisite graphics and just the right music add a lot to the plot, and also let the audience get a pleasant audio-visual experience during the viewing process. In addition, the performances of the actors in the play are also commendable, they interpret the emotional changes of the characters very well, so that the audience can feel the inner fluctuations of the characters.

"Spending the Year of China" won my heart, and I couldn't put it down after watching one episode; How "Yan Xinji" treats you to judge

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For "Yan Xinji", I think it has great potential. As the plot deepens, I believe that this drama will show a richer story level and profound character relationships. Therefore, although the impression left on me by the first two episodes was relatively flat, I was still full of anticipation for this show.

"Spending the Year of China" won my heart, and I couldn't put it down after watching one episode; How "Yan Xinji" treats you to judge

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In general, "Du Hua Nian" and "Yan Xinji" have their own merits. The former attracted me with its compact plot and distinct characters, which made me look forward to the subsequent development of the story; The latter, on the other hand, impressed me with its delicate emotional portrayal and excellent audiovisual effects. As for which drama is better, I think it is up to the audience to judge according to their own preferences.

"Spending the Year of China" won my heart, and I couldn't put it down after watching one episode; How "Yan Xinji" treats you to judge

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Finally, I want to say that whether it is "Du Hua Nian" or "Yan Xinji", they all represent the high level of current TV drama production. As an audience, we are fortunate to be able to enjoy these excellent works, and we look forward to more surprises and touches they can bring us.

"Spending the Year of China" won my heart, and I couldn't put it down after watching one episode; How "Yan Xinji" treats you to judge

Originated from the Internet

"Spending the Year of China" won my heart, and I couldn't put it down after watching one episode; How "Yan Xinji" treats you to judge

Originated from the Internet

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