
Rocket explosion! Domestic private aerospace companies played a big game

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Rocket explosion! Domestic private aerospace companies played a big game
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Brothers, emergency!

On June 30, an unusual "fireworks show" was staged in the sky of Gongyi, Henan.

Rocket explosion! Domestic private aerospace companies played a big game

Tianbing Technology's "Tianlong No. 3" was originally a rising star, but at the critical moment of the ground power test, a thrilling "flying story" was staged.

Rocket explosion! Domestic private aerospace companies played a big game

I saw the rocket soar into the sky, but it didn't take long for it to unexpectedly lose control, like a wild horse that had escaped, and finally ended its short "flying career" with a loud bang and a mushroom cloud.

Rocket explosion! Domestic private aerospace companies played a big game

Although the accident made people sweat, fortunately, the local emergency management agency acted quickly to verify the situation as soon as possible and confirmed that there were no casualties.


In the video circulating on the Internet, the rocket drew an arc in the air, and the moment it finally fell to the ground and exploded, it became a hot topic among many netizens.

Rocket explosion! Domestic private aerospace companies played a big game

This incident once again sounded the alarm bell, and the aerospace industry is by no means child's play. For private aerospace companies, every lift-off is a huge test.

Technology development requires real money, and the risk of failure is extremely high.

Rocket explosion! Domestic private aerospace companies played a big game

In addition, the lack of professional talent and the uncertainty of the policy environment are all problems facing them.

Netizens reacted to this incident in a variety of ways, some regretted and some worried, but more often placed high hopes on private aerospace companies.

It is widely believed that the government should give more support, and enterprises themselves need to strengthen their safety awareness and work closely with the academic community to jointly promote the healthy development of China's private aerospace industry

Rocket explosion! Domestic private aerospace companies played a big game

Despite the setbacks, the dream journey of private space companies will not stop.

Although the accident of "Tianlong-3" was a small episode on the way, it also reminded all participants: space exploration, safety first, step by step.

Rocket explosion! Domestic private aerospace companies played a big game

Let us look forward to the future sky, there will be more "Tianlong" soaring, writing a glorious chapter belonging to China's private aerospace.

Rocket explosion! Domestic private aerospace companies played a big game

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