
A 16-year-old girl eloped with a 36-year-old divorced man for love, but was brutally tortured by her lover for 8 years: regret not being at the beginning

author:Comfortable Dream PCF

[Is love a sweet candy or a deadly poison?] A heartbreaking true story will reveal the harsh reality for us.

In fact, we all know that love will disappear, promises will fail, and people will be separated, but we are too persistent and believe that we are an exception, but in the end there is no exception...... This deafening sentence is like a hammer, hitting everyone who is immersed in love fantasies. Especially those girls who have lacked love since childhood, they should be more vigilant!

Have you ever thought that a seemingly sweet love affair could be a shortcut to hell? The concise story is just such a bloody lesson.

A 16-year-old girl eloped with a 36-year-old divorced man for love, but was brutally tortured by her lover for 8 years: regret not being at the beginning

Jane, an ordinary rural girl in Hunan, was fostered by her parents at her grandmother's house since she was a child. In order to make a living, my parents work outside all year round, and only go home for reunion during the Chinese New Year. This kind of growth environment fills Jane's heart with a desire for family affection. As everyone knows, this desire has become the source of her tragedy in the future!

He dropped out of school at the age of 14 and went out to work at the age of 15, and he stepped into a complex society prematurely. At this moment, Guo Ming, a 36-year-old divorced man, appeared. He is a full 20 years older than Jane, but he accurately captures the emptiness of Jane's heart.

A 16-year-old girl eloped with a 36-year-old divorced man for love, but was brutally tortured by her lover for 8 years: regret not being at the beginning

Guo Ming is like a father I never had. Concise later described her attachment to Guo Ming as such. Ironically, this father became the beginning of her nightmare!

Under Guo Ming's rhetoric, Jian Jian resolutely chose to elope. How sad! A girl who longs for love actually bets her future on a strange man!

A 16-year-old girl eloped with a 36-year-old divorced man for love, but was brutally tortured by her lover for 8 years: regret not being at the beginning

Are the days after elopement really as good as you can imagine? Hehe, stop dreaming! The reality is far more brutal than you think!

The initial sweetness is quickly shattered by the harsh reality. Jian Jian was horrified to find that Guo Ming turned out to be an addict! And that's just the beginning of the nightmare......

A 16-year-old girl eloped with a 36-year-old divorced man for love, but was brutally tortured by her lover for 8 years: regret not being at the beginning

As the novelty wore off, Guo Ming began to punch and kick the simplicity. Imagine what a terrible situation it is for a girl who should be cared for, but has to face the threat of violence every day!

What is even more outrageous is that even during Jane's pregnancy, Guo Ming's violent behavior did not stop. He even suspected that the child was not his own, and even if the paternity test results were in front of him, he was obsessed!

A 16-year-old girl eloped with a 36-year-old divorced man for love, but was brutally tortured by her lover for 8 years: regret not being at the beginning

It was a time when life was worse than death...... When he recalls the past, his eyes are full of fear. Her cries were often heard by the neighbors, but no one dared to intervene. This society is so indifferent to domestic violence!

Finally one day, Guo Ming beat Jian Jian to death. At 24 years old, she looks like an old woman in her 40s. When the simple parents found her, they saw their scarred, withered daughter. What a heartache!

A 16-year-old girl eloped with a 36-year-old divorced man for love, but was brutally tortured by her lover for 8 years: regret not being at the beginning

Some netizens commented: Where is this love? It's a crime! Indeed it is. Love should be about supporting each other, not one-sided harm and control.

Even so, it is still difficult for Jane to get rid of Guo Ming's entanglement. Guo Ming even broke into Jianjian's house and threatened to kill her entire family! Where is there any humanity in this?

A 16-year-old girl eloped with a 36-year-old divorced man for love, but was brutally tortured by her lover for 8 years: regret not being at the beginning

In the end, Jian Jian decided to sue Guo Ming. But can the punishment of the law make up for her lost youth? Will it be able to erase the wounds on her psyche?

The concise story tells us that love is not a life-saving straw, but a garden that needs to be maintained by both parties. People who lack love should learn to love themselves instead of blindly relying on others.

A 16-year-old girl eloped with a 36-year-old divorced man for love, but was brutally tortured by her lover for 8 years: regret not being at the beginning

Dear readers, what do you think of what happened to the concise? What do you think should be done to prevent similar tragedies from happening? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment area. Let's work together to create a society free of violence and full of genuine love!

A 16-year-old girl eloped with a 36-year-old divorced man for love, but was brutally tortured by her lover for 8 years: regret not being at the beginning

Remember, true love is about growth, not destruction. Cherish yourself, keep your eyes open, and don't let love become an excuse to hurt! 】

A 16-year-old girl eloped with a 36-year-old divorced man for love, but was brutally tortured by her lover for 8 years: regret not being at the beginning