
Talking about some "pits" on the way into Tibet, it is simply impossible to prevent it!

author:Heavenly Tibet

The Indian plate drifted northward, causing strong tectonic movements. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is constantly uplifted by the compression of two tectonic plates, gradually forming the "roof of the world" on the earth today.

Talking about some "pits" on the way into Tibet, it is simply impossible to prevent it!

It is the youngest plateau and the "third pole of the earth" in addition to the north and south poles. Compared with ice and snow, there are richer colors and more wonderful people here.

Talking about some "pits" on the way into Tibet, it is simply impossible to prevent it!

Snow mountains, glaciers, seas, canyons, grasslands, flowers, forests, rivers, temples, prayer flags......

It is the limit of the spirit and the ultimate of the scenery, attracting countless people to visit.

Talking about some "pits" on the way into Tibet, it is simply impossible to prevent it!

The road into Tibet is long, not only there are infinite scenery, but also some "pits" that people can't guard against, so you can prepare in advance to feel the fun of entering Tibet more purely.

Talking about some "pits" on the way into Tibet, it is simply impossible to prevent it!

01, High Anti

Tibet belongs to the third tier, and most of the region, the altitude is high, and oxygen is thin. Take the Sichuan-Tibet line as an example, a total of 12 mountains with an altitude of 4,000m+ need to be climbed, and two of them even exceed 5,000 meters.

People who live at low altitudes for a long time do not adapt to such low oxygen levels. Everyone has altitude sickness to a greater or lesser extent.

Talking about some "pits" on the way into Tibet, it is simply impossible to prevent it!

The high reaction varies not only from person to person, from season to season, and even from "mood" to "mood". It's like your unpredictable girlfriend, who can't tell when she's going to get into trouble. Sometimes all oxygen tanks, glucose, rhodiola, etc. are prepared, but they are not high; Sometimes you don't prepare for anything and fall into a high-reflection vortex.

Talking about some "pits" on the way into Tibet, it is simply impossible to prevent it!

The first time to go to the high anti-anti-high, the second time to go to the high anti-serious people also abound. Therefore, it is recommended to carry a small amount (but not completely absent) anti-hyperreflective drugs such as oxygen tanks, glucose, and headache medicines.

Talking about some "pits" on the way into Tibet, it is simply impossible to prevent it!

02. Weather

When it comes to fickleness, there is not only the high reaction, but also the weather on the plateau. The traditional costume of Tibetan compatriots is often worn with one sleeve and the other tied to the body. This is also to cope with the weather of "four seasons in one day, ten miles of different days".

Talking about some "pits" on the way into Tibet, it is simply impossible to prevent it!

Due to the altitude difference and the complex geological terrain, the weather forecast on the road to Tibet often "fails". Maybe an hour ago the sun was shining brightly and the sky was white, but an hour later it was windy and pouring rain. What's even more terrifying is that you want to enjoy a warm sunbath, and the next day peeling, cracking, and sunburn will "teach you to be a man".

Talking about some "pits" on the way into Tibet, it is simply impossible to prevent it!

Whether you are driving, motorcycling, cycling or trekking into Tibet, a raincoat is essential. Due to the large temperature difference between morning and evening, even in summer, it is necessary to carry a thin cotton jacket or jacket to protect against the wind and keep warm.

Talking about some "pits" on the way into Tibet, it is simply impossible to prevent it!

03. Road closure

Due to the vagaries of the weather and the complexity of the road conditions, some sections of the road are prone to mudslides after heavy rains. In the event of mudslides and widespread landslides, the section of the road will be temporarily closed.

Talking about some "pits" on the way into Tibet, it is simply impossible to prevent it!

So be sure to find out if there are road closures before you travel, and if so, how to detour.

04. Route

Check the route strategy, and don't risk challenging shortcuts and trails that are not on the map. Every day, you need to plan your itinerary for the next day, where to have lunch at noon, and where to rest in the evening. The mileage should not be too long or too short: too long may cause you to get tired before you reach your destination, and too short will affect the schedule for the next few days.

Talking about some "pits" on the way into Tibet, it is simply impossible to prevent it!

05. Animals

The route into Tibet is full of challenges, not only in terms of road conditions, but also in the interference of animals on the road. Sometimes it's a herd of yaks, sometimes it's a herd of sheep, or maybe a few marmots. Leave them alone, they know their way home, and if it's getting in your way, try not to honk your horn.

Talking about some "pits" on the way into Tibet, it is simply impossible to prevent it!

If you frighten a yak or a sheep or pig by honking your horn, you may not be able to walk away if you encounter an unreasonable compatriot. Finally, try to ride as slowly as possible to avoid hitting yaks or other livestock, which can cause not only injury to yourself and the car, but also to your wallet.

Talking about some "pits" on the way into Tibet, it is simply impossible to prevent it!

06. Food

Due to the high altitude and low temperature in Tibet, it is not suitable for the growth of most crops. And due to the long mountain and long roads, the traffic is inconvenient, and the cost of transportation is high. Therefore, after entering Tibet, there are more beef and mutton and potatoes, and less vegetables. If you are a friend with a fragile stomach, you may not be able to adapt to the diet on the plateau.

Talking about some "pits" on the way into Tibet, it is simply impossible to prevent it!

After entering Tibet, many people have constipation, and they can carry vitamin C effervescent tablets to increase their vitamin intake.

07. Accommodation

With the development of tourism and economy, the infrastructure along the Tibet line has gradually improved, and the accommodation conditions along the line have gradually improved. However, in some areas where development is not as fast, accommodation is still very poor.

Talking about some "pits" on the way into Tibet, it is simply impossible to prevent it!

Sometimes for the same price as the plains, you can only choose a hotel in the plateau with a less favorable environment.

Talking about some "pits" on the way into Tibet, it is simply impossible to prevent it!

08. Toilet

The most embarrassing thing on the motorcycle tour on the Tibet line is to go to the toilet, because on the whole thousands of kilometers of the road, it is full of scenery and there are few toilets. Finally, there was a toilet in front of me, and the stench of the sky could be smelled ten meters away, and many people were scared to hold back their urine.

Talking about some "pits" on the way into Tibet, it is simply impossible to prevent it!

Therefore, "going to the picnic toilet" cannot be avoided. If you are a female compatriot in Tibet, please remember to bring an umbrella, you will understand why by then.

Talking about some "pits" on the way into Tibet, it is simply impossible to prevent it!

09. Take pictures

Although people who do tourism always say that the beautiful scenery such as mountains, rivers, lakes and seas is a gift from nature, and it is a treasure that anyone can enjoy for free. Just listen to this sentence, these scenery in Tibetan areas are not necessarily "free", sometimes you have to take pictures to collect money, and you have to pay money to see them.

Talking about some "pits" on the way into Tibet, it is simply impossible to prevent it!

Let's not talk about the places where you need to buy tickets. In Tibet, even if there are some wild spots, whether it is parking or taking pictures, you should ask in advance whether there is a charge, especially when some Tibetan mastiffs and yaks appear when taking pictures, you should pay more attention.

Talking about some "pits" on the way into Tibet, it is simply impossible to prevent it!

When you go out, there are good and bad people, and these pits are not only encountered when you enter Tibet. In short, caution is the best.

√ The picture and text are transferred from the public account [Heavenly Tibet], a treasure-level Tibet strategy number with a large group of 500 people traveling in Tibet~