
Who is defending justice? Interpreting the positions of both sides in the Russia-Ukraine war

author:The old donkey's head speaks of things


The Russia-Ukraine war, which has attracted widespread attention around the world, has lasted for more than two years, starting with Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

Who is defending justice? Interpreting the positions of both sides in the Russia-Ukraine war

The brutality and complexity of war raises questions about who is on the right side? This article attempts to reveal the essence of the war through multi-angle analysis and factual data, providing readers with a panoramic understanding.

Background and causes of the war

Russia's justifications for invading Ukraine include protecting Russian-speaking residents of eastern Ukraine and opposing the threat of NATO's eastward expansion. However, these reasons are not sufficient in the eyes of the international community, and more people see Russia's actions as blatant aggression against a sovereign state. Ukraine, for its part, has shown a stubborn spirit of resistance, and its position in defence of sovereignty and territorial integrity enjoys broad international support.

Who is defending justice? Interpreting the positions of both sides in the Russia-Ukraine war

Human casualties and humanitarian crises in war

The war has brought enormous casualties and humanitarian crises. According to statistics, by the end of 2023, there will be a total of more than 300,000 military casualties between Russia and Ukraine. Civilian casualties in Ukraine have also reached tens of thousands, with more than 10 million Ukrainians forcibly displaced. These data reveal the brutality of war and the enormous impact it has on ordinary people.

Who is defending justice? Interpreting the positions of both sides in the Russia-Ukraine war

The role of international support

Ukraine received limited international military support in the early stages of the war, but as the war progressed, the size and variety of international assistance increased significantly. The United States and European allies have provided Ukraine with military and economic support worth about 100 billion euros, and this assistance is essential for Ukraine to maintain its combat effectiveness. Conversely, Russia, while also receiving support from countries such as Iran and North Korea, has relatively limited numbers and influence in its international partners.

Who is defending justice? Interpreting the positions of both sides in the Russia-Ukraine war

Strategy and Reality in War

From the point of view of military strategy, Russia's failure to quickly capture important Ukrainian cities in the early stages of the war shows Ukraine's strong resistance and effective defense strategy. Although Russia has achieved some territorial control in some localities, it has paid a very heavy price.

At the same time, Ukraine's defense depends on international assistance and its own strategic adjustments. However, as the war continues, Ukraine needs to further strengthen its military-industrial production capacity and the mobilization of fighters, or risk losing more territory in the east and south.

Who is defending justice? Interpreting the positions of both sides in the Russia-Ukraine war

Prospects and suspense for the future

The future of war is uncertain. While the two sides are currently at a stalemate, Russia is likely to continue to launch a new offensive in 2024, while Ukraine hopes to reverse the situation with further international support and internal resource consolidation.

Who is defending justice? Interpreting the positions of both sides in the Russia-Ukraine war

Some experts predict that the war could turn to a "frozen conflict" or an imperfect partition agreement in the coming years, but the likelihood of lasting peace in the short term is low.

The question of justice in the Russia-Ukraine war is not simply black and white. In this complex geopolitical conflict, both sides have their own demands and positions.

However, from the point of view of international law and humanitarianism, Russia's aggression is a clear violation of international norms, while Ukraine's resistance manifests itself more as a form of self-defense. Therefore, the support of the international community for Ukraine is not only a moral choice, but also an important measure to maintain the global order.

Who is defending justice? Interpreting the positions of both sides in the Russia-Ukraine war

In the future, the course of the war will still be uncertain, and the continued attention and involvement of the international community will have a significant impact on the outcome. As history shows, justice will eventually be done, but the road can be unusually tortuous and long.