
Are you ready, children? Hospital nurses exit the stage, and the "unaccompanied ward" will be opened!

author:Enlighten Wisdom Pavilion
Are you ready, children? Hospital nurses exit the stage, and the "unaccompanied ward" will be opened!

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Unaccompanied wards: solving problems or creating anxiety?

The term "unaccompanied ward" has recently appeared frequently in the public eye, it refers to a new type of ward model in which the hospital is equipped with a professional nursing team and is fully responsible for the daily care of patients, and family members and private caregivers do not need to participate. Skeptics are concerned about the quality of service and potential risks, so are unaccompanied wards a solution to problems or a source of anxiety?

Are you ready, children? Hospital nurses exit the stage, and the "unaccompanied ward" will be opened!

Hospital wards, in our past impression, are always filled with the smell of disinfectant water, the groans of pain and the busy figure of family members, decoction and medicine, excrement and urine, these seemingly trivial care work, often require long-term companionship and dedication from family members, For middle-aged people with work pressure, once someone in the family needs to be hospitalized, they have to face a dilemma between work and family. Not asking for leave also means that they cannot fulfill their responsibilities of care, and their hearts are tormented, and the emergence of unaccompanied wards seems to provide them with a solution

From Skepticism to Experimentation: The Social Change Behind Unaccompanied Wards

As early as 2018, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital took the lead in trying to launch this model, at that time, the person in charge of the hospital said that the introduction of the unaccompanied ward was mainly to cope with the increasingly severe problem of population aging, and to provide better medical services for the elderly and empty nesters who lack family care

Are you ready, children? Hospital nurses exit the stage, and the "unaccompanied ward" will be opened!

In recent years, with the acceleration of social rhythm and the intensification of life pressure, more and more families are facing the dilemma of "one person is hospitalized, the whole family is paralyzed", dual-income families are difficult to spare time and energy to take care of patients, and the high cost of nursing staff also discourages many families

Diversification of modes: "unaccompanied" is not completely "unaccompanied"

It is worth noting that different hospitals have also carried out a series of explorations and innovations in the implementation of the unaccompanied ward model, showing a diversified development trend, and some hospitals have unaccompanied wards mainly for postoperative patients, providing 24-hour professional nursing services; Some hospitals divide wards into "unaccompanied areas" and "family accompanying areas" for patients to choose independently. Some hospitals have launched "one-stop" medical services on the basis of unaccompanied wards, which seamlessly connect preoperative assessment, surgery, and postoperative rehabilitation to provide patients with a more convenient and efficient medical experience

Are you ready, children? Hospital nurses exit the stage, and the "unaccompanied ward" will be opened!

Disputes and challenges: fees, quality of care, and service users

Although the unaccompanied ward relieves the pressure of patients and their families to a certain extent, it also faces some controversies and challenges that need to be resolved urgently, first of all, the issue of charging standards, because unaccompanied wards need to be equipped with a more professional nursing team, so the fees are often higher than those of ordinary wards, which is undoubtedly a big burden for some families with financial difficulties, followed by the quality of care, due to the limited ratio of nursing staff to patients, how to ensure that every patient can receive timely and thoughtful nursing services, It is a major problem that unaccompanied wards need to overcome, and how to define the service target and avoid waste of resources is also a problem that needs to be considered

Are you ready, children? Hospital nurses exit the stage, and the "unaccompanied ward" will be opened!

Future prospects: improve the social pension and medical service system

Are you ready, children? Hospital nurses exit the stage, and the "unaccompanied ward" will be opened!

It should be clear that the unaccompanied ward is only a transitional service model, it can not fundamentally solve the deep-seated social problems such as population aging and uneven distribution of medical resources, to truly achieve the goal of "the elderly have care, the sick have medical treatment", we also need the government, medical institutions and all walks of life to work together to establish a more perfect social pension and medical service system, which requires us to continue to increase investment in medical and health undertakings, optimize the allocation of medical resources, and improve the level of primary medical services. So that every patient can enjoy fair, high-quality and convenient medical services


As an emerging medical service model, the emergence and development of the unaccompanied ward reflects the opportunities and challenges faced by Chinese society in the transition period, and we look forward to the continuous improvement of the unaccompanied ward in the coming days, bringing good news to more patients and families, and also hoping that we can work together to build a better future, so that everyone can rely on the elderly and have medical treatment

Are you ready, children? Hospital nurses exit the stage, and the "unaccompanied ward" will be opened!

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