
Japanese media said that China sent Zhang Ziyu to play the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is too unreasonable! She is another dimension

author:Enlighten Wisdom Pavilion
Japanese media said that China sent Zhang Ziyu to play the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is too unreasonable! She is another dimension

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When it comes to Chinese basketball, what comes to mind may be Yao Ming's majestic posture on the NBA court, or the hard work of the Chinese men's basketball team in the World Series, but today, we are going to talk about a young player who shined in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup - Zhang Ziyu, the 2.20-meter-tall "giantess" conquered all the audience with her impeccable performance, and even made the Japanese media exclaim that she is "the existence of another dimension", so where is Zhang Ziyu's strength?

Japanese media said that China sent Zhang Ziyu to play the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is too unreasonable! She is another dimension

Many people will be shocked by her standing tall when they see Zhang Ziyu for the first time, yes, in the sport of basketball, the height advantage is indeed the embodiment of talent, which is especially obvious in Zhang Ziyu, in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup, her height advantage makes her insurmountable under the basket like an iron wall, the opponent looks extremely small in front of her, and it is difficult to play both offense and defense

If you only think that Zhang Ziyu's success only depends on height, it is a big mistake, basketball, has never been a sport that can be won only by height, Zhang Ziyu in addition to having a proud height, but also has solid basic skills, delicate skills and excellent basketball IQ, in the game, she can not only use her height advantage to attack the basket, but also hit a jumper on the outside, showing comprehensive offensive skills, and what is more commendable is that she also has a good sense of passing the ball and can pass the ball to her teammates in the vacant position in time, Create more opportunities for the team to attack

It's not just talent, it's sweat day after day

The success of every outstanding athlete is no accident, Zhang Ziyu is no exception, since childhood, Zhang Ziyu has shown a love and talent for basketball, when children of the same age are still playing and playing, she has begun to sweat on the basketball court, day after day hard training, so that she has made great progress in basketball skills, and gradually stands out among her peers

Japanese media said that China sent Zhang Ziyu to play the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is too unreasonable! She is another dimension

Zhang Ziyu knows that talent is only a stepping stone to success, only by paying more efforts than ordinary people, in order to finally succeed, she never slackens in training, always maintains a high morale and positive learning attitude, constantly polishes her skills, and improves her sense of competition, it is with this persistence and hard work, she can shine in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup and become a rising star of Chinese basketball

The strength of the team is the cornerstone of victory

The outstanding performance of the Chinese team in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is inseparable from the joint efforts of every player, Zhang Ziyu naturally contributed to it, but we cannot ignore the contributions of other players

Japanese media said that China sent Zhang Ziyu to play the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is too unreasonable! She is another dimension

The success of the Chinese women's basketball team U18 is the victory of team spirit, they support each other on the court, encourage each other, overcome difficulties together, and finally achieve remarkable results

Go beyond yourself and push the limits

Zhang Ziyu's dominance in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup has made people see the hope for the future of the Chinese women's basketball team

Japanese media said that China sent Zhang Ziyu to play the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is too unreasonable! She is another dimension

In the world of competitive sports, talent is important, but acquired hard work and perseverance are more important, Zhang Ziyu's story tells us that no matter what the starting point is, as long as you have a dream and make unremitting efforts for it, you can create infinite possibilities, her success not only inspires countless young people who love basketball, but also adds a touch of color to the future of Chinese basketball

A new starting point is promising for the future

The victory of the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is just a new starting point for Zhang Ziyu, and she will face more challenges and tests on the road of basketball in the future, but we believe that with her love and dedication to basketball, she will be able to overcome difficulties, continue to improve, and finally realize her basketball dream

Japanese media said that China sent Zhang Ziyu to play the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is too unreasonable! She is another dimension

Zhang Ziyu's future is full of infinite possibilities, and we look forward to her showing her talent on a bigger stage and winning more honors for Chinese basketball, and we also hope that more outstanding young players like Zhang Ziyu will emerge to inject new vitality into the future of Chinese basketball

The hope of Chinese basketball is not limited to height

Zhang Ziyu's story is not only a story about basketball, but also a story about dreams, perseverance and teamwork, her experience has inspired countless young people to bravely pursue their dreams and constantly surpass themselves, and she also let us see the hope of Chinese basketball and the infinite possibilities of the future of Chinese basketball

Japanese media said that China sent Zhang Ziyu to play the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is too unreasonable! She is another dimension

The future of Chinese basketball needs more talented and hard-working players like Zhang Ziyu, and more people need to pay attention to and support the development of Chinese basketball

What do you think?

What do you think of Zhang Ziyu's performance? What other factors do you think are the success of the Chinese women's basketball team U18? What are your expectations for the future of basketball in China? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area to share your views and thoughts!

Japanese media said that China sent Zhang Ziyu to play the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is too unreasonable! She is another dimension

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