
Dong Yuhui's "friend of a friend" is revealed, Yan Hanlu's whereabouts are revealed, and friends of friends are not far from ten

author:Middle-aged Mu Xing

Dong Yuhui's "friend's friend" is exposed, Yan Han is exposed, and the friend's friend is not far from ten.

still remembers that on the night of June 25, Dong Yuhui posed with scissor hands and said that he would take a leave of absence for a while to do something.

Dong Yuhui's "friend of a friend" is revealed, Yan Hanlu's whereabouts are revealed, and friends of friends are not far from ten

Among them, there are 2 things that make netizens more worried, one is that Yuhui needs to accompany a friend to visit Xi'an at the end of June, who is this friend? The second is that Dong Yuhui said that he would go to this friend's friend to record a variety show on July 5, who is this friend's friend?

Everyone thought that Dong Yuhui could do a good job of secrecy this time, but unexpectedly, the "friend of a friend" soon revealed his stuff, Yan Han showed up first, and the friend of the friend was not far away.

Dong Yuhui's "friend of a friend" is revealed, Yan Hanlu's whereabouts are revealed, and friends of friends are not far from ten

Dong Yuhui's return to his hometown of Xi'an to entertain friends this time is the second time he has taken a leave of absence in the past 2 years, and the last time was when he went home to attend his brother's wedding. At this time, when he goes out, if he doesn't dress up like a star, it will be difficult to go shopping!

As expected, on June 29, three men dressed as Joe wearing masks and hats appeared on the streets of Xi'an.

Dong Yuhui's "friend of a friend" is revealed, Yan Hanlu's whereabouts are revealed, and friends of friends are not far from ten

Some netizens quickly recognized Yan Han. He wore glasses, a square face, and was photographed wearing only a mask and no hat, so he was exposed.

Dong Yuhui's "friend of a friend" is revealed, Yan Hanlu's whereabouts are revealed, and friends of friends are not far from ten

As we all know, Yan Han is Dong Yuhui's best friend, and he, like Team Liu, follows Yuhui almost all the time.

Then, the person who walked in front of Yan Han was Dong Yuhui. The short sleeves worn by Yuhui are estimated to be his father's, although he is well dressed in disguise, he was still guessed by netizens.

The video of Dong Yuhui taking his friends to Xi'an quickly spread on the Internet, and Yuhui knew that after failing to dress up, he simply didn't wear a mask or a hat. The identity of his friend was finally confirmed, it was Liu Genghong.

Dong Yuhui's "friend of a friend" is revealed, Yan Hanlu's whereabouts are revealed, and friends of friends are not far from ten

After Liu Genghong was revealed, his friends were inseparable.

still remembers that on June 25th, Dong Yuhui was afraid that everyone would dislike him for taking too long of leave, so he specially explained that he liked Liu Genghong's friend's show very much, and he wanted to participate in the recording.

still remembers that Dong Yuhui said that his idol is Jay Chou, and if anyone gives him a ticket to Jay Chou's concert, he will definitely go to watch Jay Chou sing.

Coincidentally, one of Liu Genghong's good friends is Jay Chou.

Dong Yuhui's "friend of a friend" is revealed, Yan Hanlu's whereabouts are revealed, and friends of friends are not far from ten

Coincidentally, Jay Chou is recently cooperating with Zhejiang Satellite TV to launch a new global outdoor life and cultural reality show "Travelogue". The third episode of the show will start filming in Changsha.

Dong Yuhui's "friend of a friend" is revealed, Yan Hanlu's whereabouts are revealed, and friends of friends are not far from ten

All the coincidences are added together, Dong Yuhui's "friend of friends" is most likely Jay Chou, eight or nine are not far from ten.

Dong Yuhui's mysterious itinerary has finally been unveiled, which not only allows us to see the deep friendship between him and his friends, but also makes us look forward to his wonderful interaction with Jay Chou in "Travelogue". This cross-border friendship and cooperation will undoubtedly bring us a new audio-visual experience. looks forward to Dong Yuhui showing more charm in the show, and also looks forward to his cooperation with Jay Chou to create more sparks.