
[Challenge the 41st day of 100 days of copying books]: "Look at the point" in everything, and you won't be so tired

author:Brother Tao @ excerpt sharing
Hello everyone, I'm Brother Tao, focusing on headline excerpts and sharing. Thank you Toutiao Jun for letting us meet here, click on the upper right corner to follow [Bixin] [Bixin] [Bixin], share my excerpts and insights every day, learn with you, and share happiness!
[Challenge the 41st day of 100 days of copying books]: "Look at the point" in everything, and you won't be so tired

"If you cry because you miss the sun, then you will also miss the stars".

When a person's pattern is small, he will only see the gains and losses that are close at hand, and only when his heart is wide enough to see the vast sea of stars, he will not be troubled by missing the sunset.

Today is the first day of the challenge of copying books. The theme of today's excerpt is "Welcome to enjoy it, leave a message in the comment area to discuss, grow together, learn together!

[Challenge the 41st day of 100 days of copying books]: "Look at the point" in everything, and you won't be so tired

Look at the opening point, don't care, and you'll be at ease

In June 2004, the college entrance examination ended. I knew that I would not be able to go to university and the burden on my family was heavy, so I simply prepared to go out to work.

At the family gathering, I was afraid that others would ask me about my grades, but I was found by the sharp-eyed second sister-in-law!

"How did the sixth child do in the exam?" She asked knowingly, "It's average, it's not good" I bowed my head humbly, and I didn't dare to answer!

"I knew that you did a good job, my nephew Dongdong was admitted to the Gansu Police Academy! It's not loud, but it's like thunder!

Dongdong is the same age as me, I went to high school in the city, he went to high school outside the city, he was admitted, I didn't, it was dramatic.

In 2005, I graduated from the petroleum technical school and set foot on the job.

In 2008, I got married and married my daughter-in-law, returned from the oil field to start my own business, graduated from Dongdong University, and was assigned to the county police station!

In 2012, my eldest daughter was born, and I was anxious about the failure of my business, and I was promoted to the town joint defense team!

In 2019, my second daughter was born, entered the grassroots service clerkship, and got married, but was arrested for asking for bribes and sentenced to 5 years in prison!

In 2024, I will be stable for the time being, my wife will be virtuous and filial, my family will be harmonious, I will be released from prison, my wife will be separated from home, and I am currently unemployed!

From 2004 to 2024, 20 years! What is Fu? What is woe? Look away, don't care, that's it!

[Challenge the 41st day of 100 days of copying books]: "Look at the point" in everything, and you won't be so tired

Look at the opening point, put it down, and it will be relaxed

The seventh brother and the third nephew are two years apart, and the third nephew is the seventh brother's follower when he is young, and wherever the seventh brother goes, he will follow!

The two of them went to kindergarten together, fished together, experienced a rebellious period together, and provoked adults to annoy dogs together!

The only difference is that if the same thing is done well, the reputation belongs to the nephew, and if it is done badly, it is his uncle and my seventh brother.

When his nephew was 15 years old, his grandfather gave him a 100 yuan bill, and the nephew took the banquet to the friends in the alley.

When the sister-in-law heard the news and went out at night, she took her nephew to crusade against the seventh brother, saying that the seventh brother instigated the nephew to steal the family's money.

In the end, the fourth uncle paid 100 yuan to his sister-in-law in order to settle the matter, and the fourth uncle, who paid attention to reputation, beat the seventh brother to lie in bed for a week.

The seventh brother, who had learned the lesson, naturally stayed away from the third nephew, and the third nephew had no friends, so he turned his head and played with the other older children.

When the third nephew was 17 years old, he was reported by the parents of the children who paid the fees because he blocked the road with other older children to collect protection money.

The gang committed the crime, and that year was during the anti-gang and anti-evil crackdown, and the juvenile detention center was detained for 3 years.

Which is more important, the future of a lifetime will be ruined by arrogance, see it, let it go, and that's it!

[Challenge the 41st day of 100 days of copying books]: "Look at the point" in everything, and you won't be so tired

In fact, the subsequent impact of a thing often depends on people's mentality towards it. If you only focus on the mistakes at that time, then the negative effect of this incident will be infinitely magnified and affect people's judgment.

The loss of the past often seems insignificant when viewed in the long river of time. With a detached mentality, you can maintain a relieved attitude towards everything, and the troubles and uneasiness of life will be reduced a little.

[Challenge the 41st day of 100 days of copying books]: "Look at the point" in everything, and you won't be so tired

Questions and Answers on Hanshan and Finds in Buddhist Zen Monks:

Hanshan asked: If there are people in the world who slander me, bully me, insult me, laugh at me, despise me, dislike me, and deceive me for no reason, what should I do?

Answer: You might as well endure him, humble him, let him, avoid him, be patient with him, respect him, ignore him, and in a few years, you will look at him!

Maintaining a positive mindset is the key to "looking at the point". No matter what difficulties you encounter, believe that you have the ability to overcome them. Face all the challenges in life with a smile, and you will find that life is actually not that difficult!
