
Keep fermenting! Zhao Bin was questioned about changing his online name, and the professor of Peking University posted an article questioning Jiang Ping in the early morning, and the details were exposed

author:Heavy rain drama can be said
Keep fermenting! Zhao Bin was questioned about changing his online name, and the professor of Peking University posted an article questioning Jiang Ping in the early morning, and the details were exposed

Jiang Ping was questioned after "becoming popular", and educational fairness once again attracted attention

Recently, a 15-year-old girl named "Jiang Ping" became popular on the Internet, causing widespread attention and heated discussions. As a young self-media creator, I also have a strong interest in this matter and try to analyze it from multiple angles.

For Jiang Ping's "mathematical prodigy" deeds, my heart has experienced complex changes from surprise to doubt. From the first time I learned about this girl's excellent math performance and ability, to the subsequent doubts one after another, to the objective analysis of the big names in the education industry, this process has undoubtedly given me a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of this matter.

Keep fermenting! Zhao Bin was questioned about changing his online name, and the professor of Peking University posted an article questioning Jiang Ping in the early morning, and the details were exposed

Whatever the truth, I think this case deserves serious consideration. It not only reflects the many problems existing in the current field of education, but also makes us have to reflect on the society's criteria for judging "gifted children" and our understanding of educational equity.

Cause: Jiang Ping's "popularity" caused heated discussions

Speaking of the origin of this event, it is necessary to start from the end of May. At that time, the news about a 15-year-old girl named Jiang Ping went viral on the Internet, causing widespread attention.

Keep fermenting! Zhao Bin was questioned about changing his online name, and the professor of Peking University posted an article questioning Jiang Ping in the early morning, and the details were exposed

Jiang Ping studied at Lianshui County Vocational and Technical School, and stood out with a high score of 93 points in the "Creativity Without Borders" preliminaries held by Alibaba. This is undoubtedly a remarkable achievement, and it is impressive.

Subsequently, a video of Jiang Ping's interview was widely circulated on the Internet. In this video, this delicate and lovely girl answers various mathematical problems raised by the host in fluent language, showing amazing mathematical talent. This makes many people sigh that the "mathematical prodigy" actually appeared in such a young girl.

However, just when public opinion fell into reverence and envy for Jiang Ping, the voice of doubt also quietly sounded.

Keep fermenting! Zhao Bin was questioned about changing his online name, and the professor of Peking University posted an article questioning Jiang Ping in the early morning, and the details were exposed

The first to bear the brunt is Zhao Bin, a master of Peking University. He posted an article on Moments, directly pointing out that Jiang Ping's math scores may be "fake", and even said fiercely that "A wrote it for B".

Zhao's questioning immediately attracted widespread attention. Those who support his view believe that it is unbelievable how a girl who has dropped out of junior high school can complete high school or even college math in just two years. But others accused Mr. Zhao of acting out of jealousy and prejudice.

Just as the controversy was heating up, Zhao Bin suddenly changed his name and disappeared, which cast more doubts on the whole incident.

Keep fermenting! Zhao Bin was questioned about changing his online name, and the professor of Peking University posted an article questioning Jiang Ping in the early morning, and the details were exposed

Finally, Peking University professor Yuan Xinyi stood up and relied on his identity as a scholar and professional insights to write an article analyzing various doubts about this incident, providing us with a more comprehensive and objective perspective.

Analysis: Professor Yuan's analysis is full of doubts

Professor Yuan's analysis explores the possibilities of this matter in detail from multiple perspectives.

Keep fermenting! Zhao Bin was questioned about changing his online name, and the professor of Peking University posted an article questioning Jiang Ping in the early morning, and the details were exposed

First of all, he raised the most basic question: can a junior high school student complete high school and even college mathematics knowledge in just two years, and achieve a high score of 93 points in the national mathematics competition? In this regard, Professor Yuan gave his own judgment: every year, there are about 10 junior high school graduates in the country who can do this.

This is undoubtedly a fairly high standard, and one can't help but doubt Jiang Ping's mathematical talent.

Then, Professor Yuan analyzed some of the mistakes and problems that Jiang Ping made when she was interviewing. He pointed out that some of these mistakes are unlikely to be made even by high school students, suggesting that the man's math level is at best high school.

Keep fermenting! Zhao Bin was questioned about changing his online name, and the professor of Peking University posted an article questioning Jiang Ping in the early morning, and the details were exposed

When analyzing Jiang Ping's proficiency in using LaTex software, Professor Yuan raised more questions. He pointed out that LaTex is a mathematical formula typesetting software that is mainly used to write essays, and a person usually needs to write hundreds of pages of papers to achieve proficiency in using them. However, Jiang Ping, as a secondary school student, can use this software so skillfully, which is obviously unreasonable.

In addition, Professor Yuan also analyzed Jiang Ping's "surprise" emotions during the interview. He thinks that if a person really has such superb mathematical ability, it should not be a problem to predict their score, why would he show such surprise? This makes one wonder if it is to create the image of a "child prodigy".

Professor Yuan also conducted an in-depth analysis of possible "cheating" behaviors. He pointed out that if Jiang Ping did cheat, there were two possible motives: one was to get a "stepping stone" to get a doctorate, and the other was to train for his own career.

Keep fermenting! Zhao Bin was questioned about changing his online name, and the professor of Peking University posted an article questioning Jiang Ping in the early morning, and the details were exposed

However, Professor Yuan also objectively admits that these are just speculations because of the lack of conclusive evidence.

Finally, Professor Yuan put forward two suggestions for Jiang Ping and related parties to refer to: first, you can solve mathematical problems live to show your strength; The second is that she can be interviewed by a mathematics professor and let experts judge her level.

It can be said that Professor Yuan's analysis is quite pertinent and comprehensive, and he neither directly draws conclusions nor excessively criticizes Jiang Ping. He just raised some questions worth pondering and guided everyone to look at this incident objectively and rationally.

Keep fermenting! Zhao Bin was questioned about changing his online name, and the professor of Peking University posted an article questioning Jiang Ping in the early morning, and the details were exposed

Speculation: The Motivation and Dilemma Behind It

In addition to Professor Yuan's analysis, we can also speculate and speculate on this matter from other angles.

First of all, we can think about what kind of motives Jiang Ping has indeed cheated?

Perhaps, she just longs for attention and recognition for her efforts and talents, but can't find the right channel. Driven by this anxiety and eagerness, she chose a shortcut to achieve her dream by falsifying.

Or maybe she has family or other pressures to find some special way to succeed and meet the expectations of others. In this case, her actions may not be motivated by personal greed and vanity, but by helplessness and helplessness.

Of course, it is also possible that a third party is driving all this. Perhaps for some commercial or political purposes, with the help of Jiang Ping's "prodigy" image to obtain benefits. In this case, Jiang Ping may just be a pawn to be used, and he is not actively involved in it.

In addition, we can also think about why such a controversy arises if Jiang Ping is indeed a real mathematical genius.

Maybe it's because of the limitations of the education system. Maybe it's because of society's stereotypes and prejudices about "prodigies". Or maybe it's because we lack tolerance and understanding for such extraordinary students.

In any case, this incident reflects some deep-seated problems in our education system and social values. We need to reflect on what kind of educational environment and evaluation criteria can better identify and nurture these children with extraordinary potential.

The imperative: all parties work together to uphold educational equity

Regardless of the truth of this matter, we hope to restore the truth as soon as possible and find a fair and objective solution.

First of all, as the protagonist of the incident, Jiang Ping should take the initiative to stand up and prove her innocence with her actions and words. As Professor Yuan suggested, she can explain her mathematical ideas live, answer questions from netizens, or accept interviews and assessments from professionals, so that everyone can truly understand her strengths. Only in this way can she eliminate the doubts and suspicions of society against her to the greatest extent.

Secondly, as the organizer of the competition, Alibaba should also stand up and explain this matter. After all, this is a competition hosted by them, and they have a responsibility to explain the truth. If Jiang Ping did cheat, then Alibaba should severely punish it. But if everything is legal and compliant, they should also stand up and speak for Jiang Ping and maintain her due reputation.

Thirdly, as an education administrative department, the Lianshui County Education and Sports Bureau should also actively intervene and make an open and transparent response to this matter. They should explain Jiang Ping's learning experience and grades clearly, and respond to the society's doubts. At the same time, they should also reflect on why such a controversial incident occurred and propose corresponding reform measures to improve the education evaluation system and maintain educational equity.

Finally, as ordinary members of the public, we should also maintain a rational and objective attitude. We should not easily believe the claims of any party, but should listen to the voices of all parties with an open and inclusive mind, and make our own judgments based on facts.

At the same time, we should also think about what kind of educational environment and evaluation criteria can truly discover and nurture these children with extraordinary potential. We should reflect on the shortcomings of the current education system and put forward constructive proposals for reform.

In short, only through the joint efforts of all parties can we restore the truth as soon as possible, find a fair and reasonable solution, maintain educational fairness, and let every child give full play to his or her potential and realize his or her self-worth.

As a young self-media creator, I believe that only through rational communication and discussion can we promote social progress and educational reform. Let's work together to achieve equity in education!

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