
Merry, merciful, these three zodiac signs are on the list, are there you?

author:Dream Traveler
Merry, merciful, these three zodiac signs are on the list, are there you?

Text: Dream Traveler

Edited by Dream Traveler


Love is the spice of life, but some people regard it as a staple food, showing mercy everywhere and being romantic.

Merry, merciful, these three zodiac signs are on the list, are there you?

Have you ever met someone like that, or who you are?

Today, let's talk about the three zodiac signs that are most likely to become the "prodigal son of love" in the zodiac, and see if you are on the list!


Merry, merciful, these three zodiac signs are on the list, are there you?

The idiom "eyeing the tiger" is not for nothing. People with the Tiger zodiac sign are born with a domineering spirit, and the same is true in the emotional world. They are like tigers descending from the mountains, and they are always full of passion and momentum when dealing with feelings.

The ancients said: "The tiger roars in the wind", describing the majesty of the tiger. This just reflects the characteristics of Tiger people in their relationships. They are cheerful and charismatic, and easily attract the eyes of the opposite sex. Just like the ancient poem said, "The tiger is better than the past, and the world is turned upside down and generous", they are also imposing in their relationship.

Tiger people are good at words and can always say things that make people's hearts move. They are like "tigers" on the love field, and their offensive is fierce and difficult to resist. However, it is this strong desire to conquer that makes them prone to polyamorous romances.

You may find that your tiger friends are always peachy. This is not accidental, but because they are born with the trait of attracting the opposite sex. As the old saying goes, "the tooth is pulled out of the tiger's mouth", they are also often risk-taking in their relationships and are not afraid of challenges.

But I would like to remind my friends who belong to the tiger that feelings are not child's play. As the saying goes, "it's hard to ride a tiger", once you fall into a polyamorous relationship, you are likely to fall into a dilemma. It's better to calm down and manage a sincere relationship, so that you can achieve long-term happiness.


Merry, merciful, these three zodiac signs are on the list, are there you?

You must have heard the term "femme fatale". Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that snakes have bad hearts, but they often seem mysterious and unpredictable in their relationships.

In traditional Chinese culture, snakes are often seen as a symbol of wisdom. Snake people are indeed wiser, and they often use their wisdom in their relationships. They are like "Medusa" in love, attracting the people around them with their charming eyes.

As the old saying goes: "The snake wants to swallow the elephant", which describes ambition. Snake people are also often the same in their relationships, they are eager to conquer and love challenges. This trait makes it easy for them to be in multiple relationships at the same time.

You may find that the snake friend is always mysterious and haunted. This is because they are born with a sense of mystery that makes you want to find out. Just like the ancient poem said, "The snake peeps at the chicken eggs, and the strange is in its thoughts", they often surprise in their feelings, which makes people surprise again and again.

However, the idiom "add to the snake" tells us that sometimes superfluous things can actually be bad. For snake friends, maintaining multiple relationships at the same time can get you into trouble. It is better to focus on a sincere relationship, so that you can achieve true happiness.

Merry, merciful, these three zodiac signs are on the list, are there you?

The term "Year of the Monkey and the Month of the Horse" is far away, but the people who belong to the monkey are not procrastinating in their feelings at all. They are lively, cute, clever and intelligent, and can easily become the center of attention in the crowd.

In traditional Chinese culture, monkeys are often seen as representatives of wit and mischievousness. The same is true for Monkey people in relationships, they are smart and clever and good at pleasing people. Just like Sun Wukong, they can always conjure seventy-two changes, making the people around them dizzy.

As the old saying goes, "the monkey catches the moon", it is unrealistic to describe doing things. Monkey people are often the same in their relationships, they like to seek excitement and novelty, and are easily attracted to all kinds of "moons". This trait makes it easy for them to be in multiple relationships at the same time.

You may find that Monkey friends are always full of energy, and there is never a shortage of friends of the opposite sex around. This is because they have an innate attraction that makes one can't help but want to be close. Just like the ancient poem said, "Spirit monkeys climb branches and make trouble, and birds choose forests to perch", they are also active in their feelings.

However, the saying "monkey breaks corn" tells us that it is impossible to chew more than you can. For monkey friends, maintaining multiple relationships at the same time can be overwhelming. It's better to calm down and manage a sincere relationship, so that you can achieve long-term happiness.

Merry, merciful, these three zodiac signs are on the list, are there you?

Being merry and merciful can indeed bring short-term pleasure, but in the long run, it often makes people feel empty and tired. Whether you belong to these three zodiac signs or not, I hope you can remain sincere in your relationship and cherish the person in front of you. After all, sincere feelings are the most valuable treasure in life.

Merry, merciful, these three zodiac signs are on the list, are there you?