
Issue 538 ~ Deep Sea Sailing, I was mistaken for a suspect who beat the captain, and the situation was uncomfortable

author:It's been a long time, it's been a long time

In the small space of the ship, the crew who were originally closed to information and bored life, the slightest "wind and grass" on the ship can evolve into a "city full of wind and rain", especially the captain was secretly beaten during his room sleeping, which instantly set off a big storm on the whole ship, and felt that the atmosphere on the ship suddenly evolved like this, all my previous thoughts seemed to have been overturned at this moment, and I was not in the mood to continue to eat lunch, I returned to my room, after all, this matter must be dealt with as soon as possible, Otherwise, it will pose a great threat to the captain's authority. As soon as I arrived at my room, the chef quietly followed, looking at my melancholy expression, the chef first gave me a cigarette and comforted me, "Okay, brother, the matter has come out, just find a way to solve it, there is no hurdle that cannot be overcome, the matter may not be as serious as you think"! Listening to the chef's comfort, I was really uncomfortable at the moment, and hurriedly said, "Brother, in fact, I won't hide it from you, the captain was beaten in the middle of the night, and the captain's injury is not too serious, after all, this is not a good thing, in order not to affect the normal work of the ship, my initial idea was to make a big thing small, a small matter, find the beater, secretly apologize to the captain, and give the captain part of the compensation, this matter can be solved in private, but I didn't expect to spread this matter all of a sudden, I really wonder who is so fast-talking? Isn't it a problem for me to spread everything out? Now this matter must be dealt with publicly, otherwise it will be difficult to get everyone's understanding, and once the people on board are discouraged, you also know how serious the consequences are"! After hearing me say this, the chef immediately nodded deeply and said, "I understand your current feelings, and the position of shipowner's representative is not easy to do"! Sensing the gesture of the chef's words, I looked at him very curiously and said, "Brother, you usually have more contact with everyone, have you heard some other news, do you have something to say to me"!

Issue 538 ~ Deep Sea Sailing, I was mistaken for a suspect who beat the captain, and the situation was uncomfortable

After hearing me say this, the chef's expression was particularly obvious, only to see him first look at the door of my room, then close the door of my room, and then walk up to me and say, "Brother, I did get some gossip, since you asked, I'll share it with you!" In fact, the person who made the incident of the captain being beaten was the captain himself"! When I heard the chef say this, I was stunned, it stands to reason that it shouldn't be! The captain himself was beaten, and the captain himself had to go out publicly, isn't this a smear on his face? Isn't this to undermine one's own authority on the ship? What is he doing this for? Are you not going to continue working on the ship? Looking at my expression of disbelief, the chef continued, "At noon today, the captain came to the restaurant for dinner early, I saw that his face was a little bruised, and I asked casually out of a gesture of concern, and the captain did not shy away from saying that he was beaten directly, and also told me the details!" I instantly realized the seriousness of the matter, fortunately there was no one next to me at the time, so I didn't dare to continue to ask, and then the cook went over to serve everyone a meal, and when I came back, I asked the captain if he was beaten, I asked him how he knew, and the cook said that he listened to the captain himself, so I was also very strange, why did the captain say this kind of ugly thing that had a positive and bad impact so casually, and now this matter has set off a big storm in the whole ship, so I need to tell you this news, I believe you should have your own judgment"! After hearing Chef say this, I carefully analyzed the captain's behavior, what was he trying to do to discredit himself so much? At this moment, the chef suddenly said, "Brother, have you already investigated the beater"! Listening to the chef's inquiry, I didn't hide it and said directly, "Yes, there are already clues"! As soon as I finished speaking, Chef immediately said, "I know the reason why the captain smeared himself"! Chef is a fifty-year-old middle-aged man, who has been on the ship for so many years, and the relationship between the deck department and the engine department on many ships is not very good. After hearing Chef say this, I immediately asked curiously, "Brother, why do you think the captain would do this?"

Issue 538 ~ Deep Sea Sailing, I was mistaken for a suspect who beat the captain, and the situation was uncomfortable

After hearing my inquiry, the chef did not shy away from saying, "Brother, you said it yourself just now, this matter is not a good thing, you want to make a big thing, a small thing, in order to fully ensure the normal operation of the ship, if you don't guess wrong, your attitude must be known to the captain, right?" As soon as the chef's words fell, I said directly, "Yes, the captain knows, and I indirectly expressed my attitude to him"! When I said this, Chef immediately said, "That's right! You are thinking about the whole ship, after all, you are the representative of the shipowner, but the captain does not think like this! He is just a part-time worker, he is the beaten, he must want to fight for his own rights and interests, after learning your attitude, he must be uncomfortable in his heart, so he chose to make this matter public, the purpose is to force you to deal with it fairly, only in this way can the beater get the punishment he deserves, you think about it to see if it makes sense"! It is worthy of the chef, one sentence said the key to the problem, at this moment I thought about it seriously, and it is indeed as the chef analyzed, the captain has now suspected that my identity background is very tough, naturally I dare not fight openly with me, naturally I can't use strong means to force me to deal with the beater, and I have been hiding the identity of the beater, the captain must also know my attitude, worried that I am hemiplegic beater, so I used this method, in fact, empathy, it is understandable, after all, as a captain, was originally the boss of a boat, but now he was secretly beaten with a black stick, and I, the representative of the shipowner, not only did not come forward to solve it, but it was an ambiguous attitude, who would accept it! Fortunately, the captain at this moment thinks that I have a deep background, otherwise he would definitely point his nose at me and scold"! Looking at my serious face, the chef in front of me seemed to see through everything, what would happen next? I go on.

Issue 538 ~ Deep Sea Sailing, I was mistaken for a suspect who beat the captain, and the situation was uncomfortable

Seeing that I didn't speak, the chef at this moment continued, "Brother, I understand your thoughts, after all, you have such a good relationship with the company's leadership, and you are the representative of the ship's owner, once the captain was beaten, it will not only affect the normal work of the ship, but even damage your reputation, so you want to hide this matter and solve it in private, the mood is understandable, but sometimes you have to pay attention to the captain's mood"! Sensing the meaning of the chef's words, I asked directly, "Brother, what do you think of this matter, and if you were me, how would you solve this matter?" Looking at my sincere look, the chef said directly, "Actually, to tell you from the heart, you and the captain are not wrong, the main thing is that your position is different, which will lead to different ways of dealing with problems, and I also approve of your decision before, but now that the matter has been made public, I think you have to change your attitude, let the captain know your attitude, and follow the rules and regulations of the company for the beater, without any selfishness, what to do, only in this way, Only in this way can the current chaotic atmosphere on the ship and the current situation of rumors on the ship be stopped"! Listening to the chef's heartfelt words, after all, I know people and faces, although I believe in the chef very much, but I don't want to tell the chef about the details of this matter, looking at the chef in front of him to analyze the head of the way, it can be said that every sentence has entered my heart, although his position is not high, the salary of the chef on the ship is about the same as that of the boatswain, and the level is the same as that of the sailor, but after all, the chef has decades of sailing experience, and some of his views and suggestions can indeed bring me guiding opinions, I need to hear what he thinks. Thinking of this, I said directly, "Brother, in fact, for so long, I have always maintained a fair and just attitude when working on the ship, after all, the environment on the ship is relatively special, but this time I have some selfishness, do you know why I favor the two beaters?" It can't be said to be favoritism, the main thing is that the matter has not been investigated clearly, which is a bit troublesome, which is also one of the reasons why the captain misunderstood me"! After suddenly hearing me say this, the chef immediately changed his posture and said, "Brother, thank you for your trust, but I suggest that you don't tell me too many detailed questions, you also know that the relationship network on our ship is complicated, and I am cheating, I mainly appreciate your talent, so I will say this to you, but if you tell me too many detailed questions, I am really afraid that one day I will drink and say that I will leak my mouth and affect you"!

Issue 538 ~ Deep Sea Sailing, I was mistaken for a suspect who beat the captain, and the situation was uncomfortable

Seeing the chef's sincere scene, I immediately smiled and said, "Brother, will you pit your brother?" You're definitely not going to do that, and if you really didn't want me to be good, you wouldn't have come and tell me these things today, and I'm sure you wouldn't!" After hearing me say this, Chef thanked me again. Soon I asked the chef to sit on the sofa in my room and said to him, "Brother, in fact, the beaters were two sailors, and it was the boatswain Xiao Liu who took the sailor Xiao Wang to beat him!" After hearing me say this, the chef was very calm and said directly, "Brother, it's understandable, if you guess correctly, it should be the sailor Xiao Liu who is the mastermind, after all, he has always had no brains in doing things, but what is the reason for the two of them?" This captain has just been on the ship for a short time, and he usually doesn't get along with everyone much, and the two of them don't have any hatred with the captain, why do they want to beat the captain?" After listening to the chef's inquiry, I didn't hesitate and said directly, "It's indeed the same as what you analyzed, my relationship with sailor Xiao Liu is okay, you should know, right?" And I also had a small estrangement with the captain some time ago, and I'm sure you've heard about it too"! As soon as I finished speaking, the chef said directly, "How can the relationship between you and the sailor Xiao Liu be well described!" I often hear sailor Xiao Liu say, before he got on the ship, he was mixed with you, if there was no you, he was even begging now, he could even work for you, to be honest, there is such a good friend on the ship, it is really a kind of luck for you, as for the estrangement between you and the captain, although I have not heard of it, but I can feel it, after all, the last time I docked in India, the female leaders of the company were on the ship, and under normal circumstances, the female leaders of the company are related to you. It must be something that you can't solve, this is also one of the things I appreciate about you, young and gentle, a phone call can get a female leader of a company on the boat, I ran the boat for so long, this treatment of yours is the first time I have met, although I don't know why the relationship between the two of you is so good, but with the attitude of the female leader towards you, the female leader is the existence of countless people, she can recognize you so much, it means that you are definitely not a bad person"! After listening to Chef say this, it is quite interesting to be honest, don't look at Chef is usually an extremely inconspicuous little person on the ship, but his abilities include his knowledge of the ship is really very comprehensive, and in some cases even more than the captain knows, this is undeniable. Before I could continue to speak, the chef seemed to have understood the reason, and looked at me directly and said, "Brother, I seem to understand, Sailor Xiao Liu thinks that you have been bullied by the captain and brought someone to give you anger, so he will do it to the captain, and he is worried that it will have a bad impact on you, so he chose to secretly do it at night when the captain is asleep"!

Issue 538 ~ Deep Sea Sailing, I was mistaken for a suspect who beat the captain, and the situation was uncomfortable

is worthy of being a chef, after hearing his analysis like this, I nodded and said, "Brother, that's the case, your guess is completely normal, so I'm a little hesitant now, as the so-called people don't kill for themselves, originally this matter has nothing to do with sailor Xiao Liu, he did it to the captain because of me, and now let me fire him personally, I really can't bear it, I can't do it"! As soon as I finished speaking, the chef immediately said, "To be honest, brother, I can understand your feelings, if it were me, I wouldn't be able to do this, isn't this a typical revenge for a favor"! After finishing speaking, the chef hesitated again and said directly, "Brother, it's not right! I don't know the estrangement between you and the captain, and I guessed it because I saw the female leader of the company on board, how did the sailor Xiao Liu know? Did you tell him it yourself"? Feeling the chef's curious gesture, I directly said, "How is that possible!" How could I possibly tell him such a thing! I know that sailor Xiao Liu is unreliable, I deliberately hide these things from him, and the misunderstanding between me and the captain has been resolved, in order to support the captain's next work, I don't need to talk nonsense! This is also the reason why I think things are tricky, and then I investigated it through Sailor Xiao Liu, and Sailor Xiao Liu directly told me that it was the first mate who told him about it, and the first mate also deliberately magnified the contradiction between me and the captain, and under the sowing of discord by the first mate, Sailor Xiao Liu lost his mind to do this, and the reason why I wanted to deal with this matter a few days later is to find out why the first mate did this, whether it was an unintentional act or a deliberate act"! After hearing me say this, the chef did not hesitate at all, and said directly, "No need to investigate, with my understanding of the first mate, it must have been done on purpose, what a murder with a knife!" It's really insidious, brother, the authorities are obsessed with bystanders, and I, as a bystander, have seen through the essence of this matter"! Sensing the chef's confident attitude, I immediately said, "Brother, tell me about it"! Seeing the quick chef, the chef said, "Brother, the person you should guard against now is actually not the captain, it should be the first mate, as far as this matter is concerned, the captain seems to be completely afraid of you, and you have completely taken him over, I don't know what method you used, but the current captain must be very afraid of you, otherwise it is impossible to use the means of publicizing his scandal to protect his rights, as for the sailor Xiao Liu, he is too simple, used by others, the most terrible thing is the first mate, I don't know what you think of him, But I think it's best to stay away from people like him, who belong to high-level wall grass, and can't see through his heart at all"!

Issue 538 ~ Deep Sea Sailing, I was mistaken for a suspect who beat the captain, and the situation was uncomfortable

After listening to what the chef said, it did make sense, and soon I said, "Then why should the first mate sow discord?" Why behind the scenes instructed the sailors to beat the captain? I think he usually likes to flatter the captain! He who is good with the captain can't wait to wear a pair of pants, what good can a sailor do him if he beats the captain"? As soon as I finished speaking, the chef said directly, "I have already told you just now, borrowing a knife to kill people!" Chef isn't targeting the captain but you, and I don't know what the relationship between you and the first mate is? Have there been any other conflicts between you, the first mate knows very well that you have a good relationship with the sailor Xiao Liu, let the sailor Xiao Liu beat the captain, a sailor beats the captain, normal people will think that this matter is instructed by you, otherwise the sailor would not dare to do this, so far it has indeed achieved this effect, after learning that the captain was beaten, now many brothers on the ship seem to be suspicious of you, in fact, the purpose of the first mate is not to let the brothers on the ship misunderstand, but to let the captain himself misunderstand, And then let your relationship with the captain be destroyed again, maybe because you offended the first mate before, and he wants to retaliate against you in this way, or it is possible that he sees that your relationship with the captain has been reconciled, and he himself is about to be snubbed by the captain, so he will do this, it must be because of these"! As the saying goes, "listening to your words is better than reading a book for ten years", after hearing the chef's analysis, everything seems to have been clear now, recalling the first mate's slightly happy expression after learning that the captain was beaten, I seem to be sure that the whole thing is just like the chef's analysis, what will happen next? I go on.

Issue 538 ~ Deep Sea Sailing, I was mistaken for a suspect who beat the captain, and the situation was uncomfortable

After listening to the chef say this, although the truth of the matter has been revealed, the atmosphere on the ship is very bad at present, and all kinds of rumors and speculations are coming and going, how can I solve this matter perfectly? Hearing that I still had this doubt, the chef said directly, "Brother, since you have understood everything about it, isn't it easy to deal with it?" Now that the captain has been completely conquered by you, your main target is the first mate! Knowing that the first mate is the mastermind, your good friend sailor Xiao Liu will not be expelled! At most, it will be subject to a little criticism, review and fine, as for the first mate, it depends on your mood, after all, there is a sailor Xiao Liu's witness, how you want to deal with him, it's up to you to decide"! After listening to the chef say this, I immediately expressed the confusion in my heart, and said directly, "Brother, I want to know now that the first mate has ruined my relationship with the captain, what is good for him, and although there is a testimony of sailor Xiao Liu, but the first mate only provoked the sailor Xiao Liu, and did not directly instruct the sailor Xiao Liu to beat the captain, if the first mate is dealt with directly, it seems difficult to convince the public, and I am also a little unwilling"! After learning what I meant, the chef smiled and said, "Brother, I understand what you mean, I have a good way to kill three birds with one stone, after all, I know people like the first mate too well, not only can I stop the rumors on the ship very well, but also save the position of sailor Xiao Liu on the ship, and most importantly, let the first mate take the initiative to accept the company's punishment"! Looking at Chef Xiong's appearance, I instantly became curious, and hurriedly lit a cigarette for Chef and said, "Brother, help people to the end, you will be my military advisor on the ship in the future, and I hope you will designate it"! When I said this, Chef laughed and said, "You'll have to keep it a secret for me!" Otherwise, with the means of the first mate, once I know that it is the method I came up with, it is easy to target me, it is easy to pull me into the water, after all, he is the first mate, I am the chef, and it is too simple for him to get rid of him"!

Issue 538 ~ Deep Sea Sailing, I was mistaken for a suspect who beat the captain, and the situation was uncomfortable

Sensing the chef's worried attitude, I said directly, "Brother, I hope you can believe me, I will definitely keep it secret for you, I just said that you will be my military advisor Zhuge Liang in the future, I have to protect you well"! Looking at my sincere attitude, the chef laughed and said, "I'm relieved to have your words, with your relationship with the female leader of the company, as long as you want to protect me, no one can touch me"! After saying that, he told it directly to my ear, and when I learned that the chef said this, although the method was a bit despicable, I was suspicious at the time and said directly, "Brother, are you sure this method works?" After hearing me say this, the chef directly assured, "Brother, we have a partner committee on the ship, you know, who is responsible for managing the food safety on the ship, the first mate is the leader of the partner committee, I am the deputy team leader, we often deal with each other, I really know him too well, you believe me, if you do what I say, you will definitely be able to achieve the results you want, 100%"! After watching the chef say this, I immediately smiled and said, "Brother, you are really too bad, you can come up with this way"! After hearing me say this, Chef smiled and said, "You made me think about it!" Besides, what kind of means are used to treat what kind of people, since he has done this, he is already unkind, what are we polite about"! Although I didn't have lunch at noon today, I didn't feel any hunger at the moment, maybe in the communication with the chef, the so-called spiritual food has already made me full, maybe things have already been seen, and my heart suddenly opened up. Looking at my smiling expression, the chef said again, "Okay, you already have the way, I have to go back to clean up the kitchen, you should also go to the bridge on duty, everything is ready, only the east wind is owed, you think about the specific operation process"! That's how Chef and I were separated. After glancing at the time, it was almost one o'clock, so I went to the bridge as soon as possible to start the shift.

Issue 538 ~ Deep Sea Sailing, I was mistaken for a suspect who beat the captain, and the situation was uncomfortable

Came to the bridge, and the female third officer simply handed over the shift, at this moment the female third officer saw me and said directly, "Brother, what is the situation now!" Why is it rumored that you are the captain who is looking for someone to beat"? After hearing the third female officer say this, I didn't explain anything, so I said directly, "Sister, do you believe it"? Looking at my sincere attitude, the third female officer said directly, "Of course I don't believe it, but everyone is saying this now, look at the mess on our ship now"! Feeling the worried posture of the third female officer, I smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, sister, this matter will be over soon, I already have a way"! After hearing me say this, looking at the curious posture of the third female officer, I naturally understood what he meant, so I said directly, "Sister, I can't tell you the specific method for the time being, but you will know soon, it's not early, you go down and rest quickly"! Seeing that I looked confident, the female third mate didn't ask much, but just said, "Okay, brother, anyway, I suggest that you deal with this matter quickly, but now that you are sailing in the deep sea, it is really terrible to have a disheartened heart"! After finishing speaking, the female third officer also left the bridge. In order for the plan to go smoothly, I had to ventilate the captain in advance, after all, some things need the captain's cooperation. Soon I dialed the phone in the captain's room, the captain at the moment should not have slept well at night, and was making up for sleep at the moment, when I heard that I was calling, the captain calmly said, "Brother, I'm on a lunch break, is there something wrong", listening to the captain's slightly disappointed tone, I said directly, "Captain, please come up now, I have something to tell you, about the matter of you being beaten, I have investigated it clearly, and I will discuss the specific punishment method for you, and I will give you a specific reaction to who the beater is"! After hearing me say this, the captain seemed to have a sense of energy, and hurriedly said, "Is it really fake?" Is it so fast? I'll come up right away"! Sensing the captain's obvious emotional changes, I didn't hide it at all, and said with a smile, "Can I be unhappy?" Now that the whole ship knows about it, they all think that I sent someone to beat you, and you have a great trick! instantly put me in the limelight of public opinion, I think it's hard to be happy"! Listening to my joking voice, the captain laughed out loud and said, "Brother, look at what you say! I'll come up now, we'll meet and talk later"! After that, he hung up my phone. (To be continued)