
"Spending the Year of China" is not wronged on the street, the male protagonist directly "cheats", and the female protagonist looks like a "child" dream

author:Elegant Genie P1


"Spending the Year of China" is not wronged on the street, the male protagonist directly "cheats", and the female protagonist looks like a "child" dream
"Spending the Year of China" is not wronged on the street, the male protagonist directly "cheats", and the female protagonist looks like a "child" dream

Have you ever heard of "The Year of China"? This costume drama was in an uproar before it was broadcast, and the costume styles of the leading actors were complained about incompletely, and their acting skills were questioned as useless. And the supporting cast is nicknamed the "Little Transparent" legion, as if this drama is destined to become "cannon fodder" before it is broadcast. But don't worry, let's talk about this controversial "Spending the Year of China" today and see what magic it has and whether it can

"Spending the Year of China" is not wronged on the street, the male protagonist directly "cheats", and the female protagonist looks like a "child" dream
"Spending the Year of China" is not wronged on the street, the male protagonist directly "cheats", and the female protagonist looks like a "child" dream

Shine in the midst of controversy.

1. New challenges and opportunities for costume dramas

Costume dramas, this theme has always been loved by the audience. Gorgeous costumes, elaborate makeup, and fascinating historical stories will always make people intoxicated. But "The Year of China" has brought us a different challenge. Starring Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghyuk, these two young actors have encountered unprecedented doubts in their costume styling. Some people say that their looks are too modern, some people say that their makeup is too heavy, in short, all kinds of dissatisfaction. But I would say that this is the charm of costume dramas. It is precisely because of these controversies and challenges that we can see how the actors break through themselves and show different styles.

"Spending the Year of China" is not wronged on the street, the male protagonist directly "cheats", and the female protagonist looks like a "child" dream
"Spending the Year of China" is not wronged on the street, the male protagonist directly "cheats", and the female protagonist looks like a "child" dream

Zhao Jinmai, the young actress, has always shown people with a fresh and natural image. But in "The Year of China", she has to challenge an ancient woman with a complex personality and a bad fate. For this role, she not only delved into the historical background, but also deliberately studied ancient etiquette and dance. On the set, she put in more effort than ordinary people, and strived to be perfect in every action and expression. Her dedication is admirable.

"Spending the Year of China" is not wronged on the street, the male protagonist directly "cheats", and the female protagonist looks like a "child" dream

And Zhang Linghe, a new student, also has a good performance in costume dramas. Although his style was complained about by some audiences, he proved his strength with his acting skills. The character he plays is resolute, brave and resolute, and has a love story with ups and downs with the heroine played by Zhao Jinmai. The tacit cooperation and wonderful rivalry between the two in the play made the audience fascinated.

"Spending the Year of China" is not wronged on the street, the male protagonist directly "cheats", and the female protagonist looks like a "child" dream

Second, the "small transparent" phenomenon of the supporting cast

In addition to the controversy and challenges of the leading actors, the supporting cast of "Du Hua Nian" has also attracted much attention. Although the supporting characters in this drama are not well-known, their performances are not inferior to the leading actors. They used their efforts and talents to inject new vitality into this drama.

"Spending the Year of China" is not wronged on the street, the male protagonist directly "cheats", and the female protagonist looks like a "child" dream

For example, Li Ming, who plays the role of the villain, although he does not have many scenes, he portrays this role well with superb acting skills. His every look and every movement is full of dramatic tension, making the audience love and hate him. and Xiaohong, who plays the heroine's maid, although her role seems insignificant, she has won the love of the audience with her sincerity and kindness.

"Spending the Year of China" is not wronged on the street, the male protagonist directly "cheats", and the female protagonist looks like a "child" dream

The wonderful performances of these supporting actors not only add more highlights to this drama, but also let us see the potential and possibilities of the new actors. They have proved with their hard work and talent that "little transparency" can also shine.

"Spending the Year of China" is not wronged on the street, the male protagonist directly "cheats", and the female protagonist looks like a "child" dream

3. Director Gao Yijun's bumpy experience and unique talent

Speaking of the success of "Du Hua Nian", it is inseparable from one person - director Gao Yijun. His ups and downs are impressive, but he has never given up on his dreams and pursuits. It is these experiences that have shaped his unique directing style and talent.

"Spending the Year of China" is not wronged on the street, the male protagonist directly "cheats", and the female protagonist looks like a "child" dream

In "The Year of China", he used his own lens language to vividly present this historical story in front of the audience. He not only pays attention to the compactness and rhythm of the plot, but also pays attention to the performance and character building of the actors. He brings each character to life, flesh and blood, making the audience feel as if they are in that ancient world.

"Spending the Year of China" is not wronged on the street, the male protagonist directly "cheats", and the female protagonist looks like a "child" dream

At the same time, he also pays great attention to detail and texture, from costumes, props to scene layout, and strives for perfection. It is this spirit of excellence that makes "The Year of China" a well-made and high-quality costume masterpiece.


"Spending the Year of China" is not wronged on the street, the male protagonist directly "cheats", and the female protagonist looks like a "child" dream
"Spending the Year of China" is not wronged on the street, the male protagonist directly "cheats", and the female protagonist looks like a "child" dream

Although the costume drama "Du Hua Nian" has been controversial and challenged, it has proved its value with its own strength and quality. The wonderful performances of the leading actors, the outstanding performance of the supporting actors, and the unique talent of director Gao Yijun all make this drama a masterpiece worth watching. I believe that with the passage of time, "Spending the Year of China" will become more and more loved and recognized by the audience and become a bright pearl in the field of costume dramas.