
The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau suddenly has a "vision"! Attracting the attention of 74 countries, experts: the most terrible thing has happened

author:Bugs fly fly A

The continuous rise in lake water levels on the Tibetan Plateau in recent years has raised concerns about the potential for flood risk and water allocation. He also mentioned the acceleration of glacier retreat and the greening of the Tibetan Plateau, both of which are closely related to global warming. Changes in the Tibetan Plateau may trigger global sea level rise, which will have far-reaching implications for the world.

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau suddenly has a "vision"! Attracting the attention of 74 countries, experts: the most terrible thing has happened

The water level of lakes on the Tibetan Plateau continues to rise

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau suddenly has a "vision"! Attracting the attention of 74 countries, experts: the most terrible thing has happened

In recent years, many natural landscapes on the Tibetan Plateau have undergone some changes. There are more and more beautiful and peaceful lakes in size. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau suddenly has a "vision"! Attracting the attention of 74 countries, experts: the most terrible thing has happened

We know that the Tibetan Plateau is one of the most inaccessible places in the world, and most of the lakes here were formed by melting mountain glaciers. The formation of these lakes is supposed to be a slow process, slowly releasing the accumulated water into the surrounding land, providing the necessary water for life to grow.

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau suddenly has a "vision"! Attracting the attention of 74 countries, experts: the most terrible thing has happened

However, with the development of the times, these lakes are becoming larger and larger, and not only that, but some places that are not lakes are also becoming lakes, and the beautiful scenery seems to be turning into an uncontrollable disaster.

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau suddenly has a "vision"! Attracting the attention of 74 countries, experts: the most terrible thing has happened

The researchers carefully analysed the changes in these lakes and found that the central problem was the rise in the water level of the lakes. So what are the consequences of rising water levels?

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau suddenly has a "vision"! Attracting the attention of 74 countries, experts: the most terrible thing has happened

The most immediate impact is the risk of flooding. We know that lakes have a lot of water, and most of this water is formed after the melting of glaciers, so the water temperature is not high.

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau suddenly has a "vision"! Attracting the attention of 74 countries, experts: the most terrible thing has happened

If the water level continues to rise, it is likely that external factors such as heavy or prolonged rainfall will cause the lake to burst its banks, and the resulting flood will inevitably sweep away everything it can take with it.

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau suddenly has a "vision"! Attracting the attention of 74 countries, experts: the most terrible thing has happened

The more important issue is water allocation. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the birthplace of many major rivers in Asia, where a large amount of fresh water resources are stored, and is known as the water tower of Asia.

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau suddenly has a "vision"! Attracting the attention of 74 countries, experts: the most terrible thing has happened

If there is a problem with this water tower, it will be a devastating disaster for the great power of the East, when 1.4 billion people will be left without water, even for their daily lives. This shows how serious the problem is.

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau suddenly has a "vision"! Attracting the attention of 74 countries, experts: the most terrible thing has happened
The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau suddenly has a "vision"! Attracting the attention of 74 countries, experts: the most terrible thing has happened

The rate of glacier retreat is accelerating

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau suddenly has a "vision"! Attracting the attention of 74 countries, experts: the most terrible thing has happened

In addition to the problems faced by the lake, there are also some anomalies in the body of the glacier, the water tower.

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau suddenly has a "vision"! Attracting the attention of 74 countries, experts: the most terrible thing has happened

In recent years, glaciers in many parts of the Tibetan Plateau have retreated at an accelerated rate, and the snow cover is staggeringly thin, which not only affects the lives of local residents, but also threatens to cause flooding.

So why are these problems flareing out at this time? There is only one reason, and that is global warming.

While we can't see the consequences of the direct disappearance of a bare glacier, the process of melting snow and ice is very uncomfortable to watch.

Especially in the summer, when the intensity of direct sunlight is very strong, it is easy for the snow to disappear quickly, so it can be seen that if the glaciers were not firmly in front of the sun, the world would have changed a long time ago.

And in recent years, both domestic and international studies have confirmed the fact that global warming is indeed accelerating the process of glacier melting.

We don't know what the impact of the disappearance of glaciers will be on the world, but if the current rate of melting continues, I don't think that day will be too far away.

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau suddenly has a "vision"! Attracting the attention of 74 countries, experts: the most terrible thing has happened

The Tibetan Plateau turns green

In addition to lakes and glaciers, the Tibetan Plateau is also an iconic landscape with vast grasslands. In recent years, some unexplained abnormal weather events have also affected the grassland ecology here.

The researchers found that areas that were originally covered with snow and ice are gradually becoming large areas of green vegetation, and some have even formed forests on a large scale.

This would have been a cause for celebration, as it showed that the hard-working plants were growing here and could provide more forage resources for the local people.

However, in the long run, this phenomenon does not bode well for the Tibetan Plateau as a whole.

Because green vegetation absorbs sunlight and heat better, while snow and ice are better at reflecting them. In other words, the heat that was previously controlled by the snow and ice begins to accumulate as the temperature rises, further accelerating the melting of the snow and ice.

This is a seemingly irreversible process that is in fact a vicious circle. In any case, the greening of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is undoubtedly worse for the ecological environment, which is already suffering from climate warming.

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau suddenly has a "vision"! Attracting the attention of 74 countries, experts: the most terrible thing has happened

Global sea level rise

If we can control the problems of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau itself within a certain range, then once the chain reaction of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau spreads to the whole world, it will be really troublesome.

As the highest altitude and most extensive plateau in Asia, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau can be said to be a collection of great beauty and scenery museums in the East. However, in recent years, with the intensification of global warming, a series of unprecedented anomalies are occurring here.

Some experts believe that the core and most important problem is the melting of ice and snow. As temperatures continue to rise, the snow and ice, which had stood firm on the Tibetan Plateau for thousands of years, are finally beginning to show signs of melting.

All of a sudden, the rivers and lakes here have become natural reservoirs formed by the melting of ice and snow, and the number of lakes is increasing and the area is getting larger and larger.

At the same time, the pace of retreat is accelerating. Lands that should have been permanently hidden by snow and ice are slowly emerging; Lakes are forming that shouldn't exist; The water level of the original lake is rising...... All of this is a sign of a hoodoo: the flood is coming!

At the same time, there are too many freshwater resources accumulated here, and if these resources are not used wisely, then it means that there will be a drought in the vast land of the eastern part of the Asian continent; More importantly, we cannot ignore the status of Asia's water tower, which stores enough freshwater resources to change the fate of the entire Asian region.

If Asia becomes unrelievable, we can also tackle the water problem by manual means; But if even the Tibetan Plateau has problems, then there is probably no room for salvation.

The more serious problem is that the changes on the Tibetan Plateau seem to be beyond the control of our individual countries, and if it does have a chain reaction that threatens the entire world's marine resources and living space, then this catastrophe will be beyond the reach of any one country.

Some experts believe that if the current rate of melting continues, even global sea level rise could eventually occur.

It can be said that new problems have arisen at a time when it is difficult. We all know that the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the source of many major rivers in Asia, where they converge into dense and moist grasslands to protect local creatures. At the same time, it also brings a steady stream of fresh water resources to human society.

Although it is said that the vast majority of the eastern countries have not given up their lives because of the shortage of fresh water resources; But if there is a chain reaction on the Tibetan Plateau, the situation may be completely out of control.

Even more serious is the fact that we cannot ignore the impact of global sea level rise on other countries and regions. Europe, Africa, and South America are basically low-altitude countries as long as they are coastal countries.

If we draw an analogy to the possible sea level rise on the Tibetan Plateau, then it can be said that they have almost no way forward; Unless the breakwater is built in time or the entire country is transferred to build a new one.

It can be seen that even if a sign change occurs on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the chain reaction it triggers is no longer something that the eastern powers can bear and control.

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau suddenly has a "vision"! Attracting the attention of 74 countries, experts: the most terrible thing has happened


Changes in the Tibetan Plateau are not only about local ecology and water resources, but also have the potential to have a knock-on effect on the world. We should be vigilant against the challenges posed by climate change and work together to protect the planet so that future generations can enjoy the beautiful natural landscape. How do you think we should address this challenge? Leave a comment to share your thoughts!