
The 24-year-old cousin found a 30-year-old girlfriend and was asked for a 200,000 dowry, can't figure it out?

author:Zheng Xingying
The 24-year-old cousin found a 30-year-old girlfriend and was asked for a 200,000 dowry, can't figure it out?

The tall and handsome cousin made a 30-year-old girlfriend, I can't figure it out, the cousin is 24 years old this year, the woman is a little older, the two have lived together for a few months and the girl is pregnant, and after a quarrel, the girl returned to her hometown from Shenzhen alone!

(The cousin didn't go back to his hometown, and he didn't mention the marriage to the girl!) I only know that there are quite a few girls chasing my cousin, who are handsome and highly educated, and are engaged in design! looks like a star, super handsome, tall, and has eight-pack abs! There are quite a few people who like him, so he has always had a sense of superiority in this regard! )

This girl looks average, I met my cousin when he was in college, not at school, but outside, and the girl was already out of society at that time! The two have known each other for many years and have always been ordinary friends.

My cousin has a white moonlight in his heart, he likes the girl very much, and the girl also likes him, but the girl's family conditions are very good, the girl's parents are against it, and my cousin is also angry and said to break up, but I didn't expect the girl to be serious, and it was really divided. My cousin wept bitterly for a month. Don't ask him why he didn't go to redeem it, because the girl got married in a flash! There's no way to get it back! (I won't describe the reason, it's complicated.) The girl's family is excellent, the people are also beautiful, and there are many people who chase girls, and there are also super handsome and rich people, so the girl found a super handsome, rich and like her flash marriage! I've seen that boy and look like a little milk dog! It is a well-known rich second generation in our local area, quite rich! )

The 24-year-old cousin found a 30-year-old girlfriend and was asked for a 200,000 dowry, can't figure it out?

My cousin's family conditions are much worse than that of girls in all aspects, except for his appearance and education! Later, because of this incident, my cousin hasn't been in love much for many years! Although there is a group of girls around him, he is just not serious about falling in love!

This time, because of the girl's pregnancy, I thought he would take it personally, but who knew that he didn't care! He didn't want to marry this girl, but he was pregnant, and he was embarrassed to tell the girl and let the girl kill the child, after all, they were also friends who had known each other for many years, and then he kept dragging it out! (I don't know why every boy is procrastinating when dealing with this kind of problem, instead of proactively standing up and solving it.) I really don't understand why this is at all? )

Later, the girl went to my cousin's house, she was quite bold, and explained the situation, and asked my cousin's parents to give an explanation, what should I do? My aunt and brother-in-law scolded my cousin and told him to come back quickly to discuss marriage, saying that such a good girl, what else do you choose, it's very good that people can take a fancy to you, don't know how many pounds and taels you have all day long! Why do you want people to get pregnant if you don't like them? Who taught you to go to Hoho girls like this! All these years of books have been read in vain!

The 24-year-old cousin found a 30-year-old girlfriend and was asked for a 200,000 dowry, can't figure it out?

There are too many calls, and my cousin doesn't answer the phone, and he doesn't care! And he said that if you want to take care of yourself, take care of yourself, and do not come to me. After three or four months, the girl was very helpless, so she ran to Shenzhen to find my cousin again! It didn't take long for the two to come back together! My cousin asked my aunt and my husband to take care of my younger brother and sister, saying that there was no one in her family, and her parents had gone out to work, so she asked me to make more nutritious things, such as pork rib soup, chicken soup, etc. After staying at home for two days, my cousin went back to Shenzhen! I didn't say I wanted to get married, I didn't say I wouldn't get married, and I didn't contact the girl's family! (You don't even know what's going on in his mind, he doesn't take his girlfriend seriously at all.) )

Seriously, actually my cousin doesn't want to be responsible and doesn't want to marry her! Is it that men are all like this, they just want to play, they don't want to be responsible. In my cousin's mind, he probably thought he could find a better girl than her. With her, he felt like he was at a loss! The first education is not as good as himself, and he doesn't look as good as himself, and his family conditions are very average, which will not help him in all aspects of his future life, because my aunt and uncle have always wanted to hold their grandson, and my cousin means to have a child without a wife, and wait for the child to be born! But my aunt and uncle-in-law don't think like this, so they feel that they must be responsible for the girl.

Isn't my cousin a scumbag? The girl didn't know from beginning to end, he never thought of marrying her! I've been very happy at my aunt's house, my aunt and my uncle-in-law are very good to her, delicious and delicious every day, but it's not a matter of living at home every day, this neighbor asks every day, is this your son's girlfriend? Why haven't you come back to get married? What does it look like to leave a girl here? When will you get married, and when will you have wine? Neighbors always come to ask, and my uncle-in-law also scolds my cousin with resentment.

The 24-year-old cousin found a 30-year-old girlfriend and was asked for a 200,000 dowry, can't figure it out?

Later, my cousin, under the pressure of my aunt and uncle, finally dialed the girl's parents and promised to marry her and give her a happy home! Who knew that there was a greater contradiction when talking about marriage, the girl's parents said on the spot that they didn't want a bride price, and they regretted it after a week, not only asking for a bride price, but also a high bride price! Before, my cousin prepared a bride price of 80,000 yuan, but people asked for a bride price of 200,000 yuan and three gold, and if he didn't give it, he wouldn't get married. All the food on the table was lifted, and my aunt and uncle were all confused. In their impression, she has always been an obedient, sensible and well-behaved girl, with a sweet mouth, a beautiful heart, and a good heart. I don't know how they communicated, what they talked about, but that's what it was like anyway! At that time, both parents were at the dinner table! It's embarrassing, I was originally discussing marriage, but I fell out!

Because of this matter, my cousin didn't want to marry her at all, and he didn't want to marry him anymore, so let her get rid of the child and pay for him. was already unwilling, and it was like this again! My cousin is also resolute and refuses to budge! Love to marry or not, don't marry and get out! I don't take a mirror to look at what I am, and the scolding is quite ugly! This is all retold to me by my uncle! I didn't even know he had this side!

This matter has also entered an impasse, and the parents of both sides have no phone calls or contact, and no one mentions their marriage again! About a week later, the girl's parents called and said that the girl was not sensible, and told her cousin not to take it to heart, saying that they had scolded her and educated her! Who knew that the two had just chatted and overturned, and the girl insisted on asking for a dowry of 200,000 yuan, and said that what his parents said didn't count, they wanted 200,000! Won't change their tune anyway.

The 24-year-old cousin found a 30-year-old girlfriend and was asked for a 200,000 dowry, can't figure it out?

Because of the 200,000 bride price, my aunt and my brother-in-law also retreated, and they no longer persuaded my cousin to marry that girl! I even felt that I shouldn't have been involved in the matter between the two of them in the first place! Because of the girl's affairs, the family often quarrels sexually! It was originally a very harmonious family, but it turned out to be a big mess!

My cousin also completely ignored the girl, and it dragged on for almost a month! The girl still didn't let go, and the people on our side didn't mention it again! At this time, the girl was almost 5 months pregnant! The girl's parents were very anxious, saying that their family didn't want so much money, and finally reduced the bride price to 120,000.

Who knew that there was a problem again because of this bride price, the girl said that 120,000 yuan was proposed by his parents, she had to 150,000 yuan, and it was cash, and if she didn't agree to this marriage, she wouldn't get married! My cousin is angry again, if you don't tie it, you won't get it, don't call me in the future, and when the time comes, I will regret that I don't want you for a penny!

Later, many relatives learned about it, and said that the difference between 120,000 and 150,000 is not much, even if it is given to her, she is still pregnant, and her anger hurts her body. A bunch of lobbyists came to talk to his cousin, so he should be more generous and not too careful!

The 24-year-old cousin found a 30-year-old girlfriend and was asked for a 200,000 dowry, can't figure it out?

Two days before the wedding, the two quarreled again, and they also made a move. If it weren't for the fact that the arrow is on the string, it is estimated that this marriage will not be concluded, the invitation has been sent out, and the hotel has been booked! All aspects of tobacco, alcohol and candy are ready! (The reason for the quarrel was that the girl was hungry in the middle of the night, so she asked my cousin to cook something to eat, and my cousin cooked a bowl of noodles, and the girl disliked it, saying that it was not delicious, and she babbled a lot, and my cousin got angry, and then slapped her, and the girl cried out of breath, and wanted to run away from home in the middle of the night!) My uncle-in-law persuaded me for a long time, but I couldn't persuade him! The two of them are going to continue to fight! As a result, my cousin was beaten out by my uncle, and my cousin was beaten for the first time in his life. It's sad. Because he felt that he was not wrong! I have been the most beloved child in the family all these years, but I didn't expect to be loved when I got a girlfriend, I was restricted everywhere and scolded everywhere! )

But they still had a simple wedding and didn't get a license! Because after many people knew about their trouble, many people didn't come that day! At that time, I thought that my cousin would cancel the wedding willfully, but I didn't think that it didn't, but it went according to the original plan! A lot of people only arrived on the second day!

The 24-year-old cousin found a 30-year-old girlfriend and was asked for a 200,000 dowry, can't figure it out?

Here I would like to tell you about the girl's family, their family is a bit patriarchal, his parents don't have a lot of love for this girl, on the contrary, I can see that they dislike it a little more, and wish she got married early, so I haven't fought for anything for my daughter, but has been suppressing her, scolding her and saying her, what about my cousin, I don't want to mention it, if you want to say that he is scum, he is scum, I don't bother to mention it.

Actually, I have a good relationship with my cousin, but his behavior has subverted my illusions about men! I was particularly amazed at how he could do such a thing, ruthlessly and unjustly. He used to be the most considerate person who knew me best, and I didn't know he had this attitude towards girls! The well-behaved and sensible younger brother in the past made me feel very strange!

The 24-year-old cousin found a 30-year-old girlfriend and was asked for a 200,000 dowry, can't figure it out?

So I want to remind many girls that when looking for a boyfriend, they must not get pregnant before marriage! No matter how much love you love, don't rely on having children to pinch a man, all you can pinch is yourself! When you fall in love, you must think clearly about all your retreats, such as your parents don't love you, no matter what you do, what will you do when the time comes? I've kicked you out of the house, what are you going to do? Be sure to take all of these questions into account! If a woman conceives and gives birth to a child before marriage, if you don't have the ability to take him and raise him, don't give birth, don't bring him to this world to suffer! No one will pay for your actions, only yourself! Do you understand? Including your parents! Human nature is very complicated, especially when you hurt the interests of others, the evil of people's hearts will be revealed, so that you can't take precautions and can't prevent it! Don't bet, you can't win, you'll only lose, remember to listen to advice!
