
Taijiang, you can't buy houses here, Zhongting Street, Shanghanghang, are all things for pit people

author:Xiaobaiguan property market

This article has a strong personal color in it, don't blame if you don't like it, don't disturb if you don't like it, don't spray if you don't like it.

As we all know, the development history of Taijiang is also very long, especially the wharf culture of Taijiang, and commercial trade can be traced back to hundreds of years ago. Along the north bank of the Minjiang River, Xiangban has now become a high-end office center, Ninghua Street has Vientiane, Baolong Super Commercial Complex, and Aofeng has become a financial street.

However, there is such a business district in Taijiang, not to mention the old and dilapidated, today's housing prices are lower than those in the suburbs of Minhou, and even the rent is very low.

With a set of real transaction cases to illustrate, cheap is not good, good goods are not cheap, and the unit price has fallen below 12,000 yuan / square meter.

Taijiang, you can't buy houses here, Zhongting Street, Shanghanghang, are all things for pit people

Transaction Community: Yangzhong Garden;

Transaction time: June 2024;

Transaction data: property rights of 96.8 square meters, 3 bedrooms and 2 living rooms, middle floor, southwest and north orientation, simple decoration, 1.21 million, transaction price of 12,500 yuan / square meter.

Property Transaction Analysis:

1. This house has been listed for 96 days, belonging to an old and dilapidated community in the Zhongting Street business district, the first listing price is 1.53 million, the price is adjusted 5 times, and the last listing is 1.35 million, the buyer bargains 140,000 yuan after reaching a deal, and takes the customer 7 times, presumably when the owner first started to sell the house, he couldn't imagine that his house was only worth 12,000 unit price.

2. Yangzhong community is an old and dilapidated resettlement housing community, with a total of 8 buildings and 723 owners, belonging to open management, needless to say, the environment is naturally dirty and messy, and the electric vehicles under the buildings are parked all over the corridors, and the cars on the road are often scratched, and the parking is very tense. The utility room has been converted into a storefront, and the smell of fresh vegetables is particularly strong.

Taijiang, you can't buy houses here, Zhongting Street, Shanghanghang, are all things for pit people

3. To be able to trade at the price of 12,500 yuan, it is already a blessing, in April, an intermediary also sold a set of small hardcover houses with a unit price of 11,551 yuan / square meter, and the existing owners listed 7 sets of houses, and the unit price of 12,000 yuan has appeared, perhaps after two months, the transaction price can reach 10,000 yuan / square meter.

4. In 2022, the transaction price of this community will be 18,000 yuan/square meter, and now it is 12,000 yuan/square meter, and the price will drop by 6,000 yuan/square meter in 2 years.

Buying Advice:

Zhongting Street business district, Shanghanghang Scenic Area, sounds like a very commercial and prosperous business district. As everyone knows, there is no longer the crowd of people in the past, a large number of real economy has closed stores, and there are few pedestrians walking around at night. Rich people have fled this section, and the cheap leeks have become the biggest pick-up man.

Taijiang, you can't buy houses here, Zhongting Street, Shanghanghang, are all things for pit people

Resettlement houses are piled up, dense building distribution, dirty and disorderly roads, all reveal that the community here, will eventually be eliminated, and some owners with conditions will change to the community of Industrial Road, or the end of the row, the new community here in Aofeng, Zhongting Street, these old and dilapidated, all of which are used for rent, also make the business district more complicated.

Persuade everyone, don't come here to buy a house, even if you buy it and wait for demolition, just ask, the market value is 12,000 yuan / square meter, can the demolition be compensated to 15,000 yuan? Secondly, with the development of the times, the houses here will only become more and more disgusted, disliked by the post-90s, and disliked by young people, not to mention middle-aged and elderly people.