
He is Chen Geng's old partner, "Zhuge Kongming" in the army, and his promotion speed is beyond the reach of his colleagues

author:The marshal talks about history
He is Chen Geng's old partner, "Zhuge Kongming" in the army, and his promotion speed is beyond the reach of his colleagues
He is Chen Geng's old partner, "Zhuge Kongming" in the army, and his promotion speed is beyond the reach of his colleagues
He is Chen Geng's old partner, "Zhuge Kongming" in the army, and his promotion speed is beyond the reach of his colleagues


He was born in a poor peasant family, but he counterattacked all the way and became a leader in the army. He fought side by side with Chen Geng and was known as the "Zhuge Kongming" in the army. The speed with which he rose through the ranks was beyond the reach of his colleagues. In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, he repeatedly performed miraculous feats and eventually became the founding general. His life is full of legends. Today, let's walk into Wang Xinting's legendary life and explore the extraordinary road of this military strategist.

He is Chen Geng's old partner, "Zhuge Kongming" in the army, and his promotion speed is beyond the reach of his colleagues

From herding cattle to being a general of the Red Army

In the winter of 1908, in Wangjiagang Village, Xiaogan County (now Xiaogan City), Hubei Province, a boy named Wang Xinting was born. He was born into a poor peasant family, but the atmosphere in the home was always full of love and warmth. Wang Xinting is the second eldest in the family, with an older brother and several younger siblings. The livelihood of the family is mainly maintained by the hard work of the father and the thrift of the mother.

He is Chen Geng's old partner, "Zhuge Kongming" in the army, and his promotion speed is beyond the reach of his colleagues

However, when Wang Xinting was only 7 years old, his father unfortunately passed away, which made the already difficult family even worse. But Xiao Wang Xinting was not defeated by the difficulties of life, and he began to study in the village's private school, showing extraordinary diligence and thirst for knowledge. He was like a sponge, eagerly absorbing the nutrients of knowledge. After completing his private school studies, he entered primary school to continue his studies, laying a solid foundation for his future life path.

Subsequently, 12-year-old Wang Xinting had to experience the hardships of becoming an adult in advance, starting to work as a farmer, and even as an apprentice and clerk. These experiences not only tempered his will, but also made him deeply appreciate the hardships of the people at the bottom of society. In 1926, the young Wang Xinting actively participated in the workers' and peasants' movement in Xiaogan County. He deeply felt that the country was at a critical juncture, and he was determined to contribute his strength to the liberation of the country and the nation. His activism and conviction made him famous among the local people.

He is Chen Geng's old partner, "Zhuge Kongming" in the army, and his promotion speed is beyond the reach of his colleagues

In 1927, although the Great Revolution was lost, Wang Xinting was not intimidated. On the contrary, he strengthened his revolutionary resolve and realized that the liberation of the nation could only be achieved through armed struggle. This change in thinking laid a solid foundation for him to become an outstanding military general in the future.

In the spring of 1930, Wang Xinting joined the 1st Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and in September of the same year, he honorably joined the Communist Party of China. He began to serve in the Red Army as a company instructor (political instructor) and political instructor, and gradually rose to prominence. His military and political prowess was further demonstrated.

He is Chen Geng's old partner, "Zhuge Kongming" in the army, and his promotion speed is beyond the reach of his colleagues

With the development and growth of the Red Army, Wang Xinting's position was also constantly improving. In 1931, after the merger of the Red 1st Army and the Red 15th Army to form the Red 4th Army, he served as the secretary of the regimental headquarters and director of the Political Department of the 30th Regiment of the 10th Division. He participated in a number of battles and campaigns, and each time he made great contributions to the victory of the Red Army with outstanding performances.

In 1932, Wang Xinting transferred with the main force of the Red Fourth Front Army and participated in the creation of the Sichuan-Shaanxi Soviet District. He not only participated in the counter-"three-way siege", but also held important positions. During this period, he actively promoted the political work of the troops, which greatly boosted their morale and consolidated their combat effectiveness. It is worth mentioning that he also planned and published the military tabloid "Invincible", which played a great role in propaganda and agitation at that time.

He is Chen Geng's old partner, "Zhuge Kongming" in the army, and his promotion speed is beyond the reach of his colleagues

In the years that followed, Wang Xinting continued to play an important role in the Red Army. He participated in many important battles, each time helping the Red Army to victory with his remarkable political work and leadership. In June 1935, he was transferred to the head of the Political Department of the Red Army University of the Red Fourth Front Army and began to contribute his strength in the field of education.

He is Chen Geng's old partner, "Zhuge Kongming" in the army, and his promotion speed is beyond the reach of his colleagues

The People's Liberation War made great contributions

In 1936, Wang Xinting became the head of the Organization Department of the General Political Department of the Red Fourth Front Army, and only a few months later, he was transferred to the Red 31st Army as the director of the Political Department. He was particularly adept at organizing and leading, and soon made the Red Army stronger.

He is Chen Geng's old partner, "Zhuge Kongming" in the army, and his promotion speed is beyond the reach of his colleagues

In 1937, Wang Xinting joined the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army and was responsible for the organization of the Political Department. After Japan's full-scale invasion of China, he immediately threw himself into the intense anti-Japanese work. He led the working group to publicize everywhere and mobilized many young people to join the Eighth Route Army and fight the Japanese devils together.

In 1938, Wang Xinting and Chen Geng became partners and fought side by side in the 386th Brigade. They fought many victories together, such as the battles of Changshengkou, Shentouling and Xiangtangpu, all of which were won beautifully, and dealt a lot of blows to the Japanese. Especially in the battle of Shentouling, it was really thrilling.

He is Chen Geng's old partner, "Zhuge Kongming" in the army, and his promotion speed is beyond the reach of his colleagues

Chen Geng

At that time, the Japanese stormed the Jinnan area, and the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army decided to counterattack. Wang Xinting and Chen Geng worked out a thorough plan together. Wang Xinting was very keen, and he saw clearly the situation between the enemy and us at once, and laid the foundation for winning this battle. As for Chen Geng, with his rich experience, he designed specific tactics.

As soon as the battle began, the two of them went to the front line to command, and when everyone saw that the leaders were fighting so hard, their morale naturally went up. As a result, in just two hours, they eliminated more than 1,500 Japanese devils and captured a lot of weapons and equipment. This battle not only made the Japanese fearful, but also made the prestige of the Eighth Route Army far and wide, and everyone was more active in resisting Japan.

He is Chen Geng's old partner, "Zhuge Kongming" in the army, and his promotion speed is beyond the reach of his colleagues

Later, Wang Xinting also served as the political commissar of the Taiyue Military Region, and was not only good at political work, but also knew how to command military. He worked hard to promote the political construction of the military region and enhance the combat effectiveness of the army. He also personally commanded many battles and successfully fended off many attacks by the Japanese.

In 1942, he went deep behind enemy lines and went to the Zhongtiao Mountain area to open up an anti-Japanese base area. The environment there was particularly harsh, but he managed to gain a foothold thanks to his familiarity with the terrain and his nimble tactics. He not only organized effective anti-Japanese armed forces, but also united many forces to resist the Japanese together. Under his leadership, the anti-Japanese base areas continued to expand, laying a solid foundation for the final victory.

He is Chen Geng's old partner, "Zhuge Kongming" in the army, and his promotion speed is beyond the reach of his colleagues

Wang Xinting took a group photo in the Taiyue Military Region. From left: Yu Manyun, Wang Xinting, Deng Shijun, Sun Dingguo.

In the following years, Wang Xinting continued to serve as commander of the Taiyue Military Region and other important posts, not only performing well in military affairs, but also achieving remarkable results in political work. He paid special attention to the political education and ideological work of the troops, thus enhancing the fighters' will to fight.

In 1945, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was finally won. But Wang Xinting did not stop to rest, and immediately threw himself into the preparations for the Liberation War. He led his troops to fight many battles, was good at summing up experience, and constantly adjusted his tactics, so he won a great victory in the War of Liberation.

He is Chen Geng's old partner, "Zhuge Kongming" in the army, and his promotion speed is beyond the reach of his colleagues

Especially in the Battle of Yuncheng in 1947, although the siege of Yuncheng was unsuccessful at the beginning, he did not give up, and after seriously summing up his experience, he finally used new tactics to conquer Yuncheng and eliminated more than 13,000 enemies. This victory not only demonstrated his military prowess, but also his tenacity and courage to innovate. In the following Jinzhong Campaign, he once again demonstrated outstanding command ability and made important contributions to the victory of the Liberation War.

With the deepening of the Liberation War, Wang Xinting's burden became heavier. He not only had to command the war on the battlefield, but also had to do the political work of the army. He often went to the front line, ate and lived with the soldiers, understood their difficulties and needs, and solved problems in a timely manner. In this way, the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the troops have been greatly enhanced.

He is Chen Geng's old partner, "Zhuge Kongming" in the army, and his promotion speed is beyond the reach of his colleagues

An outstanding military strategist who is loyal to the party and the people

In 1949, when the victory of the Liberation War was in sight, General Wang Xinting shouldered heavy responsibilities and was transferred to the deputy commander of the 18th Corps. He was not only an excellent commander, but also a morale-boosting political worker. In that turbulent era, he was like a solid beacon, guiding the soldiers of the Corps in the direction of progress and laying a solid foundation for the establishment of New China.

He is Chen Geng's old partner, "Zhuge Kongming" in the army, and his promotion speed is beyond the reach of his colleagues

Imagine that Wang Xinting at that time was not only the "brain" of the Corps, but also the "heart", he used his wisdom and enthusiasm to make every soldier in the Corps full of fighting spirit. Under his skillful management, the political work of the XPCC has been carried out vigorously, like a passionate symphony, inspiring every soldier to forge ahead bravely.

In 1950, Wang Xinting was again entrusted with an important task and was transferred to the deputy director of the Political Department of the Southwest Military Region, and was promoted to director soon after. He knew very well that the birth of New China was not the end, but a new starting point. Therefore, like a careful gardener, he meticulously cultivated the military's ideological and political work, so that every officer and soldier had ideals in their hearts and high morale.

He is Chen Geng's old partner, "Zhuge Kongming" in the army, and his promotion speed is beyond the reach of his colleagues

At that time, Wang Xinting also actively participated in local construction and social reform. He was an all-rounder, not only in the military, but also in the local area. His figure, like a high mountain, is stable and firm, and has contributed his own strength to the stability and development of the southwest region.

With the vigorous development of the new China, Wang Xinting deeply felt the importance of political work. Like a non-stop innovator, he promoted the continuous innovation of political work and made the military and the localities more closely connected, as if it were an invisible net that closely united everyone.

He is Chen Geng's old partner, "Zhuge Kongming" in the army, and his promotion speed is beyond the reach of his colleagues

In 1955, it was an affirmation of Wang Xinting's years of dedication, and he was awarded the rank of general. This is not only a personal honor, but also a recognition of his outstanding contributions. In the same year, he was transferred to the political commissar of the Jinan Military Region, and this important position change was like another gorgeous turn in his life.

In the Jinan Military Region, Wang Xinting continued his legend. He is like a navigator, leading the army on the road to regularization and modernization. At the same time, he did not forget to strengthen the military's ideological and political work and ensure that every soldier has faith in his heart and marches forward courageously.

He is Chen Geng's old partner, "Zhuge Kongming" in the army, and his promotion speed is beyond the reach of his colleagues

In 1963, Wang Xinting once again ushered in a new challenge and was transferred to the post of deputy chief of general staff of the People's Liberation Army and deputy secretary general of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China. This is an affirmation of his many years of military career and the starting point of his new journey. He served at the Academy of Military Sciences and was deeply involved in the preparatory work. Today, his wealth of experience and insights will breathe new life into the General Staff.

In the General Staff Headquarters, Wang Xinting was like a core figure in a think tank, offering advice and suggestions for the modernization of the armed forces. He went deep into the troops, like a close old friend, understood the real thoughts and needs of the soldiers, and provided valuable suggestions for the reform and development of the army.

He is Chen Geng's old partner, "Zhuge Kongming" in the army, and his promotion speed is beyond the reach of his colleagues

It is worth mentioning that in the changing year of 1972, Wang Xinting was entrusted with the important task of political commissar of the Academy of Military Sciences. In the face of the interference and sabotage of the "Gang of Four", he was like a brave fighter and, with a firm political stance and outstanding leadership, waged a resolute struggle against them and protected the normal development of scientific research.

However, the years are not forgiving, and in 1975, the elderly Wang Xinting chose to retire, but he did not stop moving forward. As an advisor to the Academy of Military Sciences, he is still like an enthusiastic instructor and provides valuable advice for scientific research.

He is Chen Geng's old partner, "Zhuge Kongming" in the army, and his promotion speed is beyond the reach of his colleagues

In Wang Xinting's later years, he maintained his loyalty to the party and the people. He actively participates in public welfare activities and cares about the growth of young people. His noble character is like a bright lamp that illuminates people's hearts. In 1984, Wang Xinting died of illness in Beijing at the age of 76. His passing is deeply saddened, but his legacy will always be remembered. He is like a bright star, although it falls, the light lives on.

He is Chen Geng's old partner, "Zhuge Kongming" in the army, and his promotion speed is beyond the reach of his colleagues


General Wang Xinting fought on the battlefield all his life, walked out of a poor peasant family, and finally became the founding general, and his life is full of legends. He not only had outstanding achievements in military affairs, but also showed extraordinary talent in political work. His firm belief, courage to innovate and selfless dedication are worth learning and inheriting from each and every one of us. The story of General Wang Xinting is not only a piece of history, but also a spiritual inspiration. Let's remember this great general in the comment section and share the inspiration and impact of his story on you!

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