
What to do if you get bitten by a dog? An easy trick can immediately make the dog loosen its mouth, and it must teach the child

author:Life is carefree, and it is a jack of all trades

In our daily life, dogs are good friends of humans, and many people have pet dogs at home. However, even the most docile dogs can sometimes suddenly become aggressive or even bite people for some reason. Being bitten by a dog is a serious safety issue especially for children. So, if you are unfortunate enough to be bitten by a dog, what can you do to get out of danger quickly?

What to do if you get bitten by a dog? An easy trick can immediately make the dog loosen its mouth, and it must teach the child

1. Don't panic

When bitten by a dog, the first thing to do is to stay calm. Panicking will only make the situation worse. The dog may bite you harder because of your violent reaction. Therefore, it is very important to stay calm.

2. Use the "Twist Your Ears" method

According to the advice of some experts and dog trainers, twisting a dog's ears is a quick and effective way to loosen the dog's mouth. A dog's ears are very sensitive, and when you twist its ears too hard, the dog will feel pain, thus loosening its mouth. This method is simple and easy to teach, especially for children.

What to do if you get bitten by a dog? An easy trick can immediately make the dog loosen its mouth, and it must teach the child

3. Pinch your nose

A dog's nose is also a very sensitive part. If you are bitten by a dog, try pinching its nose with your hands. This can make the dog feel uncomfortable and force it to loosen its mouth. This method requires a certain amount of strength and skill, but it can be effective in helping to get out of danger in an emergency.

4. Pressure on the eyes

While it may sound a little cruel, compressing a dog's eyes can also be an effective way to do it in an emergency. Gently press the dog's eyes with a finger or other object, which will cause pain and discomfort to the dog, thus loosening its bite. This approach needs to be swift and precise, but it can save lives in critical moments.

What to do if you get bitten by a dog? An easy trick can immediately make the dog loosen its mouth, and it must teach the child

Teach your child to protect themselves

1. Don't provoke the dog

The first thing to do is to teach the child not to provoke the dog. Many dog bites are due to children inadvertently irritating the dog. Therefore, teach children to respect animals and not disturb dogs while they are eating, sleeping, or caring for their young.

2. Learn to recognize your dog's emotions

It is also important to teach children to recognize the dog's emotions. For example, when a dog's ears are stuck back, their tail is clamped, or they make a low growl, it indicates that the dog is scared or angry and may attack. Teach children to keep their distance in this situation and not to go near dogs.

What to do if you get bitten by a dog? An easy trick can immediately make the dog loosen its mouth, and it must teach the child

3. What to do if you encounter a dog attack

Teach your child not to turn around and run away when attacked by a dog. Running stimulates the dog's hunting instinct and increases the risk of being bitten. Instead, the dog should be slowly backed away, maintaining eye contact, and commanding the dog to "stop" or "go away" in a deep voice.

What to do if you get bitten by a dog? An easy trick can immediately make the dog loosen its mouth, and it must teach the child

4. Practical exercises

Through simulation exercises, children can learn how to respond when they are bitten by a dog. For example, you can simulate a toy dog and let your child practice twisting their ears, pinching their nose, or pressing their eyes. This hands-on exercise can boost your child's self-confidence and emergency response skills.