
Emotional Story: The Truth Behind 15 Years of Multi-Pathogenic Hemangioma in a 45-Year-Old Woman

author:Gui Yingjia and Classroom (Fujian)

45-year-old lady asks for help with microphone problems:

1: I have 5 multiple liver hemangiomas for about 15 years, the largest is 6.9*10 cm, and the others are 2-6 cm.

2: The family has a debt of 200,000.

3: My son is tired of school in the second year of junior high school, his grades in various subjects have declined, he is addicted to mobile phones, and he has a bad relationship with teachers and classmates at school.

Emotional Story: The Truth Behind 15 Years of Multi-Pathogenic Hemangioma in a 45-Year-Old Woman

Mom said that Dad often beat her, Dad said to kill her to give four boards, Mom was angry about this matter, her parents often fought, she was afraid since she was a child, Dad also fought outside, Dad once wanted her one, she was born at the age of eight The second sister, the aunt scolded Dad for being out of the house, and then Mom gave birth to three younger sisters, Mom said that the burden was heavy and she was not born. She began to coordinate their contradictions, and if she didn't coordinate well, she would have a grudge against her father, and when she grew up, she always wanted to take care of her sisters, but she would fight if she was disobedient. She went to school and studied very well, when she was in the third year of junior high school, her father went out to open paddy fields, and the burden of the family fell on her mother, she felt sorry for her mother and stopped going to school and working with her mother. Dad will also fight when he comes back, she wants to go out to work, her mother won't let her, and her father is an accountant and has a sum of money that was embezzled by the factory director and couldn't get off the account, so he was sued. She must set up a door, and she can't let her father be confused, fight with others, and let others bully. She has a lot of resentment, and her grandparents are biased towards her uncle's younger brother, and she also holds a grudge.

She felt that marriage was boring, so she wanted to live a pure life and wanted to go to Qingxiu, but the family would not agree, she believed in the cross, she would always summon something when she was a child, and she was weak and sick since she was a child, and others asked her to believe this, she once wanted to be a preacher, the standard for finding a partner was not to smoke, not to drink, not to fight, she met her first husband with a pimple on his face, she did not dislike the harmony of his family, he and his father went out of the car, and did not feel feelings when they got married, they were both very indifferent, she felt that his family was more harmonious, and she checked out uterine fibroids before marriage, His father said that he did it before marriage, and he would get married if he could give birth after doing it, and he wouldn't get married if he couldn't. During the surgery, her right ovary was removed, leaving her fallopian tube. The first child gave birth to a girl, and my father-in-law had some ideas, and they lived together for two years very peacefully. Because when I got married, my family asked for a bride price of 20,000 yuan. The father-in-law said that the family had foreign debts, so he asked his mother-in-law to go out to work. She gets along very well with her mother-in-law, and at the beginning she got along very well with her father-in-law, but she felt that he treated her as a daughter, and she treated him as her father. The ex-husband is lazy, and she doesn't want to stretch out the work at home, and she doesn't feel anything. My father-in-law has a problem, that is, he saves firewood and burns a house. Whichever house has a fire in that room. When she was confined, she felt that she wanted to go to the toilet and use her father-in-law in the house, so she was embarrassed to say. Because she went to the toilet in the house during confinement in the north, she went home and talked to her mother about these things. Mom said that my father-in-law was not deep or had a bad mind.

Emotional Story: The Truth Behind 15 Years of Multi-Pathogenic Hemangioma in a 45-Year-Old Woman

When her ex-husband went out, her father-in-law and her were left to watch TV in her house, sometimes she would look at it with that kind of eyes, and she would also think about it over there, the flashpoint of the contradiction was that after she gave birth to her daughter, the milk was not good, and her daughter reached 19 pounds when she was five months old, but her daughter lost three pounds and did not eat milk powder at six months. She said that she would pinch the milk and give her milk powder. My father-in-law disagreed, saying that eating milk powder was too wasteful of money. She said that she had been separated, but her ex-husband disagreed, he felt that he would have to do all the work in the family after the separation, and he would not have to take some responsibility for the work at home if he was not separated. She had been in trouble for two months, and she took her daughter home when she was eight months old, because of the two years of marriage because of their father's car. She basically didn't live in her mother's house at home, and after she went home, she pinched the milk, which was her own decision, and the child began to eat milk powder weight up, and she just went home after the milk, she was worried about the family and their father to wash and cook for them, and her daughter found out that she was unexpectedly pregnant when she was four months old, and her father-in-law said to stay, because she had surgery before marriage, she felt frightened when she gave birth to her daughter, and this time she just gave birth to a child and had a worry about the body. The father-in-law asked her to stay, at least to see if it was a boy or a girl, and then decide whether to do it or not. She said to her ex-husband, you are out of the car and your mother is out to work. She took the child again and said that she was afraid that her body would not be able to support it. So they went and chopped up the child.

When the child was more than ten months old, her father-in-law slapped her in the mouth because of the child's milk powder. She said that I married your son, I didn't marry you, she wanted to fight with her father-in-law, and it happened that someone from the family came, and she also felt that she was very shameless, so she went down to the ground and put on her shoes and went back to her husband, and he said that you can't do this? She said that your dad hit me, and you didn't even squeak. She said are you still a man? I married you and didn't marry your father, why did my father-in-law beat me? He said I really didn't want a divorce. She said that I have been with you for two years, you can't think about it for me and the child, you can't even earn money for milk powder when you go out of the car like this every day? I also quarreled with my father-in-law in a quarrel before. He sent her to her parents' house, and her parents asked why she came back so late. She said his dad hit me in the mouth. The old sister said that the eldest sister doesn't beat her parents at home, why did your father beat her? The ex-husband said something and said that adults talk, don't interject with you, children. Mom said if you don't stay here, you'll go back. And he was gone. She misses the child very much, but she can't put down the grain in the field after the autumn harvest, and she doesn't collect it to solve this matter, her mother said that she will send you back after the autumn harvest, and after the autumn harvest, her parents found relatives and friends to say that there are different explanations for this matter, and her father said that she would find a few people, and if she said it was good, she would stay, and if she said it was bad, she would take her daughter away, and her father took a four-wheeled bicycle person away. My father-in-law asked you what you were going to do. Dad said you beat my daughter, what do you say I do? And they began to fight. She went back to the house and picked up the child, and her ex-husband turned around and kicked her mother, kicking off their previous relationship. His parents beat up their family of three, and his family sued for divorce. She originally wanted to have a child, but her husband said that his family was better off than hers, and his parents were healthier than hers, and in the end she weighed the pros and cons and gave the child to her husband, and she asked for visitation rights. During the Chinese New Year, she made cotton clothes and pants to send to the child, the mother-in-law's family was very unhappy, the child went to kindergarten, she went to see the pants and the urine was wet, she bought food and went home, her grandmother threw the food and beat the child. She ran into her husband and asked him why he didn't let me watch the children. Why hit a child? Her husband ignored her, and she caught up with her sister and started fighting.

Emotional Story: The Truth Behind 15 Years of Multi-Pathogenic Hemangioma in a 45-Year-Old Woman

The teacher is very good at communicating with the child in the fourth grade of primary school, she buys things for the child, and the child does not dare to take it home, the sixth grade teacher said that the child is not good at learning and let her take care of it, she said that the child is not in front of me and can't take care of it, she can only look at the school, the teacher said then you don't come to see, come and affect the child once. After the divorce, she went out to work and was dragged back by her father's lawsuit, and when the divorce was three years old, the lawsuit failed, and her mother was very depressed and died of a sudden heart attack. After his mother's death, he hated the factory director very much, and after his mother died, his father scolded her when he came back from drinking, and she hid out. When her parents beat them very hard, she also persuaded them to divorce. After her mother died, she wanted to marry all three younger sisters, and she traveled all over the world. She looked at three subjects, and every time she was about to get married, she regretted it again. One day Dad didn't get drunk and came back early, Dad said that he had raised you for 28 years and didn't borrow the light, she said that if it weren't for your lawsuit, I would have gone out to work to support myself, Dad wanted to find a wife, they didn't agree, she felt that the family business would be taken out by others. She wants me to be a family, she thinks he doesn't have any opinions at first glance, and she wants to get along with everyone else, and the subject is very considerate in the process. The year she saw the subject, his father died in an accident on a motorcycle. The conditions of his house are not good, she found a shining point in him, everyone is talking, he went out to feed the pigs by himself, and when she came back, she thought that she could still think about working in this situation. She decided to marry him, decided to treat her mother-in-law the same as her own mother, and was very happy and harmonious in the winter, and her mother-in-law said that he would not do anything.

After getting married, there was a conflict when there was work at home, his second sister's child was in the hospital, they were going to go to the hospital after getting married, and his second brother-in-law called his eldest brother-in-law and said that the child was serious and let him pay the whole money. The eldest brother-in-law said that he couldn't get the money. She went to her sister and took 5,000 yuan, and the children were out of shape. They didn't dare to hit human hemoglobulin, so she found someone and said that it wasn't that the hospital couldn't treat it, but that they didn't cooperate. She said how sure are you? They said it wasn't very serious, and it would be fine. She went back to communicate with her second brother-in-law, and she said that I had asked if I could save it, and the second brother-in-law finally agreed. When my father-in-law was alive, my mother-in-law didn't care about anything, and my uncle took my mother-in-law away, and she wanted to live a good life. She watched others grow watermelons to make money, she planted watermelons with her second sister, she found that pregnant women who planted watermelons could not be contacted, and after marriage, the mother-in-law did not care about the family, and when she got married, the object said that we live a good life and no one complains about anyone, and the husband raises pigs. She was afraid that the price would drop, so she asked her husband to sell, and her husband said that she couldn't get stuck, and the price of the pig fell every day, so she forced the pig to sell, which was the first time they had a conflict.

They went to their mother to farm, and her family caught some little piglets, and she said to her mother-in-law that you take care of yourself, just take care of the pigs, and after a few days two pigs died, and she and her husband came back and asked her mother-in-law what was going on? The mother-in-law said she didn't know. She was at home, her husband went to plant watermelons, and her mother-in-law played mahjong, so she was angry and felt that her mother-in-law would not live. One day when it rained, she couldn't go to the field and went home with her husband, her mother-in-law cried and said that the house was leaking, and she didn't have to do anything before, and now she had to move half a bag of rice to the upper house, and it was very difficult to take the child with morning sickness during the autumn harvest, and the mother-in-law was not a person who could live, and the mother-in-law would peel the bud rice at home, and the mother-in-law would not be able to peel two ears and wander away, and the mother-in-law said that she could earn two thousand yuan in the autumn. She said that her mother-in-law had a conflict with her mother-in-law, and there was a famine of 20,000 in the family, and she started to fight and thought that she should not step into marriage, and if the child did not keep her, she would not want to live, and her husband said that the daughter-in-law should live well! She looked at him and felt distressed, what was wrong with him was a mother who couldn't live on a stall.

Emotional Story: The Truth Behind 15 Years of Multi-Pathogenic Hemangioma in a 45-Year-Old Woman

The eldest uncle separated them, she planted the land for her mother-in-law, and took it back in the autumn, and they returned the famine. The second eldest sister owed her 5,000 yuan, so she asked for it back. The second eldest sister has no money, and then she has a conflict with her mother-in-law and doesn't give it, she wants to divorce her husband, and her husband follows wherever she goes. My aunt and mother-in-law have been vegetarians all her life, and she said that she didn't owe anything in her previous life, and she didn't see her today, so she didn't admit it. She fought with her mother-in-law, and the four eldest sisters went to her mother-in-law, and she wanted to cut off her husband's roots, she worked in the city, and the youngest sister wanted her to take her to the temple to live, saying that she was sick. My husband often asks for something, and she says that I will pay back the accounts of the living, and I must pay you the accounts of the dead. When her sister was sick, she took her sister to the temple, and the subject said to let her aunt and grandmother introduce her, and her aunt said to let them convert, and her husband converted, but she didn't, and she met a good man who asked her to work in his deer farm, and she miscarried two children in the deer farm. My sister is in labor, she says go back! She was not in good health, so they returned, and she went to serve her sister and found out that she was pregnant. The second sister and the younger sister gave birth five days apart. Traditional Chinese medicine said that she couldn't raise her qi and blood, how could she have children. The doctor said that she was not suitable for being a mother, and the subject was going to do it, but she couldn't do it yet, and when she came back, the subject said that as long as we lived a good life. She said that he didn't live because he didn't have a fate with me, and if I did it, I would kill him, and my husband said that it wouldn't hurt his body even more when he got older? When she came back, she looked for her aunt, and she took them to find a person with prestige, who had F-hall, and she stayed with him for a summer until her son was born. At that time, she was quite peaceful, and when she was born as a son, she thought that she had to earn money for her son. She threw the child at home and asked her mother-in-law to take it. She didn't make any money from mushroom sheds, and she didn't make money growing nest melons. After giving birth to her son, she found a hemangioma and said that regular checkups are OK, and after planting mushrooms for two years, she found that it grew to 5.0, so she didn't dry it after surgery, and her breasts also existed. She said that she went home to get the money, and she consulted the doctor who studied medicine and said that she had to go to a big hospital, and she went to Shenyang and said that it was benign and would wait for ten centimeters before doing it. She eats health products to find seeds, eats selenium, and struggles to send her son to and from school. At that time, she felt that there was no hope in life, and she did not want to leave a trauma on her husband and children, and she was very pessimistic. Others say that your husband marries whoever is the same, others sleep with your husband with your baby, she accepted the selenium element to open a store and then make stocks, her husband didn't let her do it, she said that she earned it back in half a year, and she had to do it to repay the loan, and she made money soon, she wanted to sell it! But she didn't make much money and was reluctant, her husband asked her to sell, but she didn't listen, and then the stock market fell to the bottom, and her husband said that he had no hope of living with her.

Later, when she came into contact with Teacher Yu Shan, she learned that there is a heavenly principle, and a woman has to be filial to her in-laws and respect her husband, so she reflected on her own changes. Dad said that she had changed a lot, and she said that you didn't plan for yourself at all, and she didn't see you well. Dad and the old lady were separated and didn't let Dad associate with them. Dad borrowed money from the third sister, and she also arranged the third sister. Dad had bile duct stones, and she suggested that Dad take selenium, but Dad thought he had no money and refused to let her take it for him. Dad's courage was keen, she complained to the second sister and the third sister that people are not machines, and one can be replaced if they are taken off. The second brother-in-law took his father out to work and let his sister farm, but she and the third sister didn't let her go, and she was not at ease. The second sister's father-in-law said that he could take care of it, and she said that if my father wanted to go, I would follow. She closed the shop and went with her father. Dad met an old lady again, and they called her Mom and thought they were possible. She said that this was not the same as before, and when she got off the platform, she rolled down and broke her leg. Dad got angry, and she said you can't go, and I won't go. Dad said that my uncle couldn't take it alone, and he didn't have much face. The old lady came to buy a medicine or something, and there are major things that don't need to be taken care of by my father. She went to work at the construction site, her father had pancreatic cancer and was yellow, her father asked her to go back to the construction site to work, and when her father was yellow again for half a month, she broke the small intestine when she was clear, and her father died in less than a month.

The teacher asked her to clear it, and her guilt for her father was rooted in her heart and couldn't be cleared. When she opened a selenium shop, her relationship with her mother-in-law eased, and her mother-in-law often said that her feet hurt because of the sequelae of cerebral thrombosis. She gave her mother-in-law food in the hope that she would eat her well. She cherishes this kind of family affection for a year, and her children care less about her. Mother-in-law has high blood pressure and is hospitalized, and mother-in-law has the feeling of the stars holding the moon. She called her mother-in-law, who said that she would arrive soon, and she and her husband joked that they felt like they were driving. She went out to work to give her mother-in-law some money and filial piety. My mother-in-law said that you are not rich, she said that I am filial piety, and after my father died, my mother-in-law was confused. She asked her husband to rent a house, her mother-in-law was sick, she served her mother-in-law without turning over her conscience, she cried when her mother-in-law died, and her eldest sister said that she was in place. Now that my husband is working outside, my son was more struggling to go to junior high school last year, addicted to mobile phones, and he was more irritable in studying. My son doesn't like to eat much.

Emotional Story: The Truth Behind 15 Years of Multi-Pathogenic Hemangioma in a 45-Year-Old Woman

After listening to her sharing, Teacher Yu Shan made a brief summary:

1. What problem do you want to solve today?

She said: I have a liver hemangioma that is too big and I am in debt, my children are in trouble, and my husband has severe fatty liver.

2. How many years have you been married to your husband? How many years have you spent with your ex-husband?

She said: Seventeen years, two years with her ex-husband.

3. You have been divorced for five years and married, and your eldest daughter is 24 years old? Did you get in touch again later?

She said: I contacted when I was doing micro-business, she called me to ask for money, and I was satisfied, she said that if she didn't want money from her grandmother, I don't know if the money was given to my daughter. She called me in high school and scolded me and said that my father and stepmother were at war because of me.

4. You haven't done anything since your daughter divorced when she was two years old, why did you divorce your ex-husband?

She said: It's no why, I wanted to separate it at that time, but my ex-husband didn't agree, and I complained to my father-in-law.

5. Why did your father-in-law slap you?

She said: I weaned my child and ate a can of milk powder for three days, and my father-in-law thought I was a loser, so I started with my father-in-law.

6. How much money did your husband earn at that time?

She said: He can earn five or six hundred a day.

7. Why can't you give your child milk?

She said: I don't know it's my problem.

8. Why don't you listen to them?

She said: I am already very obedient, I don't think I have made any decisions, my daughter can't be hungry without milk.

9. Your reasons are good...

She said: I don't learn the Tao and I won't recognize my mistakes. There was a pair of twins in the backyard who didn't breastfeed.

10. Know why they eat powdered milk?

She said: "Two children can eat milk powder, but I can't afford one child and complains."

11. Why did you marry your husband?

She said: Marry for the sake of marriage, I don't love him, and he doesn't love me.

12. Why do you think so?

She said, "I'm cold for both sexes.

Emotional Story: The Truth Behind 15 Years of Multi-Pathogenic Hemangioma in a 45-Year-Old Woman

13. On what basis do you think he married for the sake of getting married?

She said: I'm small, he has pimples all over his face, I don't think he's easy to find a partner.

14. So you went to his house and did whatever you wanted?

She said: I didn't think so at that time, you respect me a foot, I respect you a fight.

15. Do you want a bride price?

She said, "Twenty thousand."

16. The in-laws are with a son, and the father-in-law goes to your house to watch TV if it's okay, does the father-in-law have a TV in that house?

She said: I have it in my house, but then the TV moved to his house.

17. Will my father-in-law still come after the TV is moved?

She said, "No."

18. Your father-in-law is not deep here, but your mother has crooked thoughts.

She said, "It was someone else."

19. When you talk like this, others will be cranky, but you can discuss your father-in-law's affairs with others, and you don't regard your father-in-law as your father. Your father-in-law asked you to feed your child, you also fed your child milk powder, you think that your family's conditions can feed your child with milk powder, your father-in-law may be thrifty, they think that someone's milk is enough.

She said: I left the left ovary is able to give birth to grandchildren but not daughters, my father-in-law said what is the use of having a daughter, and after really encountering something, I feel that my father-in-law is patriarchal.

20. Your father-in-law likes outsiders who are not even related to you by blood, let alone his granddaughter. You have abandoned your own flesh and blood, and you are not qualified to say that your father-in-law is patriarchal. Did you scold your father-in-law when he slapped you?

She said, "No."

21. Didn't you fight at his house before you came?

She said: It looks very harmonious.

22. At least I haven't seen your father-in-law beat his son or wife, and your father-in-law wouldn't have slapped you if he hadn't been mad by you.

She said: I had a fight with my father-in-law before and I went home, and my mother said that I couldn't leave my daughter, so go back! Whoever doesn't fight, my mother will send me back after staying overnight. The two of them got out of the car, and I thought that my mother would send me back, and my father-in-law would fight with me. What I don't understand now is that my father-in-law and I didn't have too many conflicts.

23. If you don't stimulate your father-in-law, he can't slap you. Your father-in-law is not a grumpy person. What did he say? What do you say? The daughter-in-law has to say something irritating and get a slap.

She said: At that time, my father-in-law said that you would not leave? What are you doing back? I said it's my home, why can't I come back with my daughter and my husband?

24. You forgot what you said back then, you should have said something that hurt his old man.

She said: It should be said that I didn't marry you.

25. You are not a filial thing, you are a great rebel. Not to mention that the father-in-law and daughter-in-law did it, even the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law did it, and it was not a day's cold, and they were provoked and scolded, let alone beaten, you brushed it and went home.

She said: Before I cooked, my father-in-law gave me a hand, sometimes I said that my husband was lazy, except for the car, I didn't stretch my hand, my father-in-law was very good to me, others said that I married such a good daughter-in-law, I haven't fought for so long, my father-in-law said that she is good and I am embarrassed, and I am not happy when this word reaches my ears. I cleaned up the kang and spread the quilt on the kang, and my father-in-law said Aren't you capable? What did you do when you came back? I mean my home, why can't I come back.

Emotional Story: The Truth Behind 15 Years of Multi-Pathogenic Hemangioma in a 45-Year-Old Woman

26. It's terrible to forget your own mistakes, and it's a bad conscience to violate ethics, so that you can't remember one side of the story. He slapped you and you went back to your parents' house, and your husband didn't want a divorce. What are you doing at your in-laws' house?

She said: I cook, wash clothes and take care of the children.

27. Can you live without this house?

She said: Yes, after I entered the door, my mother-in-law went to Shenyang to work and earn more.

28. They are so capable that they will give money to whomever you want, and you have no gratitude at all. Did you take your child away when you were fighting?

She said: Yes, at that time, my father-in-law picked up the child and said that the divorce and the child could not be given to you.

29. Why did you go back to your parents' house for the first time?

She said: for milk powder.

30. All your problems are disobedience and arbitrariness. This time when I went back to my parents' house and was beaten and clawed, your father wanted to avenge you with more than a dozen people from your mother's family, and came to beat your in-laws and husbands, and you didn't have the heart to live.

She said: At that time, it was said that I would apologize and live.

31. He married you to be a disaster, and you came to threaten others, thinking that your father-in-law was frightened. Your father-in-law is not a person with a big temper, he is an old man who treats you as a daughter, he can slap you, did you say something rebellious to stimulate your father-in-law?

She said: I told my husband that my father-in-law was not deep.

32. What did you say to your father-in-law personally?

She said, "My father-in-law also said that I didn't come to your house deeply."

33. What you say is the other person's business, and you can't remember what you say at all. The biggest tumor may have been caused by this, right? I've given you the opportunity repeatedly, and there's not one thing that goes wrong. The temperament plays with the temper to reduce the disaster, and the bad morality often violates the ethics and often reduces the disease. You brought a four-wheeler person here, even if one of them thinks about this little baby, is it a person who lives a life? Is it a fuel-efficient lamp? You will stir up trouble and still don't say anything about scolding your father-in-law. In this case, you go back to your mother's house to add oil and vinegar, your mother's family wants to subdue people's people, you go to people's unfilial in-laws, disrespect husbands, and unloving children, thinking that your family is a golden egg laid by a golden rooster, and you want you to do it once on the left and right time when your mother's family wants you, they should do everything they should do to treat you as their own, and when you go out, you have to put on a padded jacket for fear that you will be frozen, and your mother-in-law will go out to work for whom? What are you doing here? You don't have the heart to live a life, you don't want to get married, you can't get married, your father-in-law can work hard, your husband cooperates, and your mother-in-law can do it. If you run to your mother's house twice in three days, pull a cartload of people and go to fight, it is the behavior of bandits, robbers, and hooligans. Don't say who's right and who's wrong, this approach to solving problems is too vulgar. People give 20,000 yuan to marry you, and you don't want 200,000 yuan from others, and you don't have the heart to live at all.

An ordinary housewife, don't say 24 years ago, just say now, let's not go to work to earn money for three days and 80 yuan a bucket of milk powder, you want to give your child milk powder when you are born, and you have never put your in-laws' words at ease. You do this is a lack of father and young mother, your daughter deserves to scold you to death, you are too pretending, too hypocritical, people don't let you feed milk powder, you don't feed it, ask people to ask people There are many ways to live with your neighbors, do you not want to live with him? You're so capable. Have you considered how your father-in-law and their family feel? You pulled a cart of people and beat your father-in-law's family, how much harm you will bring to the family after you do this. You have uterine fibroids before you get married, and people want to have a grandchild, why don't you leave such a big family business to your grandchild? Is it wrong? Someone marries a daughter-in-law and marries a barren? People will take the fate of the second half of your life for you, and your in-laws can be regarded as having a head and face in the local area, right? The neighbors have a good relationship. Where's your home? Your father works with the unit, with the neighbors, you are a militant, you come to this family, people can not do with you, can not want you, you always want to fight when you go to his house, do you know how much damage and damage this divorce has brought to his family? Is your father-in-law's family from the village?

She said: Later.

Emotional Story: The Truth Behind 15 Years of Multi-Pathogenic Hemangioma in a 45-Year-Old Woman

34. Originally, the back house was not welcomed...

She said: I didn't do anything, my father-in-law went to sharpen his knife, my husband beat me, and I confessed if I wanted to.

35. You are too capable to do it, just let you feed your child and you will feed it! You have to die, you ruined your eldest daughter's life, and in the next five years, under the stimulation of your father, you found your current husband again, and you don't have the heart of filial piety to respect your husband and love your children. How many children did you have at your mother-in-law's house?

She said, "Five, the husband is the youngest and he has one son."

36. After marrying you, the old man thought he had married a capable daughter-in-law. You say that your mother-in-law is just a life, are you qualified to say her? Is your mother-in-law divorced? Has your mother-in-law abandoned her husband and daughter? You are not qualified to say that your mother-in-law is just a life, and she has raised five children. When you go to the second house, you still don't have the slightest filial piety to your mother-in-law.

She said: At first, I thought that there were, and I didn't do filial things.

37. If you split up and your husband doesn't agree, you can't betray me no matter what, my parents are filial sons. The second wants to divide the family and not give you work, and does not give you a cow or a horse.

She said: I think that the old lady is just a life, and she doesn't know how to play mahjong if she doesn't work like other mothers-in-law.

38. When did my father-in-law leave?

She said: We left half a year before we got married.

39. What do you think about your mother-in-law not working?

She said: I didn't say anything the first time I got married, but I said it the second time.

40. Didn't you do it the first time? Making trouble in the Heavenly Palace is your behavior, and it's not all trouble if you only pull a four-wheeled person to his house. Do you think that setting his house on fire is a big havoc in the heavenly palace? What are you doing here?

She said: Blame and complain.

41. Accuse and complain on the spot, what happens later?

She said: Separated.

42. What did you do when your husband separated you from the widow and mother-in-law, and only one son?

She said: "The first year showed my father the house, and the second year I went out to work and went to the monastery for a long time.

43. You don't have the heart to be filial to your mother-in-law, your mother-in-law lost her husband and son within a year, and her son was alive but was taken away by you. How many children did you lose?

She said: Automatically left three.

44. Do you know why?

She said, "I didn't put my heart down."

45. You are too immoral to your mother-in-law, you can only bear fruit when you take root, and the child does not admire you. Have you ever walked together since then?

She said: We are together, after my mother-in-law was sick last year, I took care of it for half a year.

46. What disease?

She said: I had cerebral thrombosis and then cerebral infarction.

47. What is the status of the mother-in-law in the past six months?

She said: "I can't take care of myself.

48. Are you all taking care of it?

She said, "The eldest sisters also came, and the husband also took care of them."

49. Who takes care of more?

She said, "Me." I know I'm missing virtue in this area.

50. When did you start wanting to live a good life?

She said: With a son, that child can't make up for it, and she can't let this child lack a father and a young mother.

Emotional Story: The Truth Behind 15 Years of Multi-Pathogenic Hemangioma in a 45-Year-Old Woman

51. In fact, it is your husband who does not let go, what if he lets go? If you want to go, I can't put the widow mother aside, and then you will be divorced. If you push your husband into an abyss like this, it is called unfilial piety, and this unfilial piety is fifteen or sixteen years.

She said: Financially separated and still in the same hospital.

52. Why are you so ruthless, give some during the New Year's holidays... You also raise a son, and a widow is done by a son and daughter-in-law, do you accept? What exactly do you want? Your purpose is to keep your mother-in-law from spending the money your husband earns. Isn't it?

She said, "Yes."

53. What kind of money can the elderly have, isn't the purpose of separation just to be afraid that the old man will spend your money? I don't even know you're here! I seem to understand the purpose of you and your first husband wanting to separate the family, you think his family is very rich, if you separate, your husband will have money every month, this money will be in your hands, you can control it, your ex-husband is a filial son and can't let you succeed, you shouldn't let a widow mother-in-law like this, how has she lived in the past ten years? Are you too bad? How did you owe 200,000 later?

She said: I bought coins, and when others made money, I was red-eyed and bought 200,000 yuan.

54. Why are you so badly beaten, are you doing your job? You think that your mother-in-law is just a life, your mother-in-law has raised five children, and your own children don't do anything, you say that your mother-in-law is just a life, and your mother-in-law does not owe foreign debts, you owe 200,000 foreign debts. Do you listen to your husband? What kind of harm do you bring to your parents, in-laws, and husband if you don't do your job? What is your son doing now? Are you a student? What is he doing? Addicted to mobile phones, tired of studying. How do you feel, son? Are you afraid? Worried? Do you have any concerns for your son? If you can't listen to what you say, are you desperate? Are you despairing too many people? Who have you ever made desperate? (Parents, ex-in-laws, ex-husband, current mother-in-law and husband, and your daughter). What we have done in this life, what do we do in this life, what does your name mean? Do you think it's good for your dad to eat your selenium?

She said, "My dad doesn't eat it."

55. Is it good for my mother-in-law to eat? How much does it cost for a year?

She said: Thousands, it will be good to eat all the time.

56. Can people like you nourish their brains after eating?

She said, "No, I don't eat it now."

57. Do you know you're wrong?

She said, "Yes."

58. What's wrong?

She said: I don't know how to do my duty, I don't know how to be filial to my parents, I don't know how to respect my husband, I don't know how to love my children, I don't know how to live in harmony with my sisters, and I don't have a perfect relationship.

59. You have lost all five luns, you have brought great harm to everyone in five lun, how many hemangiomas do you have? How many relationships do you have? What did you scold your father-in-law?

She said: Shameless.

Emotional Story: The Truth Behind 15 Years of Multi-Pathogenic Hemangioma in a 45-Year-Old Woman

60. Are you ruthless in this sentence? Don't say scolding your father-in-law, scolding your husband will also slap you, you don't respect your father-in-law for a long time, your father-in-law went to your house to watch TV, and then went to other people's houses to watch TV, are you too much? If you don't scold him, how can you give you a slap? My father-in-law is a very loving old man, you are so capable that you are still quibbling. If you can't do it, you can bear it! The two of us have been talking about this tumor for more than ten minutes to give you a chance, how many old people have you scolded in your life for being shameless? What's the one thing you hate most about your mother-in-law?

She said, "You won't do it all your life, what will you do to support your son?"

61. This sentence should be said by your mother-in-law!

She said: My mother-in-law said that I would marry two daughters-in-law for my son, and I scolded my mother-in-law for being shameless, why do you say that you support your son? I used to think that a daughter-in-law who was a dead woman was very civilized.

62. Is this still a trifle? Who dares to scold their in-laws for being shameless? What's the worst thing you scold your dad?

She said: Shameless, don't have children for the sake of your wife.

63. Your father married his wife only because of an unfilial daughter like you! What does a woman do when she marries? Filial piety helps your husband to do the way, have you been filial? You scolded your father-in-law for being shameless, you pulled a carload of people to beat your mother-in-law's family, and your husband didn't divorce, where did you want to spend your ex-husband? Have you helped your husband? Are you doers? Which way have you walked? Your father asked you to pay off the debt before marrying your wife, and if your father doesn't marry your wife, you can't start a family. What happened to the debt code that didn't become a family? You still settle accounts with your father, who did your father give a carload of people? Your dad is in a lawsuit, if you say don't fight this lawsuit, can your dad get that disease? Did you hurt your dad? You see your ex-husband kicked your mother, why did your mother get kicked? It is because I have raised an unfilial daughter like you, and I have given it to you. The ex-husband and ex-in-laws are working, and the husband is not as capable as your in-laws, but when other people's parents can't do it, filial piety will be brought into play immediately. Did your mom get kicked? If you don't scold your father-in-law, can you be slapped without shame? Can you get yourself some chicken soup and fish soup without milk? If you don't care about the money every day, can you run out of milk? You follow your dad to sue every day, can your dad get that disease? If it doesn't hurt, can you go to your in-law's house? You have cheated your mother's family, your daughter is now your eldest son, you are here to collect debts, isn't that disease, can you learn the Tao well? Can you know how people do it? Has anyone sued you in this life for what people have done? If you don't raise your godfather, you can't teach your teacher too much. It's normal for your family to scold me and sue me if you don't do well, although I don't want anything else from you. If you don't work every day, you just listen to lectures and don't go to a serious place. Why don't you say that you are shameless to scold your in-laws and father? What's the most hateful thing you've ever said to your ex-husband and the husband you want to be there? You let your ex-husband separate from his parents, and he doesn't separate the family, what do you say?

She said: Waste.

64. You let your current husband and mother-in-law separate and not support him, how do you threaten him?

She said: Divorce.

65. Have you ever threatened your ex-husband?

She said: Did I say that I haven't had a relationship with you for two years? He said he had been with his dad for 24 years, and I said I would never be able to catch it in my life.

66. Whoever you go to will consume your husband from his parents and make them turn away from their own parents. What do you think when you see your parents arguing in your own home?

She said: Escape into the empty door.

67. Can you become? Which F is so immoral as you? People become F into that. You're 45 years old, and you should understand a lot of common sense. How? How can you make your dreams come true?

She said, "Do your best."

68. You have been acting arbitrarily for so long, and you can't do surgery at ten centimeters, so be careful to rupture. Your ex-in-laws and ex-husband can't control you, your mother-in-law can't control you, your husband can't control you, your son can't control you, and those tumors can manage you. People are wicked and people are afraid of the sky, is there any heavenly reason? Do you recognize it? Do more good deeds and accumulate yin virtues, be filial to your in-laws at home, respect your husband, love your children, and be harmonious and concubines. You are vicious to the extreme, tumors can manage you, diseases can manage you, those tumors are time bombs, and many injustices will kill you. Human beings are born in the Three Realms, and they are in charge of their temper and temper in their own right, and they have a bad conscience and violate the wheel of the wheel. If a person commits a crime, the law of the land will punish him. Heaven governs people with disasters, the earth governs people with diseases, if people manage people, it is a legal prison, and the Three Realms govern people in order to let people learn well. From now on, do more work, make more connections, and complete the five rounds. Since you are a person, you should make a good person a good person, you don't have to go where to go, know that all F is at home, are your parents F? Is ex-in-laws ex-husband F? Daughter, yes? Is the current husband yes? Are the current in-laws? The youngest son, yes? They teach you to learn, you have to let them give you praise, do you dare to be arrogant? Do you still dare to avoid the important and flaunt yourself? Do you want to make yourself better? Know what to do?

She said: "The five theories of perfection are good for humanity."

Emotional Story: The Truth Behind 15 Years of Multi-Pathogenic Hemangioma in a 45-Year-Old Woman

69. How can you be satisfied with your ex-in-laws, ex-husbands, and ex-daughters? The mortal sin will be gone as soon as it is repented. You must find out your faults and repent of them, and your house will be scattered. Your current husband is F and is your teacher. As a father and daughter, you say that the child is your teacher, you are the child's parent, you are your teacher, you are the wife and the husband is your teacher, and you are all right, and when the person on the other side says that you are nothing, you are nothing, and you are 100% responsible for your son's behavior, and you have harmed your child today. You have finished pit your mother's family, your parents' in-laws, your ex-husband's current husband, and your daughter's son, what should you do next? You must turn over your conscience, you must know that your ex-in-laws regard you as your own, you regard them as enemies, you woo your husband to become enemies with them, and you marry you in a sedan chair to marry you and want to have a good relationship with you, your dirty thoughts. You go back and do the universal homework, now the husband, mother-in-law, son, ex-in-laws, ex-husband, daughter, parents.

Now it's so good, people have hardships, and there are subsidies in the sky, and you have such a good husband, and if people can't treat you well, you will harm others. How can you make up for what you owe to your parents' ex-in-laws and your current in-laws? Help your husband to make your daughter-in-law really good, and have the opportunity to participate in Teacher Kaimo's study class to help your husband become enlightened. Your husband is a person like Mr. Kaimo, and he has made his daughter-in-law a real person, and his husband leads you to the light. Respect your husband Sun Xian and communicate with the children more, take the children around with more good food, listen more to the children's feelings, encourage and confirm the children more, it is still okay to do it here in the mother-in-law, the mother-in-law saved you, you do the Tao well, you have done a lot of wrong things, your mother-in-law gave you the opportunity to wipe the and pee, and do the Tao well. People's hearts are radios, and if you change, he will change, and when you feel really guilty about your ex-husband's family, it is also when their family forgives and lets you go, listen to your husband and listen to the class in the live broadcast room.


Emotional Story: The Truth Behind 15 Years of Multi-Pathogenic Hemangioma in a 45-Year-Old Woman

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